List of Kiravian academics

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P.G.W. Gelema

Main article: P. G. W. Gelema
Field: Urcean history, constitutional theory, and politics

Isimi Kunama

Field: Linguistics
Subjects: Varshani language
Affiliation: University of West Æonara; Institute of Cronan Studies
A notable Kiravian of Kulukusi ethnicity.

E.D.S. Nígatelluv

Field: Religious studies
Subjects: Abrigalasts
Affiliation: Deréssuv University, Serikorda

R.A. Pimagrumav

Field: Historical linguistics
Subjects: Lost Kiravic Coscivian dialects
Affiliation: Founding Fathers' University, Kartika

M. Hasuarin Talév

Field: Marxism
Notable works: Kirosocialism - Why? (211XQ)


Avvakuv Texavyrin

Field: Theology, Economic ethics
School: Neo-Scotism, Distributism
Notable works: Fallow Field and Virgin Lands: Cultivation as a Moral Imperative (211XL), Kiravian Homestead Hebdomadary (Editor, 211XP-present)
Texavyrin is a notable distributist writer, proponent of the Settlement Movement, and magazine editor.

E.H. Tomcollins

Field: Levantine political and economic history
Notable works: Witte: The Man, the Legend (211XR)

Xinarþrus S.P.R. Tórmalin

Marxist philosopher, Chief ideologist of the Kirosocialist Party from 211XX to 211XZ.
Notable works: On the Germans and Their Lies (211XY)

N.V. Salkatorin

Field: Mathematics
Specialty: Number theory
Notable works: Additive Strategies for Testing the Infinitude of Primes (211XA)

Salkatorin was fired from the Argévia State University after that institution's charter was revoked by the state legislature. The basis for his dismissal was a report by the State Universities Audit Board alleging that Salkatorin and his team had consumed over forty megawatt-hours of electricity and fried two supercomputers in their quest to discover the "biggest number ever". Salkatorin has disputed this characterisation of his research but did admit that the two supercomputer crashes occurred on his watch.