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{{wp|Soapmaking}} is a major industry and source of employment, though since the end of Kirosocialism the large industrial soapworks have declined in favour of smaller operations selling market-diversified products, many of which are artisanally crafted. A growing number of small and medium soapworks in Krasoa are coöperatives. Krasoan soap is highly regarded in Great Kirav and Sydona and is increasingly sold abroad. Several traditional types of Krasoan soap have been granted geographic designations and other intellectual property protections by the Kiravian government.
{{wp|Soapmaking}} is a major industry and source of employment, though since the end of Kirosocialism the large industrial soapworks have declined in favour of smaller operations selling market-diversified products, many of which are artisanally crafted. A growing number of small and medium soapworks in Krasoa are coöperatives. Krasoan soap is highly regarded in Great Kirav and Sydona and is increasingly sold abroad. Several traditional types of Krasoan soap have been granted geographic designations and other intellectual property protections by the Kiravian government.

The {{wp|Tanning (leather)|tanning industry}} is important in Krasoa, producing leather from both emu and mammal hides and fashioning finished leather goods (mostly handcrafted) for export.
The processing and packaging of {{wp|essential oils}}, plant extracts, and other similar nonfood plant products for export is a significant industry in Krasoa, supplying aromatherapeutic, homeopathic, and cosmetic customers abroad.
The {{wp|Tanning (leather)|tanning industry}} is important in Krasoa, producing leather from both emu and mammal hides and fashioning finished leather goods (mostly handcrafted) for export. Within the Kiravian Federacy the Krasoan provinces punch well above their weight in the {{wp|footwear industry}}, specialising mainly in ladies' shoes and Western-style men's dress shoes. Leather accessories such as wallets and handbags are also produced. During the 1950s and 1960s, the Tavira Tanning Works supplied leather for the interior furnishings of automobiles assembled by [[Exgen]] in Æonara. It ceased to be the exclusive supplier in 1968 AD and was finally dropped in 1976 in favour of more affordable foreign leather.

During the [[Punthite Quasi-Wars|Kiro-Burgundian Gin & Tonic Race]], the [[Colonial College]] tried to establish {{wp|cinchona tree}} plantations in suitable areas of Krasoa, to obtain a domestic supply of cinchona bark from which to extract {{wp|quinine}}, in order to bypass the effective [[Cartadanian]] monopoly on the substance. These efforts were frustrated by difficulty in obtaining the necessary land and smuggling saplings out of Cartadania. As such, the Krasoan plantations were slow to reach maturity and were not targeted for arson by [[Burgoniesc]] saboteurs like their counterparts in the Melians and Saint Kennera. Kiravia's eventual defeat in the Gin & Tonic Race led to the Colonial College selling off the plantations, and most of the land was converted to other uses. However, a few sites remain, owned by a local private company, Sovakaīn Tonics of Krasoa SAK, which produces artisan tonic waters for the Kiravian market.
During the [[Punthite Quasi-Wars|Kiro-Burgundian Gin & Tonic Race]], the [[Colonial College]] tried to establish {{wp|cinchona tree}} plantations in suitable areas of Krasoa, to obtain a domestic supply of cinchona bark from which to extract {{wp|quinine}}, in order to bypass the effective [[Cartadanian]] monopoly on the substance. These efforts were frustrated by difficulty in obtaining the necessary land and smuggling saplings out of Cartadania. As such, the Krasoan plantations were slow to reach maturity and were not targeted for arson by [[Burgoniesc]] saboteurs like their counterparts in the Melians and Saint Kennera. Kiravia's eventual defeat in the Gin & Tonic Race led to the Colonial College selling off the plantations, and most of the land was converted to other uses. However, a few sites remain, owned by a local private company, Sovakaīn Tonics of Krasoa SAK, which produces artisan tonic waters for the Kiravian market.

There is a large {{wp|phosphate}} industry in Krasoa, which accounted for most of the region's industrial output before the Sunderance.
There is a large {{wp|phosphate}} industry in Krasoa, which accounted for most of the region's industrial output before the Sunderance. The phosphate works would form the nucleus around which a larger, diversified {{wp|chemical industry}} would condense. Chemical plants can be found in all of the major cities of Big Krasoa Island, but are most strongly associated with [[Cities of Kiravia#Muravera|Muravera]]. The Krasoan chemical industry mainly produces {{wp|oleochemicals}}, {{wp|fertilisers}}, {{wp|pesticides}}, {{wp|herbicides}}, {{wp|food additives}}, and pharmaceutical precursors.

===Services and tourism===
===Services and tourism===

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