Féraluir Sekerin

Féraluir Avuetrevir Hirakanuv Sevastyan Sekerin is a Kiravian kirosocialist politician currently serving as a Federal Delegate from Vôtaska. He is the Chairman and Legislative Director of the Popular Democratic Front caucus and a member of the Politburo of the Independent Socialist Party of Vôtaska.
Born unexpectedly in a public sauna in rural Lake Wexico County, Vôtaska, Sekerin was born into a working-class family of Hopper origins that he describes as "null-parent, not 'dual-income' as thin-lipped, espresso-swilling FRA types on Ansalon Island would say." His father was a long-distance trucker and his mother a textile worker at a flannel shirt factory in Xistódarin. Both parents had been union members at the beginning of their working lives, but economic reforms after the end of Kirosocialist rule led to many changes in that area of the country, including the de-unionisation of the flannel plant and Sekerin's father eventually becoming self-employed. Sekerin and his four siblings were all employed by the age of 14, mostly at shops and restaurants in the town of Frāsertren. After graduating high school on a technicality due to the cancellation of his senior year in response to a particularly virulent outbreak of modelovirus, Sekerin took a job at a lightbulb plant in Nív-Pálusar.
Sekerin is positioned on the more radical wing of the modern Kirosocialist movement. Staunchly anti-capitalist, he takes umbrage with other members of the Popular Democratic Front who, in his words "are working towards a socialist market economy as an end in itself, rather than as a path towards a fundamentally different and superior mode of production: socialism". He is even more radically opposed to the rise of social democratic ideas among modern Kiravian socialists, splitting from the established Socialist Party of Vôtaska over what he perceived as complete social-democratic transformation of the party's platform.
Raised in a nonpracticing, nominally Christian family that was "too tired to go to any church and wouldn't know which one to go to anyway", Sekerin spent much of his early political career adhering to "that undefined, consciously understated humanistic deïsm common among the old Kirosocialist pioneers." However, after meeting with Father Waikato Wematanye, a Melliferan priest and member of the Communion of Christian Labourers at a conference in [City] in 21131, Sekerin and his family began the process of converting to Catholicism.