
Revision as of 10:11, 7 January 2022 by Kistan (talk | contribs) (I'm gonna check back when I'm properly awake to see if I did the subdomain spot right)

.fh is the internet top-level domain associated with the Republic of the Fhainn. It is state-owned and managed directly by the Office of Civil Services Electronic Infrastructure Bureau (note to self add it to the roster).


The .fh domain's government sites have been accused of employing dense and unintuitive URL addresses; in response, the government released an (Chrome equivalent, firefox equiv or w/e) extension in 2013 that converts the listed URL to a tooltip with more informative naming than the original address. The original address appears when the text is selected to allow viewing in a text bar or for selection.

Subdomains and Sites

.fh sites will typically list language options in the URL's subdirectory, with each page defaulting to Fhasen (site.fh/fs/page). Other languages currently offered are Aenglish (/ae), Latin (/lt), Standard Coscivian (/cs), the Fiannrian dialect (/ff), and Cape Coscivian (/coc). Other languages can be somewhat translated with built-in browser functions. Subdomains for government sites are often used for organizations, namely rfn., (add others) for the major administrative offices of government as well as cpa. for state company sites and asg. (from asgaidh, 'free') for nongovernment sites leased under the .fh domain. Listing under the .fh domain is not required but is common for companies that operate primarily or exclusively in Faneria or want to attain the coveted status of a Private State-Aligned Corporation.


(example: https://rfn.gov.fsh/fs/jobs_machinist_entry)

State Sites

(bureau, company, office sites)

(legislature site)

(government main site)

(state media frontend site - other one for hiring, touring, backend stuff)

(curated history and tourism sites)

Major Non-Government Sites

(a few companies based in Faneria