Economic and Social Council (Kiravia)

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The Economic & Social Council or Economic & Social Soviet (Coscivian: Askolax-Timoniulix Sovèt, Askolatimoniulisovèt) was the political and administrative apparatus through which the Union government controlled the Kiravian economy under Kirosocialism. It had broad authority over economic policy, being the apex body for socialist economic planning, redistribution systems, state-owned enterprises and national industries, monetary policy, sector-specific regulation of non-state enterprise, natural resource management, social and labour policy, development projects, price controls, and capital allocation. Its highest-profile responsibility was formulation and implementation of quinquennial economic plans.

The ESS was established in [YEAR], X years into Kirosocialist Party dominance and Y years before single-party rule, as the New Economic Commission, in order to facilitate the socialist restructuring of the Kiravian economy. The existing web of specialised Federalist-era regulatory agencies and state-level bodies was found to be insufficiently organised and centralised to implement the Party’s agenda. Soon after single-party rule began, the powers of the ESS were expanded in order to transfer control of economic policy away from the Union Soviet, which had evolved (by Central Committee design) away from a legislative and decision-making rule and into a ...full of legislator-pundits, honorees, and party-functionaries.

The ESS was intended as an élite council of politically-reliable technocrats thoroughly vetted by the Party Central Committee. It essentially became one of two cabinet-equivalent bodies in the Kiravian Union, the other being the State Council (Ārkakovar), which was responsible for more traditional “matters of state”, such as foreign policy, defence, and justice.

The ESS was required to have an odd number of members no fewer than 9 and no more than 19. By convention, the Premier, the Grand Labour Union Poo-bah, and XYZ always sat on the Soviet.

Calls for Revival

In the Post-Kirosocialist period, many Christian-democratic, Christian socialist, Wittonian socialist, and social-democratic politicians have advocated the establishment of a new Social & Economic Council to improve governance of socio-economic and work matters. Since 21197, the Caritist Social Union platform has called for a Social & Economic Council organised on a corporatist basis with an advisory role vis-à-vis the Executive College and some supervisory powers over certain executive agencies. The Popular Democratic Front has pledged to reconstitute the original ESS as a “transparent and accountable body to guide economic development, stamp out the excesses and abuses of corporate avarice, and centre the human and social dimensions of economic life in policy decisions as Kiravia moves toward a socialist future.”

See Also