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Malentina as a whole is mainly an agricultural economy with exports focused on sugar, liquor and tobacco. This agricultural sector has moved back and forth between producing enough food for the nation to be self-sustaining.
For the past few centuries, the Malentine economy as whole has largely been agricultural, with its largest exports being {{wp|sugar}}, {{wp|liquou}}, and {{wp|tobacco}}. This sector, due to constant shifting in priorities and the lasting effects of the environmental damaged caused by the intensity of farming and the great focus on a plantation-based agriculture, has largely oscillated between producing just enough food for the nation to being very self-sustaining. In recent years, the focus on big plantations have largely died out due to an increase in environmental awareness and successful government initiatives in environmental recovery. Most new agricultural establishments are under strict regulations to ensure that they are not only self-sustaining, but are also causing little to no environmental damage in the long term, and older plantations have since been ordered to take steps towards environmental consciousness to help mitigate the damages caused in previous years.

The nation also maintains a steady mining sector, mainly focused on cheap metals like nickle and zinc. The islands used to produce a good amount of paper products in the 19th and 20th centuries but a combination of deforestation and preservation efforts have almost wiped this sector out completely.
Since the 19th Century, Malentina's next-largest sector of the economy has been in the mining sector, with the focus being on cheaper metals such as {{wp|nickel}} and {{wp|zinc}}. Although cheap, the sheer abundance of these two metals have been noted for bringing in big profits for the nation's mining firms, making it a very stable sector in the long term. Prior to the 1970s, there used to be a major paper manufacturing industry, with Malentine paper once being among the finest types of paper in the world due to its relative durability compared to other paper products; Malentine paper was once used as the main material in banknote paper from the mid-19th Century all the way to the 1970s when cotton-linen blends began to be used after the last paper mills on the islands were closed down permanently due to deforestation and early environmental preservation efforts. There have been no plans to revive the defunct paper industry due to a lack of interest in Malentine paper.

The islands also happen to be a great place to catch large amounts of high value crustaceans as well as other fishing products to a lesser extent.
Another industry that has been consistently reliable for the Malentine economy is the fishing industry, which has been a viable way of income for many coastal settlements throughout the country. The most valuable catches within the fishing industry are typically various crustaceans, mostly due to its ubiquity throughout the Occident as an exotic high-end food despite the fact that it often sells for cheap when buying directly from the fishermen who have caught them; the expense comes from the amount of money thrown into preserving the crustaceans for transport across the world. Asides from crustaceans, there are other species of fish that have been caught in Malentine waters, but the exact value and ubiquity of these fishing products are nowhere near the high status attained by the crustaceans caught in the [[Songun sea#North Songun Sea|North Songun sea]].
While Malentina's power grid still largely relies on the use of {{wp|fossil fuels}} for the generation of energy, thanks to the country's very flat geography, itself being made even more flat through the years of deforestation and environmental damages brought upon by agricultural interests, the islands are seen as an ideal candidate for the implementation of {{wp|wind power|wind energy}}. {{wp|Wind farms}} are not an uncommon sight in Malentina, and the amount of energy produced by the {{wp|wind turbines}} have accounted for 17% of all energy generated in the country in 2030, and there have been plans to double the percentage of power generated by wind farms by the end of 2040

While the nation still largely relies on hydrocarbons for energy generation thanks to its very flat geography improved further by the reduction in forested areas the islands are perfect for wind-power turbines. At this point they have successfully implemented enough turbines to make up 17% of their electrical output, with plans laid to double this by the end of 2040.
The Malentinan military is a shadow of its former self. A nation who ones heavily focused on their ability to project naval power and punch enough above their weight to actually have the ability to contest other nations in their region now only maintains a pretty basic land military force with a complete lack of military tradition and suspected of large-scale corruption.
The Malentinan military is a shadow of its former self. A nation who ones heavily focused on their ability to project naval power and punch enough above their weight to actually have the ability to contest other nations in their region now only maintains a pretty basic land military force with a complete lack of military tradition and suspected of large-scale corruption.


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