Constituent states of New Harren

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The constituent states of New Harren, also sometimes called the constituencies, are the twelve primary social, political, and administrative unit of New Harren. The constituencies are mostly nation states of the indigineous peoples of eastern Cusinaut, bound together by the Kingdom's confederate apparatus. The constituencies are largely self-governing and follow four basic types of government.

Current states

New Harren

Rectory of New Harren
Flag of Rectory of New Harren
CountryNew Harren
Cathedral CityPort St. Charles
 • DeputyStephan Falaise (M4C)
 • Total10,122,643

The Rectory of New Harren, often simply referred to as "the Rectory", is the principally Urcean component of the Kingdom and was established as a colony of Urcea in 1858. It is the largest constituency in the Kingdom both in terms of geography and demography; it comprises a large part of the Kingdom's territory and is populated by 9 million people, almost half the Kingdom's 23.1 million population. This figure increased to over 10 million with the incorporation of the former territory of the Weluta-New Mixcala condominium Originally the expansive but sparsely populated territory of the Schoharie people, the Rectory of New Harren slowly expanded over tribal territory from 1858 to 1910, during which time the population grew rapidly. Like Urcea's provinces, the Rectory has an elected executive (called a Deputy) and a bicameral legislature comprised of the Senate and Deliberative Assembly. Much of the Rectory's government mirrors that of the Government of Urcea, retaining a similar cabinet structure to that of the Concilium Purpaidá. The Rectory is divided into fifteen dioceses, again mirroring the local government structure of Urcea. Unlike Urcea, New Harren does not employ a guild system, and it employs only two kinds of localities; the Urcean commune and the Urcean polis.

Port St. Charles, governed as a polis, is the oldest city in the Rectory of New Harren. Originally serving as an important coaling station into "inner Crona" (the internal Sea of Nysdra region), the city became an important military port in the years leading up to the Second Great War, as the Urcean Royal Navy established the city as the headquarters of the new Nysdra Squadron, established in 1927 to protect the colony from foreign aggression. The colony was not harmed during the war, and following the conflict some veterans were given parcels of land in the colony. Despite these developments, New Harren remained somewhat populous for a colony but largely irrelevant until the War of the Northern Confederation and discovery of uranium further north. With the establishment of the Kingdom, the Rectory of New Harren has become the cosmopolitan hub of the Kingdom and residence for many non-Levantine descended New Harrenic. Port St. Charles, as the Kingdom's capital city, has grown substantially with the establishment of political and diplomatic quarters; a large service economy has grown up around the Kingdom's central government apparatus, leading to beneficial ripple effects throughout the entire Rectory. The Rectory's population is overwhelmingly of Levantine descent, with 93.1% of the population in 2024 recording "some or entire Levantine ancestry", though the non-Levantine population is on the rise as Port St. Charles continues to grow as an economic hub. The growth of the city and attraction of people throughout the Kingdom has turned Port St. Charles - and the Rectory as a whole - into a cultural melting pot, developing new and interesting variations on both indigenous and Levantine cultural traditions.

In 2032, the Rectory annexed most of the territory that was previously part of the Condominium of Weluta-New Mixcala. The territory, at the time of annexation, was about two-thirds indigienous with one-third Levantine-origin minority. This new northern portion of the Rectory has become a major site of settlement of refugees from Varshan, filling the vacancies left by the disposessed Tepetlcali people. With the annexation, Rectory officials changed policies officially allowing the Tepetlcali people to return and settle in their homeland. The annexation of the condominium has had an overall net negative effect on the overall statistical wealth of the Rectory, though significant public investments into the area are planned. In addition to the return of the Tepetlcali people, large tracts of land have been set aside for purchase by Levantine settlers or for settlement by Varshani refugees.

The Rectory is largely urbanized and has extensively developed infrastructure, ranging from highways, railways, and the nation's only major international airport. Port St. Charles is a major seaport in the Nysdra Sea and northern Crona region.


Dominion of the Mixcala
Flag of Dominion of the Mixcala
CountryNew Harren
 • PresidentHayonwakê (M4C)
 • Total3,292,978

The Dominion of the Mixcala is an indigenous nation located in southern New Harren, just north of the Rectory. It is bordered to the east by the Nysdra Sea. It is sometimes referred to as the "Old Dominion", as it was the first indigenous nation in New Harren to ally with Urcea during the War of the Northern Confederation. The vast majority of the 3.1 million ethnic Mixcalan live within the dominion, making up the overall majority of the dominion's 3.3 million population.

Politically, the Mixcalan-Levantine relationship is one of the most important in New Harren, as it formed the original basis for which the confederation was established.

Mixcala entered the confederation in 2010 as the most urbanized of the indigenous states.

Due to its extended exposure to the Rectory of New Harren, Mixcala has the third highest percent of Christian population behind New Harren and Borealia, with 54.2% of the population being members of the Catholic Church.


The Dominion of the Cheektowaga


The Dominion of the Tonawandis

Free Cities

The Free Cities, formally known as the Federated Cities Administration, are a series of city states which were members of the Northern Confederation sitting on the border between Algoquona and Cheektowaga. The population of the Free Cities is approximately three quarters of a million people. These cities largely act autonomously of eachother and are self-governing. The Free Cities area is overseen by a Legate who serves a two year term, beginning with the first election in 2030. The Legate is elected by the mayors and chiefs of the various cities and has limited power. The primary responsibility of the Legate is to ensure fair trade relations between the cities and to raise the requisite number of soldiers from the cities according to the manpower needs of the Kingdom’s defenses.

Free Tribes

Like the Free Cities, the Free Tribes, formally known as the Federated Tribal Administration, are a number of small and primarily autonomous tribal groups who previously served as members of the Northern Confederation. Their total population is approximately a quarter of a million people. Many times, these tribes also served as tributaries of Algoquona and Tepetlcali, which made them natural allies of Urcea and Mixcala during the War of the Northern Confederation.

These tribes, which retained their promised autonomy after the war, typically life in small villages or communal agricultural settlements. The economy of the Free Tribes area is mostly subsistence farming with the development of some cash crops since the advent of New Harren. Like the Free Cities, the Free Tribal area has a small regional government, with a Legate responsible for territorial defense and conflict resolution. The Legate is elected by the heads of each of the recognized tribes, which currently number at 43. Like they Free Cities system described above, the Legate of the Free Tribes serves a two year term.


The Dominion of the Honeoye is an indigenous nation located in northern contiguous New Harren. It was one of the four nations that formed the Nysdra Provisional Republic prior to its annexation, and was one of the so-called "four neighbors".


The Dominion of the Gowandis is an indigenous nation located in northern contiguous New Harren. It was one of the four nations that formed the Nysdra Provisional Republic prior to its annexation, and was one of the so-called "four neighbors".


The Dominion of Canandaigua is an indigenous nation located in northern contiguous New Harren. It was one of the four nations that formed the Nysdra Provisional Republic prior to its annexation, and was one of the so-called "four neighbors".

Its population is the least Christian of any member of the confederation. 92.4% of the population are adherents of the M'acunist faith tradition, though census information indicates this figure has dropped since 2020 in favor of a growing Christian population.


The Dominion of the Saranac is an indigenous nation located in northern contiguous New Harren. It was one of the four nations that formed the Nysdra Provisional Republic prior to its annexation, and was one of the so-called "four neighbors".


Province of Borealia
Flag of Province of Borealia
CountryNew Harren
Capital CitySancti Antonii sedes Legationis
 • DeputyGeorge Narnish (M4C)
 • Total316,375

The Province of Borealia is the northernmost state of New Harren and a territorial exclave, separated from the rest of the confederation by the Algosh Republic. It was previously the Unnuaq Mission State, which existed from 2017 through 2032.

It has the largest Catholic population of any state besides the Rectory, with 90.1% of Borealians reporting to be members of the Catholic Church as of 2030.

Acuera people


Province of Canisteo
Flag of Province of Canisteo
CountryNew Harren
Capital CityCanisteo
 • DeputyMorgash Haltep (CUP)
 • Total442,873

The Province of Canisteo is a constituent state of New Harren established in 2032. It was created from lands of the formerly free city of Canisteo, parts of the military frontier, and a portion of the former Weluta-New Mixcala condominium. The territory was established to largely correspond to the economic footprint of the city of Canisteo, which was the largest of the free cities prior to its incorporation as a Dominion. The dominion was created, in part, to preserve the mostly-indigenous-favored political balance of the country, accounting for the dissolution of the New Mixcala condominium and the addition of Borealia.

Unlike the other states within contiguous New Harren, Canisteo is not a ethnically or nationally homogenous entity. It was created out of differing parts of Cusinaut who had longstanding trade and diplomatic relations, many of whom held more localist identity rather than large national-tribal identities. Most people in Canisteo speak Algosh, but demographers believe that the people in the province most ethnically resemble Tonawandis, Mixcalan, and Tepetlcali people.

With Borealia, Canisteo is one of two constituent units of New Harren to use the so-called "Provincial" form of government. This form of government describes an Occidental style government used by a state with a majority indigenous population. Accordingly, Canisteo employs a unicameral legislature with a strong executive whose title, Deputy, mirrors that of the Rectory of New Harren.

Politically, Canisteo's leaders have a noted Occidentalist and ethnically cosmopolitan point of view, largely due to the largely urban-centric character of the province.

Former states

Military frontier

The military frontier was not a constituent state of New Harren but existed as a territory of the Kingdom from its incorporation in 2010 through 2032, though its size was drastically altered between its formation and dissolution. The initial Treaty of Narasseta contemplated the creation of a transitory zone between New Harren and Algoquona's borders which would allow traditional migratory peoples to continue their way of life undisturbed while also allowing historic grazing patterns to continue. It was initially envisioned that the frontier would be patrolled by the Royal and Imperial Army rather than using static border protections in order to ensure the maximum viability of the project. Over time, it became evident that Algoquona would not create the corresponding transitory area provided for under the treaty, gradually leading to militarization of the frontier area.

The military frontier was governed directly by local commanders of the Royal and Imperial Army with consultation and coordination with the government in Port St. Charles. It was divided into various military zones of operation, which at times also included jurisdiction of adjoining active state militia forces. Disputes between Port St. Charles and Urceopolis throughout the 2010s led to a gradual reduction of the mandate of military commanders over local resources and forces, but with the beginning of the Final War of the Deluge zone commanders received functionally unlimited power to act and control local forces. These zone commands were gradually transferred to the new Royal and Confederate Army as Urcean regular forces redeployed to face Varshan.

In its initial construction, the military frontier stretched from New Harren's northwestern border with Algoquona in the free tribal area to the eastern coast in the Tonawandis dominion, and was roughly ten miles deep. Some alterations were made to the territory in the period between 2013 and 2018, removing and adding territory based on natural geographic features at the request of the constituent members. By 2020, the frontier was just a mile wide at its smallest point and 50 miles wide at its deepest.

The Final War of the Deluge significantly altered the character and nature of the military frontier. As Algoquona was slowly beaten back and territory removed from it, new lands were provisionally added to the military frontier as its martial nature allowed for quick transition to military governance. The establishment of the Nysdra Provisional Republic negated the need for most of the initial boundary of the frontier. New territories added to the Kingdom following the annexation of the Republic and subsequent addition of plurality Algosh-populated buffer zones required a major expansion of the military frontier, which was confirmed in 2024. Although its original purpose was no longer present, the military frontier became the de facto method of organizing the large amounts of unorganized, unincorporated territory added to the Kingdom. It would become a major political issue in the late 2020s, as the central government and various constituent states disagreed over the future of these territories.

In 2032, the central government began to partition the military frontier. The Mixcala were given a large exclave of territory in exchange for their sale of the Condominium of Weluta-New Mixcala to the Rectory of New Harren. Most of the frontier was partitioned among the Tonawandis and Cheektowaga dominions who had traditional pastoral uses of the territory. One of the most prominent free cities, Canisteo, was joined to portions of the frontier it had longstanding economic and social relationships with to become the new Dominion of Canisteo. A portion was also provided to the free tribes, many of whom held traditional pasture on those lands.

Weluta-New Mixcala

The Condominium of Weluta-New Mixcala was a jointly administered by the Rectory of New Harren and the Dominion of Mixcala. The territory, previously the lands of the Tepetlcali prior to the sack of the city by the Mixcalans, was partly based on subsistence farming, as most industries had been destroyed during the War of the Northern Confederation. The primary economic activity, however, is uranium mining, as the rich uranium deposits in the Condominium have been key in the explosive growth of Urcea’s nuclear energy sector. Mutual control over the territory was part of the initial agreement binding the Mixcalans and Urceans together.

The mostly depopulated region demographically consisted of approximately two thirds indigenous population - the remnants of the Tepetlcalis and Mixcalan settlers. The remaining third were Levantine smallholders or designed communities of Levantines. The Rectory and Dominion of the Mixcalans had agreed upon a fixed ratio of Levantine-to-Mixcalan settler permitted to move to the Condominium, but the agreement was disrupted and eventually abandoned in the face of new settlers from Varshan. In 2030, Mixcala formally rejected a request from the Royal government to allow some resettlement of the territory by Tepetlcali people. In 2032, Mixcala agreed to sell its rights in the condominium to the Rectory of New Harren - with financial support from the Government of Urcea. Mixcala also received portions of the former military frontier as compensation. These changes occurred within the broader context of territorial realignment in New Harren. As part of the agreement, Weluta-New Mixcala was directly added to the territory of the Rectory in order to preserve the balance of states within the confederation and also to ensure the Tepetlcali did not receive a distinct voting unit. In March 2032, a small portion of northern Weluta-New Mixcala was ceded to the new Dominion of Canisteo.