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Avenirskara is a Kiravian colonial territory located in southern Cusinaut.


Avenirskara was the second Kiravian colony to be established on the mainland of Cusinaut, being administratively separated from the territory of the first, Porfíria. The first Kiravian settlement was built early in [YEAR] at Parera by a group of 700 colonists contracted by the Colonial Authority.

[The rest of the lore is out of date and no longer computes]


Avenirskara has a chartered colonial government with the four familiar executive, fiscal-legislative, resolutive-judicial, and fiduciary-conservative branches found in many mainland Kiravian state governments.

Since [Year during the exile], the Governor of Avenirskara has been appointed by the Prime Executive of the Kiravian Federacy "on the advice of the citizenry". In practice, the "advice of the citizenry" is operationalised as the result of an instant runoff vote election held every six years and contested by candidates nominated by the [Board of Estimate or whatever]. An individual may not serve two consecutive terms as Governor, but is eligible for reäppointment after six years out of office.


Society and Culture

Back-to-the-land movement. More displacement and reservation, less miscegnation makes for a more purely Coscivian culture. Variety of ethnic groups, some rooted multiethnic communities, usually united by religious denomination.

Coscivian migration to Avenirskara occurred in two major waves. The first wave, during the 16XXs anno Domini, was undertaken by settlers from Northeastern Kirav, mainly Eshavians and Svéaran Kir.

Exurban development in the eastern corner of the colony.

Wheat beer is a notable fixture of Avenirskaran culture. While limited in popularity elsewhere in the Kiravian Federacy, wheat beer was introduced via commerce with the nearby Urcean colony of New Harren, and local production made possible by Avenirskara's significant output of hardy wheat cultivars.

25-28% Tańsrisan


The Avenirskaran economy is traditionally agricultural, lacking the mining and intensive timbering heritage shared by the rest of Kiravian Cusinaut. In modern times, the economy has diversified somewhat, with strong growth in the service sector, construction, and tourism, and modest growth in light industry, healthcare, and brewing.

Development challenges in Avenirskara include high land prices and an undynamic real estate market. Much of the country's rural land is held by community trusts or otherwise subject to entailments and encumbrances, constraining the supply of land for sale and imposing high transaction costs, with the effect of inhibiting land development. Avenirskara has a rather high birthrate, but also a very high emigration rate, with the constant efflux of Avenirskaran-born people to other parts of Kiravian Cusinaut in search of cheaper property and urban job opportunities considerably impacting the colony's economic growth.


idk, some shit
Typical rural landscape in Co. Alsōren
idk, some shit
idk, some shit
City of Parera
idk, some shit
More of the same.
idk, some shit
Onshore wind farm.
idk, some shit
Coscivian towerhouse
idk, some shit
Lobster trapping operations
idk, some shit
Scenic Avenirskara coast
idk, some shit
Neo-Anderan architecture in Co. Tarakan