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The Peoples Democratic Paradise of Syliria

جنة سيليريا الديمقراطية للشعب (Arabic)
Sylirian flag since 1957
coat of arms since 1957
Coat of arms
Motto: الوحدة من خلال الحقيقة!
("Unity Through The Truth!")
Anthem: Lions at heart
      Location of XXX (dark green)
In XXX (gray)
Largest citySahtali
Official languagesArabic
Ethnic groups
Ardushani, Arabs, saqruni, alsahili.
Sunni muslim, Shia muslim
Demonym(s)Sylirian (noun)

Sylirian (adjective)

Sylirians (plural)
GovernmentUnitary Haqiqatist republic under a hereditary dictatorship
• president
Fayez Al-Fawaz
• Prime minister
Mabesh Al-Aziz
• Peoples Assembly
Farah Al-Assad
LegislaturePeoples assembly
• Kingdom of Syliria
1571 CE
• Free Republic of Syliria
September 23rd, 1936
• The Peoples Democratic Paradise of Syliria
August 7th, 1957
• Current Constitution, Economic Reform
July 1st, 1979
• Estimate
28 million
GDP (PPP)2030 estimate
• Total
$379.931 Billion
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Your GDP = GDPPC x Population (This is calculated for you after first entry)
• Per capita
HDI (2032)0.690
CurrencySylirian Dinar (SLD)
Driving sideright
Internet TLDSY

Syliria, officially the Peoples Democratic Paradise of Syliria (جنة سيليريا الديمقراطية للشعب ), in Arabic, is a country in Audonia. It is neighbored by XXX, XXX, and XXX. Syliria is a Multi Ethnic Nation Inhabited primary by Arabs but also by Ardushani's, Saqruni's and Alsahilians, all of which form Syliria, Sylirians primarily live in the coast of the nation and are a primarily sea fairing people but also hardened warriors who have their origins dating back to 10,000 bc, Who where once a tribal people who lived in Syliria's deserts and plains, however soon enough Ancient Syliria would discover agriculture and eventually collectivize, Ancient Syliria's name was unfortnutely lost to time, but some believe the modern day comes from The ancient Sylirian tribes, those where named Sabitrik, Artar, and Trovoq, As some Sylirian Elders recount through Oral storytelling, Ofcourse these names would later be arabized by the oduniyyad caliphate who conquered modern day Syliria, however the name Syliria still remained. However after the collapse of the Caliphate and decline Syliria remained a Independent Kingdom, until the 1930s when it became a republic, after which it was overthrown in the 1950s forming Syliria's modern government. that government being a one party state led by the Haqiqitan party, which has had a tight grip since its beginning, originally a socialist movement due to economic stagnation Syliria had a series of economic reforms which helped it become more pro bussiness, and eventually helped contribute to its GDP, these where done by Amir Al-Fawaz. Its largest cities follow as Alsayf, Sahtali, Minbabek, Alshams, and Eazim. Sahtali being a economic hub and trade Center for Syliria, historically its capital however it was changed to Alsayf as to create a much stronger image internationaly.

Syliria is a member of the League of Nations.


The origins for the Name Syliria are unknown however it is believed to have come from The ancient Sylirian tribes, Believing that the name is a combination of the words "Sy" Meaning Great and "Liria" meaning Lions, However it is unknown if this is really the way the name came to be as the Ancient language spoken in Syliria is lost to time.


Syliria was inhabited by Desert nomadic tribes, those being the Sabitrik, Artar, And Trovoq tribes respectfully, as told by Sylirian Oral history, The Sylirian Government has allowed very few Scientist from other nations to visit and explore its Ancient history However Those who are allowed to study are those form Syliria itself, as most sources for Sylirian History come from the Government. Though it is believed these tribes Inhabited the deserts of Syliria Nomadically for the majority of its history until these tribes eventually Discovered Agriculture and eventually established a Civillization, this civillizations history is mostly lost to time including its name, most Traders at the time however refered it as "Sahilia" though debates about its name still go on till this very day. Through this Civillization was eventually Conquered by the Oduniyyad caliphate and Eventually Arabized Sylirian culture through trade and through Marriages with Arabs, Syliria during this time Also became majority Muslim, its ancient religion is also lost and is considered dead. However during the Chaos and collapse of the Caliphate Syliria declared its independence, Right after the collapse in 1571, The Kingdom of Syliria Made most of its money through trade, Its society outside any major cities was majority Nomadic, however throughout the centuries Many settled down, eventually forming many of Syliria's Ethnicities, During the 19th century Syliria had a major Islamist movement, believing the Kingdom wasnt doing what it could to be more Muslim, Islamist used the Economic situation to justify their political means, they would eventually form a party in the 1930s when Syliria became a Democracy, Syliria's Kingdom and King would eventually be Overthrown in 1928, along with the Royal family he was Killed, Replacing the Sylirian monarchy was a Republic, one which was weak in power, Eventually Syliria's discovered Oil in the 1930s near its shores and in the Al-Safra desert, Despite such a discovery Syliria's Oligarchy However gave the vast majority of its profit to those in the Sylirian government, causing Economic downturn, as the people had less to eat and Syliria's quality of life declined one Mabesh Al-Fawaz Saw a oppurtunity, He was a General in Syliria's Army and eventually Overthrew the government in a bloodless coup in 1957, Establishing a Socialist Regime. However Despite Promises of a Better life for those within Syleria It didn't. Syleria's new government became a Oligarchy once again, The profits from Mining and Agriculture and its Oil mostly went to Its economic ministers and the Al-Fawaz family. This caused major protest in what's called the Alshams Revolt, starting in 1972,

First era

How was your country originally settled?

Second era

What were the first political structures of your country? Did it have any very early rivals or was it controlled by a foreign country?

Third era

What were your country's first major moves on an international level?

Fourth era

Did your country ever have a period of significant decline or internal struggle?

Fifth era

Was your country subject to imperialism later in its life, or was it an imperial power?

Sixth era

How did the 20th century affect your country?


What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?

Climate and environment

Is your country hot or cold?

Government and Politics

How is your country ruled or governed?


Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?


What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?


What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?


What kind of people live in your country?


Self-reported ethnic origin in the XXX (20XX)

  1 People (81.4%)
  2 People (7.2%)
  3 People (3.8%)
  4 People (2.8%)
  5 People (2.2%)
  6 People (1.4%)
  Other (1.2%)

What ethnic groups make up your country?


What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?


Religious affiliations in the XXX (20XX)

  Religion 1 (94.5%)
  Religion 2 (1.7%)
  Religion 3 (1.3%)
  Religion 4 (.5%)
  Religion 5 (2%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


How many people in your country are educated?

Culture and Society

What do your people do, and what are they like?


What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?

Attitudes and worldview

How do your country's people view life?

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


What do your people eat?


What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?

Economy and Infrastructure

How does your country's economy work?

Industries and Sectors

What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?


What exchange systems are used within your country's economy?


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?


How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?