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Cowboy Crisis

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Cowboy Crisis
Part of South Cronan Narco Wars and Occidental Cold War
DateDecember 7, 1979 – October 4, 1983

Decisive Tierradorian victory

  • Tierradorian annexation of Winnecomac County
  • Smaller skirmishes along the northern mountain border from 1983 to 1985
  • ADF forces heavily reduced following Naihungo Accords

 Walakee Tierrador

Supported by:


Supported by:
Commanders and leaders
Walakee State Pedro Gomez
Walakee State Daniel W.K. Šaphiana
Tulangia George Lamaqal
Ulunkheria Victoriá Âbalaq
Asteria Mitch Holcomb
Asteria Hotah Aranck

170,000 total troops

  • 118,150 TDF personnel
  • 40,000 Civilian guerrilla fighters
  • 9,850 State Troopers (Tulangia & Ulunkheria)
  • 1,100 Porlosi-Ceylonian coalition personnel
  • 900 Woqalate Guard personnel

107,450 total troops

  • 81,400 ADF active-duty personnel
  • 14,600 ADF Home Guard personnel
  • 10,300 Other (policing forces, other auxiliaries)
  • 1,150 Fanerian advisors
Casualties and losses
Walakee State 4,454 killed
Walakee State 9,377 wounded
Asteria 10,473 killed
Asteria 17,134 wounded

The Cowboy Crisis, also known as the Asteria-Tierrador War and/or the Winnecomac War, was an armed conflict which lasted from December 7, 1979 to October 4, 1983, between Tierrador and Asteria. The majority of fighting took place in the Tulangia and Ulunkheria commonwealths. Asteria's initial objective in the Cowboy Crisis was to conquer as much Tierradorian land as they could. This included the qoyalets of Lakawachee, Auxaca, and Sapaqo, with the penultimate goal of leveraging these gains to negotiate the integration of Ulunkheria and Tulangia into Asteria. The Cowboy Crisis was considered a proxy war, part of the much larger and more impactful South Cronan Narco Wars and the Occidental Cold War.

Asteria had formerly been a cluster of colonies controlled by Levantine power Faneria for 61 years, until the Asterian Revolution and the subsequent independence from Faneria. The city of Winnecomac had been taken in 1835 through spillovers in western Qabóri qoyalets, due to the large amount of Fanerian colonists taking refuge across the border. Following this, many smaller skirmishes have taken place throughout the city and across the borders of both nations. Until 1954, Tierrador did not officially recognize Asteria as an independent nation, mainly in-part due to the original capture of Winnecomac being considered an invasion, rather than the Asterian description of an "intervention to halt the presence of Fanerian oppressors." Under Pedro Gomez and Daniel W.K. Šaphiana, the Woqalate officially recognized Winnecomac as part of Asteria until the early 1970s, during which time Faneria, now under a republican government, began seeking closer ties with Asteria to create trade and influence inroads in western Crona through the former colony. The build-up to the crisis mostly began with reappearing disputes followed by Šaphiana's Revocation, which was the official rescinding of Tierradorian recognition of Asterian sovereignty over Winnecomac in 1974. Following this event, many confrontations began, starting between local police forces from the areas surrounding Winnecomac on both sides. This would eventually escalate into an armed conflict, with ADF troops, under the leadership of Asterian President Mitch Holcomb and ADF General Hotah Aranck, crossing the border into Ulunkheria on December 7, 1979.

Initially, Asteria sent about 15,000 troops, hoping to take the Lakawachee Qoyalet in a swift manner. The Asterian Air Force had firebombed the cities of Sevier, Naqauba, and Waqolia, causing thousands of Tierradorian civilian casualties. These attacks had led to the condemnation of Asteria from the League of Nations. In response to the firebombing, Qaphenć Daniel W.K. Šaphiana called for all citizens of Tierrador to fight back against the Asterian invaders, in his infamous "Show No Mercy" speech. The ADF was met with fierce resistance from not just the TDF, but from various State Patrol squadrons in Tulangia along with guerrilla forces, comprised of former TDF soldiers and civilian firearm owners who felt an obligation to defend their country. Approximately one year into the war, the Asterian military presence in Tulangia and Ulunkheria had increased to approximately 46,000 troops and fighting across the region intensified; the complication of the war effort gradually inflicted a high cost on the Asterian as military, economic, and political resources became increasingly exhausted. Despite these complications, Asterian nationalism and domestic support had increased heavily.

The war had taken a swift turn in late 1981, as an attempted push of Ulunkheria from the north and west, dubbed the March to Prisamarina, had been ambushed by a coalition of TDF, State Patrol, and civilian guerrilla forces. This marked a pivotal turning point in the war, as it allowed for the Tierradorians to reorganize, in which they used this advantage to plan and execute a full-scale invasion of Asteria, which started with the recapture of Winnecomac, almost 150 years after the original invasion. This would be known as the "Great Pushback," and involved 101,000 TDF soldiers pushing towards the Asterian capital of Concordia, overrunning several major Asterian cities and military formations on the way. The war ended with the 1983 Asterian coup d'etat, and the removal of Mitch Holcomb from office, in favor of an ADF-led military junta which would last until 1987. Following the implementation of the new Asterian government, the Cowboy Crisis was officially ended on October 4, 1983, through the Naihungo Accords in Naihungo, Alcosky.


Disputes over Winnecomac

While there were many factors that caused and escalated the Cowboy Crisis, many agree that the continued disputes between Asteria and Tierrador was one of the root causes of the conflict. Winnecomac had been founded by settlers from the rogue Western Republic settlers in 1811, to serve as a midpoint between the nation and Fanerian settlements in Asteria. After the independence of Asteria in 1836, which subsequently included the capture of Winnecomac by Asterian forces, along with the fall of the Western Republic in the 1870s, tensions between Tierrador and the newly-founded Asterian state grew exponentially as the city of Winnecomac became an extremely important economic and political location. Several small skirmishes took place in the city during the late 1800s and the early 1900s, which persisted until the outbreak of the Second Great War, in which Tierrador began reducing its military attention towards Winnecomac in favor of the ongoing global conflict. Following the death of Woqali Satola Sanléc in 1953, her successor, Pedro Gomez, officially recognized Asteria as an independent nation, along with recognizing Winnecomac as rightful Asterian territory, citing the city having no use of importance towards the Woqalate. This caused mass outrage throughout the western regions of the country, as many took note to the sizable Native Cronan population residing within Winnecomac, whom were regarded as "victims of Asterian oppression." Regardless, Gomez stood by his affirmation, as to not cause tensions between the already-contrasting nations. During the 1960s, many Tierradorian citizens expressed their discontent with Winnecomac being under full Asterian control. Despite relations being neutral between the two nations, the onset of Tierrador's immigration and illicit drug crisis caused the border between them to be heavily guarded, as to make it more difficult for cartels to smuggle illegal narcotics to and from Tierrador. This made lawful civilian movement within the nations an extremely difficult process.

Illicit trade to and from Tierrador

Another catalyst for the Cowboy Crisis would be the consistent illegal narcotics trade, which took place throughout the many border regions of Tierrador. The onset of the South Cronan Narco Wars mostly preoccupied the Gomez-led Woqalate, and so there was heightened security measures taken across all borders. Despite this, the illegal trade and smugglings persisted, and would typically escalate into armed conflicts, such as the Mosquito War. Ironically, Gomez had stated in 1977, 2 years before the outbreak of the Cowboy Crisis, that an armed conflict similar to the Mosquito War was "not an ideal outcome," and he had advised high-ranking members of the Woqalate to take measures to avoid armed conflict over the black market. On September 2, 1979, a Tulangia State Patrol outpost in Hariqo, a small town located fifteen miles from Winnecomac, seized and confiscated a 1964 Sardan Stinger sedan, and discovered several tons of marijuana, which had been outlawed in Tierrador at the time. Tulangia Governor George Lamaqal had originally claimed the narcotics smuggling to be state-sponsored by the Asterian Government, a claim which eventually would be debunked by the State Bureau of Security. Regardless, with increased smuggling from the Winnecomac area, it would eventually raise suspicions of the Asterian side of the border.

Lead up to the war

The increased militarization of Eastern Asteria, closest to the border between Tierrador, was a major cause for concern within the Woqalate. On October 6, 1974, Qaphenć Daniel W.K. Šaphiana announced the revocation of Tierradorian recognition of Asteria as a sovereign nation, known as "Šaphiana's Revocation." The almost-random political move sent shockwaves throughout both nations, along with striking a large wave of uncertainty throughout the rest of South Crona. Šaphiana cited the heavy mistreatment of native Cronans, specifically the ethnic Winnecom people, as the main reason behind this move. For the next five years, the city would be the site of many armed skirmishes taking place between personnel from the Tulangia State Patrol, TDF, and the ADF. Because of this, Winnecomac would become one of the most dangerous cities in South Crona, eventually causing a mass exodus of over 70,000 people moving out of the city. Eventually, on December 7, 1978, exactly one year before the outbreak of the Cowboy Crisis, Gomez and Holcomb would meet in Concordia, Asteria to discuss a peaceful resolution to the constant skirmishes. These discussions somewhat deescalated the situation, as both nations agreed to demilitarize certain areas of Winnecomac.

Following the demilitarization of Winnecomac, Asteria would impose economic sanctions on Tierrador, claiming that the TDF and TSP initially refused to pull out of Winnecomac even after the demilitarization talks in Concordia. Governor Lamaqal attempted to reassure the Asterian government that the TSP personnel were in their designated areas, only leaving by accident or for leisure. In the fall of 1979, the ADF would deploy personnel back into Winnecomac. This placed tensions between both nations at the highest they have been since before the Concordia meeting. At this point, armed conflict had become inevitable, with both nations increasing the military presence on each side of the border. Eventually, on December 7, 1979, the first Asterian troops would cross over the border into Tulangia, officially declaring war on Tierrador.

Tierradorian Front (1979–1981)

First Asterian offensives

Firebombing in western Tulangia

Asterian march to Prisamarina

Asterian Front (1982–1983)

Governor Âbalaq retaliates

"Great Pushback"

Capture of Winnecomac

Asterian coup d'etat

Naval operations

Knock yourself out burg

Foreign participation

Prior to and during the invasion, Asteria was a major importer of arms from the growing military complex being rebuilt in Faneria. This included large quantities of small arms ammunition and artillery shells, but more impactfully included RADAD and reconnaisance systems, large-bore cannon, and whole personnel carrier systems which Asterian industry either could not produce at scale or simply could not produce, which significantly enabled the ADF to weather extended combat for far longer than it could have sustained alone.



See also

2033 Winnecomac County crisis