Talk:Sinking of the Siorat Cartanais

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@FHFyddinFeadaral and the Office of Trade and Travel have confirmed that the cargo vessel Siorat Cartanais appears to have suffered a mechanical failure or bombing of some sort. Several crew are stated to be missing, and Capetian emergency response units are assisting in salvage and crew recovery efforts at the request of the government. No official statement has been made as of yet.

The Siorat Cartanais was convoying with the Sioratnamar and Seabnamar, which have been diverted to Capetian coastal waters for the time being. @FHFyddinFeadaral has made unofficial remarks on the deployment of the support ship Coscach and a pair of destroyers to the Cape pending an investigation into the cause of the explosion.

A cross-Office spokesperson confirmed this morning that three Fhainn remain unaccounted for after the incident with the Siorat Cartanais, and that the vessel has sunk after a lengthy rescue operation by Capetian blue water assets. The Coscach and escorts are also confirmed to be on their way to assist with deep-sea recovery and investigation efforts. At this time, the leading suspected cause of the sinking appears to be a torpedo attack, although no organization has as of yet claimed responsibility.

In other news, the sinking of the Siorat Cartanais was determined by the able crew of the deep sea research vessel Coscach to be the work of a surface torpedoing, believed to be a result of Varshani interdiction. The revalations have caused a stir as the specific targeting of the convoy is suspicious, and an investigation into possible moles within the office of Trade and Travel and the merchant marine has been launched. As a result of this turn of events, the Despot and High Council has approved a formal declaration of war against Varshan, as well as a formal declaration against Algoquona on behalf of the Malki.

Siorat Cartanais - bastardization of 'charitable spirit'. other ones are bastardizations of 'Sea Hawk' and 'spirit of the sea'. The Coscach is a cruiser-sized deep sea research vessel, which also means it'll have an extensive diving setup, seabed mapping suites, and maybe a winch or crane if the water is shallow enough.

Yeah, let's do higher end conventional missiles prototype hypersonics or something maybe? Fhainnin hypersonics shipped to the cape for field testing in the war? Or are you out of it now? that'd be great actually would it be found out by the ship sinking? No, but it means we'd want to try and save or salvage some of the missiles a little sus indeed when we ignore the people in the water for the boxes on the deck so iā€™m guessing a slower sink? Yeah, there can be survivors but we can have them picked up second

Yeah, you of course can grab as many of the boxes as you can, and the Coscach will grab any intact containers it can that're left over for you after the ship's sunk After all, it's expensive equipment whether it's sold or gifted, so no sense letting it sit. Or stay as evidence :Mont: tfw awkward discovery of treaty contravening missiles at the sea floor 20 years from now