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Country Kiravian Federacy
State Xula
ClimateThermotemperate oceanic

Tolôn is the largest city of Xula and the principal port on the southern coast of Great Kirav.

Tolôn is the leading port for Kiravian trade with Cartadania and Heku, and is particularly important as the main port of entry for Kiravian oil and gas imports from Cartadania and for coffee imports from both countries. It is also an important base for Kiravian oil and gas exploration in the northern Sea of Odoneru and for colonial imports of sea oil from Uruvun. It is a crucial link in Great Kirav's energy supply chain, as the site of three large oil refineries and the terminus of five oil and three gas pipelines running northward and north-eastward to supply Central Kirav and the populous Northeastern, Mid-Continental, and Mínhanska Bay regions with fuel. On the export side, Tolôn is the main port of departure for products from Central Kirav, South Kirav, and Northwestern Kirav southbound to Continental Ixnay, Pribraltar, the Melian Isles, Sydona, and the Saxalin Islands.

Tolôn Naval Harbour is the administrative headquarters of the Kiravian Navy's Southern Fleet (its areal command responsible for the Sea of Odoneru), while the operational headquarters is located in Èusamur, Uruvun.

Tolôn has an ethnically diverse population. The city was founded by Valosian and Kostiatem Coscivians, who are still present in the city in large numbers and dominate its political establishment. Other ethnic groups with large communities in Tolôn include Swamp Coscivians and South Kiravians from neighbouring parts of the region, Korlem Coscivians from nearby Korlēdan, Tryhstians, Ispem and Kālatem Coscivians, Hâlatem Coscivians, Sea Coscivians, members of the primarily nomadic Tānkem Coscivian people who traditionally migrate along the South Coast, Alkharvis, Melotes, Cartadanians, Hekuvians Hekuvian Coscivians, Rumeli Coscivians, Slakoscivians, Woolzi Arabs, Deep South Coscivians, Low Antaric Coscivians, Pribraltarian and St. Kenneran Coscivians, and Daxian. Due to the large Tryhstian and Cartadanian populations and the city's strong business ties to Cartadania and the Tryhstian Littoral, Portuguese is widely spoken in the city. Most restaurants in Tolôn offer Portuguese menus, and most cinemas show films with Portuguese subtitles.

Companies based in Tolôn
