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In countries of [[Coscivian]] heritage, an '''''inkuv''''' is a type of {{wp|way station}} along a roadway. The ''inkuv'' originated during the First Coscivian Empire as a feature of the First Empire's Verticalist economic system, which required infrastructural innovations such as well-maintained overland roadways to facilitate the state-directed redistribution of goods and labour.  
In countries of [[Coscivian]] heritage, an '''''inkuv''''' is a type of {{wp|way station}} along a roadway. The ''inkuv'' originated during the First Coscivian Empire as a feature of the First Empire's Verticalist economic system, which required infrastructural innovations such as well-maintained overland roadways to facilitate the state-directed redistribution of goods and labour.  

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In modern Kiravia, an ''inkuv'' is a {{wp|rest stop|highway rest stop}} or {{wp|travel plaza}}, though often with features and amenities that hearken back to earlier ''inkuya''. ''Inkuya'' along modern Kiravian interstate highways typically include a small nondenominational {{wp|chapel}}.
In modern Kiravia, an ''inkuv'' is a {{wp|rest stop|highway rest stop}} or {{wp|travel plaza}}, though often with features and amenities that hearken back to earlier ''inkuya''. ''Inkuya'' along modern Kiravian interstate highways typically include a small nondenominational {{wp|chapel}}.

The '''''Hekuvihírsda''''' (English: "Caphirian story"), sometimes known in English as '''Kiro-Hekuvian Gothic''' is a literary and theatrical {{wp|genre fiction|fiction genre}} that flourished in [[Kiravia|Kirav]] during the XYZth and XYƔth centuries. Though written in Kiravia by Kiravians, the stories were set in [[Caphiria]] during various phases of its history, and followed casts of Caphirian characters. Common themes in ''Hekuvihírsda'' included sensuality, political and familial intrigue, luxury and opulence, ambition, and revenge.
'''Demomap''' (Kiravic: ''Demomāv'' gen. ''Demomapsk'', High Coscivian: ''Demomaṿra'') is an indeterminate location of interest to Coscivian prehistory and [[dark philology]], with great significance to reconstructing the chronology of the peopling of Great Kirav. It is a recurring element in Coscivian traditional histories and mythologies, and features prominently in the origin myths and oral histories of numerous [[Ethnic groups in Kiravia|Kiravian ethnic groups]], many of whom hold Demomap to have been their ancestral homeland.

Caphiria and Kiravia have a long history of commercial, cultural, and diplomatic exchange. One effect of this long history of interaction has been a lasting impression in the Kiravian collective psyche of Caphiria as a warm, exotic country filled with fine cuisine, art, and architecture, and a more sensual and Epicurian culture that contrasts with the colder, greyer climate of [[Great Kirav]] and its more stoic and melancholic cultural ethos.
The name ''Demomap'' is also used in modern academia to refer to the point of origin for the Mesolithic, {{wp|Paleo-European languages|non}}-{{wp|Indo-European languages|Levanto-Sarpic}} migrants from Levantia to Great Kirav who contributed [haplotype] to the Kiravian gene pool. In this context, ''Demomap'' is merely an artful term of convenience, and scientists stress that Y-Chromosomal Demomap may or may not bear any relation to the literary/traditional Demomap.

The questions of where and {{wp|time depth|when}} Demomap is have vexed Coscivian scholars for hundreds of years, and the modern scientific quest for the "historical Demomap" has been fraught with ambiguities and complications.
According to Antiquarius Paravakonen, Distinguished Lecturer in Early Modern Coscivian Literature at X University in [[Primóra]], the only essential characteristics of a ''Hekuvihírsda'' are that the work must be fictitious, composed in the [[Coscivian civlization|Coscosphere]] between 2XXXX and 2XXXX, and set primarily in Caphiria with a focus on Caphirian characters. However, he notes that there are several {{wp|genre conventions}} that came to define the ''Hekuvihírsda'', and that adherence to these conventions became more uniform with the passage of time.  

Although most ''Hekuvihírsda'' take place roughly around the times that they were written, a large number take place during earlier phases of Caphirian history, particularly in Ancient Caphiria.
According to Dr. Jumbuck Jones, Y-Chromosomal Demomap was probably located (wholly or primarily) on the territory of modern-day [[Faneria]].

Large casts of characters with many conflicting interests and interlocking subplots.
Demomap is often used in idiomatic expressions by Kiravians. For example, a
Characters almost always élites.
Moral ambiguity

Intrigue (political and familial)
''Xides é rædur skúl?'' - "Where's your brother?"<br>
Family ties, feuds, and honour
''Des Demomav.'' - "Where Demomap?"
Carnal pleasure
"Latin grandeur"
Detailed and thicc descriptions of food, wine, architecture, settings, clothing, and bitches.
Nobility, station, and ''ordo''
Ambition and ''virtú''.

Dialogue peppered with untranslated [[Caphiric Latin]] words and phrases.
Things named after Demomap:<br>
-A space shuttle<br>
-Several counties<br>
-A vacation resort<br>
-A casino in Paulastra probably<br>

===Accuracy and Distinguishing Features===
= Red Cravats =
According to Paravakonen in his monograph ''The "I've Never Been To Heku But This Is What It's Like" Starterpack'' very few authors of ''Hekuvihírsda'' had ever visited Caphiria themselves. As such, their impressions of Caphiria and its culture were drawn mainly from second- and third-hand accounts, encounters with Caphirian cultural imports, popular history, and other literature. As such, portrayals of Caphiria in these stories typically contain a large number of inaccuracies, many of which would have been readily apparent to Caphirians or to Kiravians personally familiar with Caphiria. Paravakonen has advanced the claim that around the peak of the genre's popularity, most new authors entering the genre were basing their understanding of the country primarily on other ''Hekuvihírsda'', which had the effect of magnifying certain inaccuracies.

===Influence on Kiravian Culture===
=Duties of the Federal Subjects=
One enduring and visible influence of ''Hekuvihírsda'' on Kiravian culture has been the proliferation of pseudo-Latin given names among Kiravians. Latin and Latinised Greek names, particularly of Biblical, hagiographic, or otherwise religious connotations, had already gradually been adopted over time as Christianity spread among Coscivians, and a trend toward more overtly Latinate versions of extant Gaelicised or Coscivised Latin names (e.g. ''Páulus'' over ''Pálur'' or ''Páv'') accelerated with the growth of Catholicism. However, it appears that ''Hekuvihírsda'' contibuted to the widespread adoption of Latin-''sounding'' names that did not actually exist in Caphiria or any other Latin-speaking culture, such as ''Barcivius'' and ''Demarius''. As discussed above, many ''Hekuvihírsda'' authors did not have a deep knowledge of Caphirian culture, nor did most of their target audience. As such, many, especially toward the later half of the genre's heyday, incorrectly extrapolated Caphirian names from names in modern Levantine languages (e.g. Gerry → Jerrus, or more ridiculously Dilbert → Dilbertarianus), composed novel and often nonsensical names from Latin roots (e.g. Calecanus, Superfixarius), or simply made them up (e.g. Barkivius, Hughtavius, Arrhenius). A great many pseudo-Latin names used in these works were assumed to be legitimate Latin names and were given to children by Kiravian readers, and a large number remain in use today. This has no doubt influenced the continuing practice among many Kiravians (particularly the less-educated classes), to form new names by slapping ''-us'' or ''-ia'' to the end of any old thing.

*Regular convocation of a deliberative body to exercise the rights, duties, and functions assigned to state legislatures under this Constitution (incumbent upon states only).  
Although the classic ''Hekuvihírsda'' genre declined in the 2XXXXs and new publications following the genre's conventions had ceased by 2XXXX, its influence has lived on. Television critic Netflixicus Thérafolon, himself named after a minor character from an obscure ''Hekuvihírsda'' novel, has identified a contemporary reincarnation of the genre in several Kiravian-produced corporate dramas, as well as the novel ''Crazy Rich Latins'', which may be set in present-day Caphiria, the [[Tryhstian Littoral]], or the [[Melian Isles]], and often centre around business enterprises from or doing business with Caphiria. Although these recent works differ from their predecessors in having a less exoticist and more factually accurate depiction of Caphiria and Caphirians, their Thérafolon argues that their plot structure and thematic elements recall the ''Hekuvihírsda'' of yore. 
*Maintenance of a well-regulated militia to be made available for the defence of the Federacy
*Maintenance of a system of household registration

Similarly, the Kiravian web original series ''Ancient Heku: Blood and Lust'', while aiming for a high degree of historical accuracy, has been said to have strong stylistic similarities with ''Hekuvihírsda''.
=High Coscivian=
{{infobox language
|name          = High Coscivian
|nativename    = ''Itiarona''
|familycolor  = paleosiberian
|pronunciation =
|states        =
| ethnicity    =
|region        = Coscivian Empire
|speakers      = Less than 1,000
|date          =
|rank          =
|speakers2    =
|fam1          = Cosco-Adratic
|fam2          = Kasavic-Koskan
|fam3          = Varakoskan
|fam4          = Southern
|fam5          = Carolina
|fam6          = North Carolina
|fam7          = Whole Hog
|fam8          =
|fam9          =
|fam10        =
| standards    =
| stand1      = Classical Coscivian<br>Ecclesiastical Coscivian<br>
| stand2      = Traditional-Regular<br>Modern-Reform<br>
| script      = Coscivian script
|nation        =
|agency        =
|iso1          =
|iso2b        =
|iso2t        =
|iso3          =
|map          =
|nation        = [[File:Sicilian_Flag.svg|22px]] [Some shithole]<br>[[File:Sicilian_Flag.svg|22px]] [Some other shithole]<br>[[File:Sicilian_Flag.svg|22px]] [Sicily]<br>
|minority          =
'''High Coscivian''' is the classical language of [[Coscivian civilisation]].
To say that the exact nature, historical origins, and genealogical classification of High Coscivian have been hotly debated since the dawn of historical linguistics would be the understatement of the ''[[Coscivian calendar|petrasēga]]''. More than one war has been fought over this topic.
Excepting a few fringe holdouts hidden in the classics departments of third-tier state colleges in backwater inland provinces, Coscivian and Occidental scholars agree that High Coscivian is a Trans-Kiravian language and must be considered a primary branch of the Trans-Kiravian family in the absence of any known direct ancestors. The long-extinct Sʑvoʎatellic language, which is only sparsely attested, is accepted to be its sister language and closest known relative.
There exists a somewhat esoteric debate among Dark Philologists as to whether High Coscivian developed from a spoken natural language or was constructed ''ab initio'' as a ritual language. The use of contrived languages for ceremonial and religious purposes was not uncommon among ancient Kiravian peoples, and continues today in some [[Urom]] tribes. The (now asemic) ritual incantations used by ''[[paopatra]]'' practitioners are another possible analogue. A perhaps more plausible theory than the ancient conlang thesis is that the liturgical High Coscivian of ritual chants upon which the literary language was based contained elements of a contrived initiatory ritual language integrated into a polished register of the natural spoken language.
Old High Coscivian - From earliest times to [whatever marks classical era]<br>
Classical Coscivian - Yes<br>
Imperial Coscivian - From the Xth Empire until the Kilikas Enlightenment. Subdivided into Living Imperial (until the spoken correlate of High Coscivian presumably died out) and Zombie Imperial (purely literary phase thereafter).<br>
Modern High Coscivian - Since Kilikas Enlightenment.<br>
===Written Registers===
Classical + Neoclassical<br>
Ecclesiastical (Slight differences between Orthodox and Catholic recensions)<br>
Traditional-Regular-Conservative family<br>
Reform-Modern-Open family<br>
Irregular/Regional/Specialised written forms<br>
The spoken form of High Coscivian would evolve to the point of {{wp|diglossia}} with the written language into a tongue retronymously dubbed General Costratic by linguists. During the Postclassic, General Costratic would dissolve into a dialect continuüm that would give rise to the modern Costratic languages, including Paisonic Coscivian, Valosian Coscivian, Sidereal Coscivian, and others.
Archæic stratum: Adratic, Cyptovian; more sparsely/speculative Odoneran, others?
Ancient/Classical loan stratum: Iavthei Coscivian/Ancient Eskean Coscivian, Thygiastran Coscivian, Stairovic Coscivian, Cyptovian.
Shaftonic coinages also in this stratum yeah.
Postclassical/Imperial Stratum
More new coinages, more recherché pretentious coinages and constructions, more loands soaked up from vernacular languages.
Influence of Christian literature: Translation challenges, calques, loans from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Gaelic.

Modern Stratum: Varies by register. Neoclassicists loans to the maximal extent possible, also many words of later coinage and "post-classical spirit". Even try to avoid borrowing proper names to a significant extent. Traditional/Conservative/Regular writing is less purist but still avoids neologisms. Reform/Modern writing is more open to neologisms, reïmports/elevations, and does not bother with continuity of spirit so much. Lib writing kinda does whatever it wants.
'''Disurbanism''' (Coscivian: ''Akasarisēn'', from ''aka-'' "away from" + ''sar'' "city, town") is an ideology and a design movement in [[Kiravia]] with relevance to urban and civil planning, politics, and culture. Disurbanism posits that the {{wp|city}} (and in many formulations, the {{wp|town}}) is a harmful and unnecessary formation and a poor way to organise human life, and that cities and towns as currently understood should be abandoned in favour of more geographically distributed patterns of settlement. Most disurbanists believe that while cities once served legitimate purposes, they have since been rendered obsolete by modern advances in communications and transportation technology, and that the utilitarian benefits of cities no longer justify the social, economic, and political costs of urbanocentrism.

Disurbanism can be distinguished from traditionalist-agrarian anti-urbanism in that disurbanists embrace technological modernity as enabling a mass escape from cities and support the diffusion of traditionally urban activities such as industry, commerce, and human services into the countryside, with the ultimate goal of erasing any clear distinction between agricultural rural areas and industrial/commercial urban ones. However, in practice there is significant overlap and coöperation between disurbanist and rural anti-urbanist currents.
===Modern Use===
[Scholarly writing, Higher education, Shaftonist scholarship, Scientific and technical applications, Diplomas, Classical Universities]<br>
[Liturgical language of the Coscivian Orthodox and Coscivian Catholic churches. Probably also Coscivian religions, right?]<br>
====Law & Government====
[Law, Gov't documents, Imperial ceremonies, Household registers]<br>
====Modern Literature====
[Modern literature]<br>

Disurbanism has a long history in Coscivian thought, dating back to the orator and philosopher Linux Isō, who argued that the growing lowland and coastal cities of Ancient Coscivia were instruments of oppression that were usually ruled by tyrants and threatened the customary freedoms enjoyed by villagers, crofters, and the peoples of hill and forest lands. Shafto, the seminal philosopher of Coscivian civilisation, disfavourably compared the values, political system, and lifestyle of Era, the imperial capital, to that of smaller towns and villages. The Toatrists, an Xth century Coscivian religious movement, advocated withdrawal from cities and towns as obedience to God and recommunion with Creation.
[Mottos, maxims, proverbs]<br>
Ornamental use.

However, urbanism...
High Coscivian is a required subject in most academic (college-oriented) secondary schools. At elite high schools, vernacular language, literature, and composition are dispensed with entirely, in favour of exclusive study of High Coscivian.

Disurbanism under Kirosocialism.
Catholic and Orthodox Sunday schools also teach the basics of High Coscivian so that children can learn to understand the liturgy.  

Disurbanists can be found among all the major political camps of modern Kiravia. Kirosocialist Disurbanists carrying on their legacy from the Kiravian Union remain active in Kirosocialist academic circles. Disurbanism is also very popular among {{wp|distributist}} and {{wp|Christian-democratic}} [[Caritist Social Union|Caritists]]. There is a long and documented antipathy towards cities among Kiravian libertarians, who view them as overregulated, bureaucratic environments that constrain economic growth and individual freedom.
High Modern revivalist movements in the Renaissance Party and their status today.

==Colour Wars==
====Translingual Applications====
The '''Colour Wars''' were series of low- to medium-intensity civil conflicts that were fought in various locations across Great Kirav, though mostly in its easterly regions, from [YEAR] to [YEAR].
[As a Translation Matrix/Interlingual applications/Linguistic neutrality]<br>
High Coscivian is regularly employed as a matrix for the translation between Coscivian vernacular languages. As all literary languages in the Coscivian cultural sphere have been translating texts both to and from High Coscivian and have well-established paradigms for doing so, filtering text through High Coscivian during the translation process is found to improve accuracy, reduce ambiguity, and improve the syntactic and stylistic quality of translations.
[In Sarolasta]<br>
Somewhat surprisingly, given the archipelago's remoteness from the traditional lands of the Coscivian Empire and the mostly Austronesian ancestry of its population, contemporary use of High Coscivian is especially vigorous in [[Sarolasta]]. Sarolasta is home to X indigenous Austronesian languages, and no one vernacular language predominated among the Coscivian colonists in the Sarolastan islands - [[Kalvertan Coscivian|Kalvertan]], Kiravic, [[South Coscivians#Language|Hekko-Southern]], Maritime Coscivian, Paisonic, Lusan, Kerēgulan, and others were used in one settlement or another. The centrality of the Coscivian Catholic Church as a religious and cultural institution and the main provider of education in Sarolasta engendered the proliferation of High Coscivian as the primary medium for interethnic formal communication and publishing. Sarolasta has four High Coscivian daily newspapers, whereas Great Kirav only has one.

Analysis: The Colour Wars represented a condition of profound disunity and dissension at all levels of Kiravian society, going beyond mere class conflict or the broad ideological, sectional, or racial divisions underpinning most proper civil wars and complicated by myriad localised {{wp|communal conflict}}s and fractured élites. Delegitimisation of public authority and the governing powers was also important. The conflicts spurred the growth of political movements such as Coscivian nationalism, Political Shaftonism, and Kirosocialism that advanced new ordering principles to unify Kiravian society and provide renewed purpose to politics.
====Native Speakers and Speech Community====
For [a very long time] High Coscivian has subsisted primarily in writing.

Historiography: The historiography of the colour wars remains contentious. Western writings on the conflict and the official Kirosocialist historiography established as orthodoxy under the Kiravian Union both emphasise the class dimension of the conflict.
The '''Eight Highfalutin Lineages''' (High Coscivian: ''Name here namehere'') are noble patrilines dating verifiably from the [Last iteration of the] Empire (and unverifiably claiming descent much further back than this) who conserve High Coscivian as their native tongue and home language. With an enumerated population of 612, they are among the smallest Coscivian ethnic groups recognised by the Kiravian Census. Although the Eight Lineages claim to preserve an unbroken chain of native speakers reaching back to time immemorial, most scholars believe that no spoken language mutually intelligible with Classical Coscivian survived past [ERA], and that the {{wt|ecolect|ecolects}} spoken among the Eight Lineages appear to be derived from the postclassical written High Coscivian of the [Xth] Empire, and were probably acquired by their progenitors during this era.

==Politics of Etivéra==
Scattered instances of native High Coscivian speakers exist outside of the Eight Lineages. Of verified cases, none are the product of sustained intergenerational transmission, and in most the extent to which High Coscivian is used as a home language is less than advertised.
Etivéra has a coalitional presidential pattern of politics similar to that of the Kiravian federal government, in which policy is shaped by the independently elected Governor's efforts to build a pro-administration majority coalition in the legislature by agreeing to a common agenda.  

Post-Kirosocialist Etivéra has a political landscape dominated by three major party-groups that serve as both legislative caucuses and electoral alliances. These are the Coalition for a New Etivéra ([[Shaftonist democracy|Shaftonist-democratic]], conservative-liberal, and pro-[[Shaftonist Republican Alliance|SRA]]), Change to Win Coalition ([[Kirosocialist]], left-wing populist, and pro-[[New Deal Alliance|NDA]]), and Popular Front ({{wp|Christian democracy|Christian-democratic}}, centrist, and pro-[[Caritist Social Union|CSU]]). As no group ever wins an outright majority in its own right, majority coalitions are usually formed by agreement between the Popular Front and either of the two other groups (sometimes with smaller parties or independents involved), or by any one of the major groups obtaining the support of smaller parties, independents, and (only rarely) dissident members of the other major groups.
Beyond the miniscule number of native speakers, there exists a much larger contemporary speech community made up of second-language speakers using the language orally. [contexts in which?]

==Federal Astronomical Calculator==
The '''Federal Astronomical Calculator''' (''Rektārkax Iselrakénax Karabistuv'') is a {{wp|supercomputer}} {{wp|computer cluster|cluster}} located in Eregion, [[Hanoram]], outside of [[Kartika]], and operated under the [[Federal Spaceflight Authority]]. The Federal Astronomical Calculator Programme was initiated in 211XX under the Kiravian Union, and has undergone several complete hardware overhauls as decades have gone by. Originally intended for calculations in astrophysics, astrometrics, and aerospace engineering, the FAC is now used for a wide array of civilian governmental applications.
How many Kiravians have...?
- Some knowledge?
- Elementary command?
- Intermediate command?
- Strong command?
- Full fluency?
- Intermediate/Strong in college but since got rusty?

==Constitutional Law of Kiravia==
Knowledge of High Coscivian correlates with education level, caste, class. Ethnic groups speaking languages descended from Imperial Coscivian pick it up better, obvi.
The '''Constitutional law of Kiravia''' (Coscivian: ''Stórnoálda'', literally "metalaw" or "law of laws") comprises the Fundamental Statute of the Kiravian Federacy (''Livnifîlon Kiravix Rektārká''), the Statute of Liberties (''Fîlon Helviskya''), binding rulings and ''tōngan'' (judicial consensus) by constitutional courts, and unwritten conventions, customs, and traditions governing the configuration and operation of the Kiravian polity.
==Bay Trading Company==
{{Infobox company
| name = Bay Trading Company<br>''Malartikēlen Montá''
| logo = Crab in heraldry.svg
| image =
| image_caption =
| type = Public
| traded_as = MKM
| industry = Conglomerate
| predecessors = {{ubl|Co. of Míhanska Bay Merchants|Kiravian Bay Mercantile Co.}}
| founded = 220 years ago?
| founder = {{ubl|Person A|Person B|Person C}}
| hq_location = Company Hall
| hq_location_city = [[Primóra]], [[Hanoram]]
| hq_location_country = [[Great Kirav]]
| area_served =
| key_people = {{ubl|Cyrus McCormick (CEO)| V.M. Ketanuan (Chairman)| Alera Panianstina (Chief of Operations)}}
| revenue = {{increase}} $1.1 trillion
| revenue_year = 2030
| operating_income = $112 billion
| assets = $4 trillion
| num_employees = ''a lot''
| divisions = {{ubl|Maritime trade|Global logistics|Finance|Herbs and spices|Food and beverages|Restaurants|E-commerce|Private security|Real estate|Retail|Consumer brands}}
| subsid = {{ubl|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD}}

The '''Bay Trading Company''' is a Kiravian diversified multinational business group headquartered in [[Primóra]], [[Hanoram]]. Originally formed by a company of Primóra-based merchants to engage in the spice trade, the BTC expanded into the dealing of a wide range of commodities between Kiravia, its colonies, and foreign ports across Audonia, Punth, [[Crona]], Polynesia, and Sarpedon. The mercantile activities of the Bay Trading Company often wend hand-in-hand with Kiravian overseas colonial expansion.
===Stuff in High Coscivian===
*[[Great Law Chant]]
*[[Coscivian Book of the Dead]]
*[[Constitutional History of Kiravia|Kiravian Constitution]] and [[Statute of Liberties]]
*[[Thousand and One Greentexts]]
*[[Shaftonism|Analects of Shafto the Wise]]

Today the BTC is a massive conglomerate with numerous subsidiaries and affiliates active across such diverse sectors as wholesale and retail trade (including e-commerce), international shipping, food and beverages (particularly condiments), a portfolio of consumer brands, several restaurant chains, and finance.
=Colour Wars=
The '''Colour Wars''' were series of low- to medium-intensity civil conflicts that were fought in various locations across Great Kirav, though mostly in its easterly regions, from [YEAR] to [YEAR].

As the Kirosocialist Party surged in the polls and the spectre of a socialist government loomed, BTC executives fully expected their company to be a key target of socialist redistributive plans and prepared by leveraging their connexions through Kiravian business communities in countries like [[Caphiria]] and [Arab country here] to move company assets into safe hands. When the Socialist Party did come to power, BTC was marked for nationalisation as expected, prompting much of they company's key personnel to relocate to [[Portmór]], [[Æonara]] under the protection of the Federalist government-in-exile there.
Analysis: The Colour Wars represented a condition of profound disunity and dissension at all levels of Kiravian society, going beyond mere class conflict or the broad ideological, sectional, or racial divisions underpinning most proper civil wars and complicated by myriad localised {{wp|communal conflict}}s and fractured élites. Delegitimisation of public authority and the governing powers was also important. The conflicts spurred the growth of political movements such as Coscivian nationalism, Political Shaftonism, and Kirosocialism that advanced new ordering principles to unify Kiravian society and provide renewed purpose to politics.

Bay Trading Company has a bitter historical rivalry with [[KMT Corporation|Kerēgulan Merchants of the Tropics]], which was its leading competitor in the south-hemispheric commodities trade. Even today, the companies continue to compete vigorously in certain sectors (such as food, consumer brands, and global logistics), though the rivalry has lost intensity over time as both companies have diversified into different industries where they do not come into direct competition with one another.
Historiography: The historiography of the colour wars remains contentious. Western writings on the conflict and the official Kirosocialist historiography established as orthodoxy under the Kiravian Union both emphasise the class dimension of the conflict.

For most of Kiravian capitalist history, BTC was the largest private Kiravian company based outside of [[Valēka]], though it lost this status after Kirosocialism. It has long been an important pillar of the Primóra municipal economy, as the city's largest private for-profit employer and a major contributor to charitable invitiatives and public-private partnerships in the Primóra metropolitan area. The state of Hanoram has been accused of giving preferential treatment to the group and its subsidiaries, including numerous sweetheart deals and tax loopholes.
==Politics of Etivéra==
Etivéra has a coalitional presidential pattern of politics similar to that of the Kiravian federal government, in which policy is shaped by the independently elected Governor's efforts to build a pro-administration majority coalition in the legislature by agreeing to a common agenda.  

Post-Kirosocialist Etivéra has a political landscape dominated by three major party-groups that serve as both legislative caucuses and electoral alliances. These are the Coalition for a New Etivéra ([[Shaftonist democracy|Shaftonist-democratic]], conservative-liberal, and pro-[[Shaftonist-Republican Alliance|SRA]]), Change to Win Coalition ([[Kirosocialist]], left-wing populist, and pro-[[Popular Democratic Front|PDF]]), and Popular Front ({{wp|Christian democracy|Christian-democratic}}, centrist, and pro-[[Caritist Social Union|CSU]]). As no group ever wins an outright majority in its own right, majority coalitions are usually formed by agreement between the Popular Front and either of the two other groups (sometimes with smaller parties or independents involved), or by any one of the major groups obtaining the support of smaller parties, independents, and (only rarely) dissident members of the other major groups.
As part of the larger process of {{wp|capital flight}} from Great Kirav in the leadup to the establishment of [[Kiravian Union|single-party socialist rule]], BTC hurried to evacuate assets such as bank accounts, inventory, merchant vessels, proprietary information, and higher-level management personnel overseas, mostly to [[Caphiria]] and to Kiravian colonies expected to resist the socialist takeover. As expected, BTC was one of the first corporations to be nationalised by the Kiravian Union under the International Trade Socialisation Act. It was reorganised as the state-owned Import-Export Enterprise South, which assumed control of BTC's remaining assets and operations in Kirosocialist-held territory. Controlled by state appointees and acting on directives from the [[Economic & Social Soviet]], Import-Export Enterprise South functioned as an instrument of the Union government's economic goals, and was tasked with identifying, maintaining, and delivering to overseas markets for Kiravian products, growing the country's foreign currency reserves, and facilitating the purchase and transport of imported goods when needed to offset deficiencies in the KU's planned economy.

=Federal Astronomical Calculator=
The '''Federal Astronomical Calculator''' (''Rektārkax Iselrakénax Karabistuv'') is a {{wp|supercomputer}} {{wp|computer cluster|cluster}} located in Eregion, [[Hanoram]], outside of [[Kartika]], and operated under the ægis of the [[Federal Spaceflight Authority]]. The National Astronomical Calculator Programme was initiated in 211XX under the Kiravian Union, and has undergone several complete hardware overhauls as decades have gone by. Originally intended for calculations in astrophysics, astrometrics, and aerospace engineering, the FAC is now used for a wide array of civilian governmental applications, including weather and climate modelling,

In Æonara, BTC continued to operate under
=Constitutional Law of Kiravia=
The '''Constitutional law of Kiravia''' (Coscivian: ''Stórnoálda'', literally "metalaw" or "law of laws") comprises the Fundamental Statute of the Kiravian Federacy (''Livnifîlon Kiravix Rektārká''), the Statute of Liberties (''Fîlon Helviskya''), binding rulings and ''tōngan'' (judicial consensus) by constitutional courts, and unwritten conventions, customs, and traditions governing the configuration and operation of the Kiravian polity.
foreign capital
consoomer brands
food imports

[[File:Aleppopepper.jpg|thumb|[[Chili powder]], a major commodity traded by the early BTC, and an ingredient in its signature crab seasoning still sold today.]]
=Federal Districts Commercial Control Act & Repeal Thereof=
The '''Federal Districts Commercial Control Acts''' were a series of Kiravian federal (and confederal) legislation enacted for the purpose of restricting commercial activity in the nation's two [[Federal subjects of Kiravia#Federal districts|federal districts]], the [[District of Ksoīnvra]] and the [[Interlake District]].

The selection of [[Kartika]] (then merely a medium-sized town) as the federal capital of Kiravia and the demarcation of the lands surrounding it as a federal district separate from any state and subordinate directly to the Stanora was an uncontroversial agreement that was believed to balance the interests of more northerly and southerly parts of the new federation and ensure the capital city's political neutrality. However, as the size of the [federal or confederal? probably federal but not sure] government and the scope of its power expanded and Kartika began to grow into a proper city along with it, concerns arose that Kartika would eventually become a {{wp|primate city}} and the country's premier economic centre, eclipsing the other major cities at the time, Bérasar, Valēka, Eriadun, and Primóra. The states abutting the Disctict of Ksoīnvra - [[Hanoram]] and [[Ventarya]] - feared that merchants from their states would relocated to the capital district and deprive them of tax revenue. More principled concerns were raised in the newspapers of the day that the emergence of Kartika as a "new Era" would lead to harmful political centralisation and even - in more impassioned letters - the end of the Republic and a return to [[Verticalism]].

===Organisational Structure===
The first Act, the District of Ksoīnvra Commerce Control Act, forbade merchants operating from the District from engaging in international trade and from selling goods to customers in the states or to Aboriginal tribes. Merchants already trading from the district under existing licenses could continue to operate in the town of Éamonsar and the parish of Arþodun, subject to taxation and regulation by Hanoram (in Éamonsar) and Ventarya (in Arþodun).
The modern Bay Trading Company Group is a group of horizontally integrated corporations (a {{wp|Concern_(business)#Flat|flat concern}}) of legally distinct corporations linked by a common apex management group, cross-shareholding, supply relationships, and a common strategy and branding. The Group comprises X "principals" - major corporations that hold shares in one another and participate directly in the Group's collective management - and the multiple nested tiers of subsidiaries owned by the principal corporations.  

{| class="wikitable sortable floatright"
The Interlake District Commercial Ordinance was born of similar concerns - that it would create a federally-controlled national economic core which would depress the growth potential of other cities in the Inland Seas region, and that it would deprive surrounding states and territories of revenue. However, its issuance was more contentious than the District of Ksoīnvra Commerce Control Act had been, as many in the federal government felt that such a city would be beneficial for the economic development of the region and for maintaining federal authority and political cohesion as the Inland Seas began to rival the Eastern Seaboard economically. Some, such as [XYZ Lacuna], thought that a new federal capital should be established in the district, as it was more centrally-located on the island continent.
|+ Business units of the Bay Trading Group
! scope="col" | Name
! scope="col" | Industry
! scope="col" | Type
! scope="col" | HQ
|Míhanska Bay Mercantile Corporation
|{{wp|Sogo shosha|General trading company}}
|Bay Herbs & Spices Company
|{{wp|Spice trade}}; Mass-market herbs, spices, seasonings, and condiments
|Suburban [[Primóra]]
|Bay Capital
|{{wp|Merchant banking}}, {{wp|venture capital}}
|Míhanska Bay Marine Insurance Corporation
|Finance, {{wp|Marine insurance}}
|Bay Orchards Fruit Company
|Fruit wholesale trading and shipping
|West Portmór
|Bay Properties SAK
|Real estate
|Suburban [[Primóra]]
|Gold Bay
|Nationwide chain of {{wp|Fish and chip shop|fish-and-chip shops}}
|[[Cities of Kiravia#Kallumsar|Kallumsar]]
|Bay Mercantile Corporation of Sarpedon
|Financial and apex commercial entity in [[Sarpedon]]
|Overseas subsidiary
|[Heku City]
|Bay Mercantile Corporation of Audonia
|Financial and apex commercial entity in [[Audonia]]
|Overseas subsidiary
|Bay Mercantile Corporation of Polynesia
|Financial and apex commercial entity in [[Polynesia]]
|Overseas subsidiary
|Tidewater Maritime Security Systems SAK
|Private navy
|Subsidiary of MBMIC
|[[Cities of Kiravia#Telmar|Telmar]]
|Máscafé SAK
|{{wp|Coffee}} and coffee products.
|Subsidiary of BHSC
|[[Cities of Kiravia#Sar-i-Pául|Sar-i-Pául]]
|Bay Intellectual Property Management SAK
|{{wp|Intellectual property}} {{wp|holding company}}
|Irrefusable Offers International SAK
|Government relations, lobbying, private military contracting, corporate imperialism.
|Intentionally vague
|[[Cities of Kiravia#Sar-i-Pául|Sar-i-Pául]]
|Subsidiary of MBMC and Bay Capital
|[[Cities of Kiravia#Śadover|Śadover]], [[Hanoram|HRM]]

Repeal -

===Civic and Political Activity===
Most provisions of the acts were repealed under the Rénkédar administration. This occurred in a prevailing political climate favourable to economic liberalisation and enhancing freedom of trade and movement. However, it is accepted that the primary impetus for repeal was the severe downturn in the Capital District's economy and standard of living that had accompanied the post-Kirosocialist downsizing of the national government. It was hoped that lifting restrictions on private enterprise in the district would help to alleviate unemployment, crime, and urban decay.  
Bay Trading Company wields significant political and social influence, both directly and through a network of associated non-profit entities. It engages extensively in philanthropic endeadvours, investments in social enterprises, and political lobbying.

BTC has long enjoyed a close relationship with the state governments of Hanoram and [[Èusa]] and the municipal government of [[Primóra]], as well as other local governments in the Primóra area. These relationships were openly acknowledged for much of history, but in contemporary times have attracted criticism from antitrust and anticorruption advocates who view them as improper. At certain points in history, BTC revenue has accounted for up to a fifth of Hanoram's gross state product (though in the post-liberalisation era this figure has been in the area of 8-11% and declining as the state's economy diversifies).
Legacy - The effects of the Acts are still visible in the District of Coinvra. The district's economy is dominated by government and the service sector. Heavy industry and the architectural and social legacies thereof remain entirely absent from the city, and a handful of medium-sized commercial breweries are its largest manufacturing operations by workforce and units of output. Most other industrial enterprises are small operations dedicated to the manufacture of knowledge-intensive high-value-added specialty goods, such as telescopes, diving watches, and custom computer components.

BTC is a major donor to the [[Society for Capitalist Preservation]] and was closely involved in its foundation in the aftermath of Kirosocialism. It also provides financial support to the [[Minor_Kiravian_Political_Parties#Kiro-Hekuvian_Party|Kiro-Hekuvian Party]] and other groups that promote strong ties between Kiravia and Caphiria, on account of its significant business interests there.

Latest revision as of 16:27, 11 December 2024


In countries of Coscivian heritage, an inkuv is a type of way station along a roadway. The inkuv originated during the First Coscivian Empire as a feature of the First Empire's Verticalist economic system, which required infrastructural innovations such as well-maintained overland roadways to facilitate the state-directed redistribution of goods and labour.

Many cities and towns have grown out from an inkuv as their nucleus.

The constitution of the Confederal Republics of Kirav explicitly granted the confederal government authority to build inkuya along postal and defence roads. This authority was retained under subsequent Kiravian constitutions and remains today, although modern inkuya along the interstate highways are owned and maintained by individual federal subjects.

In modern Kiravia, an inkuv is a highway rest stop or travel plaza, though often with features and amenities that hearken back to earlier inkuya. Inkuya along modern Kiravian interstate highways typically include a small nondenominational chapel.


Demomap (Kiravic: Demomāv gen. Demomapsk, High Coscivian: Demomaṿra) is an indeterminate location of interest to Coscivian prehistory and dark philology, with great significance to reconstructing the chronology of the peopling of Great Kirav. It is a recurring element in Coscivian traditional histories and mythologies, and features prominently in the origin myths and oral histories of numerous Kiravian ethnic groups, many of whom hold Demomap to have been their ancestral homeland.

The name Demomap is also used in modern academia to refer to the point of origin for the Mesolithic, non-Levanto-Sarpic migrants from Levantia to Great Kirav who contributed [haplotype] to the Kiravian gene pool. In this context, Demomap is merely an artful term of convenience, and scientists stress that Y-Chromosomal Demomap may or may not bear any relation to the literary/traditional Demomap.

The questions of where and when Demomap is have vexed Coscivian scholars for hundreds of years, and the modern scientific quest for the "historical Demomap" has been fraught with ambiguities and complications.

According to Dr. Jumbuck Jones, Y-Chromosomal Demomap was probably located (wholly or primarily) on the territory of modern-day Faneria.

Demomap is often used in idiomatic expressions by Kiravians. For example, a

Xides é rædur skúl? - "Where's your brother?"
Des Demomav. - "Where Demomap?"

Things named after Demomap:
-A space shuttle
-Several counties
-A vacation resort
-A casino in Paulastra probably

Red Cravats

Duties of the Federal Subjects

  • Regular convocation of a deliberative body to exercise the rights, duties, and functions assigned to state legislatures under this Constitution (incumbent upon states only).
  • Maintenance of a well-regulated militia to be made available for the defence of the Federacy
  • Maintenance of a system of household registration

High Coscivian

High Coscivian
RegionCoscivian Empire
Native speakers
Less than 1,000
  • Kasavic-Koskan
    • Varakoskan
      • Southern
        • Carolina
          • North Carolina
            • Whole Hog
              • High Coscivian
Standard forms
Classical Coscivian
Ecclesiastical Coscivian
Coscivian script
Official status
Official language in
[Some shithole]
[Some other shithole]
Language codes
ISO 639-3

High Coscivian is the classical language of Coscivian civilisation.


To say that the exact nature, historical origins, and genealogical classification of High Coscivian have been hotly debated since the dawn of historical linguistics would be the understatement of the petrasēga. More than one war has been fought over this topic.

Excepting a few fringe holdouts hidden in the classics departments of third-tier state colleges in backwater inland provinces, Coscivian and Occidental scholars agree that High Coscivian is a Trans-Kiravian language and must be considered a primary branch of the Trans-Kiravian family in the absence of any known direct ancestors. The long-extinct Sʑvoʎatellic language, which is only sparsely attested, is accepted to be its sister language and closest known relative.

There exists a somewhat esoteric debate among Dark Philologists as to whether High Coscivian developed from a spoken natural language or was constructed ab initio as a ritual language. The use of contrived languages for ceremonial and religious purposes was not uncommon among ancient Kiravian peoples, and continues today in some Urom tribes. The (now asemic) ritual incantations used by paopatra practitioners are another possible analogue. A perhaps more plausible theory than the ancient conlang thesis is that the liturgical High Coscivian of ritual chants upon which the literary language was based contained elements of a contrived initiatory ritual language integrated into a polished register of the natural spoken language.

Old High Coscivian - From earliest times to [whatever marks classical era]
Classical Coscivian - Yes
Imperial Coscivian - From the Xth Empire until the Kilikas Enlightenment. Subdivided into Living Imperial (until the spoken correlate of High Coscivian presumably died out) and Zombie Imperial (purely literary phase thereafter).
Modern High Coscivian - Since Kilikas Enlightenment.

Written Registers

Classical + Neoclassical
Ecclesiastical (Slight differences between Orthodox and Catholic recensions)

Traditional-Regular-Conservative family
Reform-Modern-Open family
Irregular/Regional/Specialised written forms


The spoken form of High Coscivian would evolve to the point of diglossia with the written language into a tongue retronymously dubbed General Costratic by linguists. During the Postclassic, General Costratic would dissolve into a dialect continuüm that would give rise to the modern Costratic languages, including Paisonic Coscivian, Valosian Coscivian, Sidereal Coscivian, and others.


Archæic stratum: Adratic, Cyptovian; more sparsely/speculative Odoneran, others? Ancient/Classical loan stratum: Iavthei Coscivian/Ancient Eskean Coscivian, Thygiastran Coscivian, Stairovic Coscivian, Cyptovian. Shaftonic coinages also in this stratum yeah.

Postclassical/Imperial Stratum More new coinages, more recherché pretentious coinages and constructions, more loands soaked up from vernacular languages. Influence of Christian literature: Translation challenges, calques, loans from Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Gaelic.

Modern Stratum: Varies by register. Neoclassicists loans to the maximal extent possible, also many words of later coinage and "post-classical spirit". Even try to avoid borrowing proper names to a significant extent. Traditional/Conservative/Regular writing is less purist but still avoids neologisms. Reform/Modern writing is more open to neologisms, reïmports/elevations, and does not bother with continuity of spirit so much. Lib writing kinda does whatever it wants.

Modern Use


[Scholarly writing, Higher education, Shaftonist scholarship, Scientific and technical applications, Diplomas, Classical Universities]


[Liturgical language of the Coscivian Orthodox and Coscivian Catholic churches. Probably also Coscivian religions, right?]

Law & Government

[Law, Gov't documents, Imperial ceremonies, Household registers]

Modern Literature

[Modern literature]


[Mottos, maxims, proverbs]
Ornamental use.


High Coscivian is a required subject in most academic (college-oriented) secondary schools. At elite high schools, vernacular language, literature, and composition are dispensed with entirely, in favour of exclusive study of High Coscivian.

Catholic and Orthodox Sunday schools also teach the basics of High Coscivian so that children can learn to understand the liturgy.

High Modern revivalist movements in the Renaissance Party and their status today.

Translingual Applications

[As a Translation Matrix/Interlingual applications/Linguistic neutrality]
High Coscivian is regularly employed as a matrix for the translation between Coscivian vernacular languages. As all literary languages in the Coscivian cultural sphere have been translating texts both to and from High Coscivian and have well-established paradigms for doing so, filtering text through High Coscivian during the translation process is found to improve accuracy, reduce ambiguity, and improve the syntactic and stylistic quality of translations.


[In Sarolasta]
Somewhat surprisingly, given the archipelago's remoteness from the traditional lands of the Coscivian Empire and the mostly Austronesian ancestry of its population, contemporary use of High Coscivian is especially vigorous in Sarolasta. Sarolasta is home to X indigenous Austronesian languages, and no one vernacular language predominated among the Coscivian colonists in the Sarolastan islands - Kalvertan, Kiravic, Hekko-Southern, Maritime Coscivian, Paisonic, Lusan, Kerēgulan, and others were used in one settlement or another. The centrality of the Coscivian Catholic Church as a religious and cultural institution and the main provider of education in Sarolasta engendered the proliferation of High Coscivian as the primary medium for interethnic formal communication and publishing. Sarolasta has four High Coscivian daily newspapers, whereas Great Kirav only has one.

Native Speakers and Speech Community

For [a very long time] High Coscivian has subsisted primarily in writing.

The Eight Highfalutin Lineages (High Coscivian: Name here namehere) are noble patrilines dating verifiably from the [Last iteration of the] Empire (and unverifiably claiming descent much further back than this) who conserve High Coscivian as their native tongue and home language. With an enumerated population of 612, they are among the smallest Coscivian ethnic groups recognised by the Kiravian Census. Although the Eight Lineages claim to preserve an unbroken chain of native speakers reaching back to time immemorial, most scholars believe that no spoken language mutually intelligible with Classical Coscivian survived past [ERA], and that the ecolects spoken among the Eight Lineages appear to be derived from the postclassical written High Coscivian of the [Xth] Empire, and were probably acquired by their progenitors during this era.

Scattered instances of native High Coscivian speakers exist outside of the Eight Lineages. Of verified cases, none are the product of sustained intergenerational transmission, and in most the extent to which High Coscivian is used as a home language is less than advertised.

Beyond the miniscule number of native speakers, there exists a much larger contemporary speech community made up of second-language speakers using the language orally. [contexts in which?]


How many Kiravians have...? - Some knowledge? - Elementary command? - Intermediate command? - Strong command? - Full fluency? - Intermediate/Strong in college but since got rusty?

Knowledge of High Coscivian correlates with education level, caste, class. Ethnic groups speaking languages descended from Imperial Coscivian pick it up better, obvi.

Stuff in High Coscivian

Colour Wars

The Colour Wars were series of low- to medium-intensity civil conflicts that were fought in various locations across Great Kirav, though mostly in its easterly regions, from [YEAR] to [YEAR].

Analysis: The Colour Wars represented a condition of profound disunity and dissension at all levels of Kiravian society, going beyond mere class conflict or the broad ideological, sectional, or racial divisions underpinning most proper civil wars and complicated by myriad localised communal conflicts and fractured élites. Delegitimisation of public authority and the governing powers was also important. The conflicts spurred the growth of political movements such as Coscivian nationalism, Political Shaftonism, and Kirosocialism that advanced new ordering principles to unify Kiravian society and provide renewed purpose to politics.

Historiography: The historiography of the colour wars remains contentious. Western writings on the conflict and the official Kirosocialist historiography established as orthodoxy under the Kiravian Union both emphasise the class dimension of the conflict.

Politics of Etivéra

Etivéra has a coalitional presidential pattern of politics similar to that of the Kiravian federal government, in which policy is shaped by the independently elected Governor's efforts to build a pro-administration majority coalition in the legislature by agreeing to a common agenda.

Post-Kirosocialist Etivéra has a political landscape dominated by three major party-groups that serve as both legislative caucuses and electoral alliances. These are the Coalition for a New Etivéra (Shaftonist-democratic, conservative-liberal, and pro-SRA), Change to Win Coalition (Kirosocialist, left-wing populist, and pro-PDF), and Popular Front (Christian-democratic, centrist, and pro-CSU). As no group ever wins an outright majority in its own right, majority coalitions are usually formed by agreement between the Popular Front and either of the two other groups (sometimes with smaller parties or independents involved), or by any one of the major groups obtaining the support of smaller parties, independents, and (only rarely) dissident members of the other major groups.

Federal Astronomical Calculator

The Federal Astronomical Calculator (Rektārkax Iselrakénax Karabistuv) is a supercomputer cluster located in Eregion, Hanoram, outside of Kartika, and operated under the ægis of the Federal Spaceflight Authority. The National Astronomical Calculator Programme was initiated in 211XX under the Kiravian Union, and has undergone several complete hardware overhauls as decades have gone by. Originally intended for calculations in astrophysics, astrometrics, and aerospace engineering, the FAC is now used for a wide array of civilian governmental applications, including weather and climate modelling,

Constitutional Law of Kiravia

The Constitutional law of Kiravia (Coscivian: Stórnoálda, literally "metalaw" or "law of laws") comprises the Fundamental Statute of the Kiravian Federacy (Livnifîlon Kiravix Rektārká), the Statute of Liberties (Fîlon Helviskya), binding rulings and tōngan (judicial consensus) by constitutional courts, and unwritten conventions, customs, and traditions governing the configuration and operation of the Kiravian polity.

Federal Districts Commercial Control Act & Repeal Thereof

The Federal Districts Commercial Control Acts were a series of Kiravian federal (and confederal) legislation enacted for the purpose of restricting commercial activity in the nation's two federal districts, the District of Ksoīnvra and the Interlake District.

The selection of Kartika (then merely a medium-sized town) as the federal capital of Kiravia and the demarcation of the lands surrounding it as a federal district separate from any state and subordinate directly to the Stanora was an uncontroversial agreement that was believed to balance the interests of more northerly and southerly parts of the new federation and ensure the capital city's political neutrality. However, as the size of the [federal or confederal? probably federal but not sure] government and the scope of its power expanded and Kartika began to grow into a proper city along with it, concerns arose that Kartika would eventually become a primate city and the country's premier economic centre, eclipsing the other major cities at the time, Bérasar, Valēka, Eriadun, and Primóra. The states abutting the Disctict of Ksoīnvra - Hanoram and Ventarya - feared that merchants from their states would relocated to the capital district and deprive them of tax revenue. More principled concerns were raised in the newspapers of the day that the emergence of Kartika as a "new Era" would lead to harmful political centralisation and even - in more impassioned letters - the end of the Republic and a return to Verticalism.

The first Act, the District of Ksoīnvra Commerce Control Act, forbade merchants operating from the District from engaging in international trade and from selling goods to customers in the states or to Aboriginal tribes. Merchants already trading from the district under existing licenses could continue to operate in the town of Éamonsar and the parish of Arþodun, subject to taxation and regulation by Hanoram (in Éamonsar) and Ventarya (in Arþodun).

The Interlake District Commercial Ordinance was born of similar concerns - that it would create a federally-controlled national economic core which would depress the growth potential of other cities in the Inland Seas region, and that it would deprive surrounding states and territories of revenue. However, its issuance was more contentious than the District of Ksoīnvra Commerce Control Act had been, as many in the federal government felt that such a city would be beneficial for the economic development of the region and for maintaining federal authority and political cohesion as the Inland Seas began to rival the Eastern Seaboard economically. Some, such as [XYZ Lacuna], thought that a new federal capital should be established in the district, as it was more centrally-located on the island continent.

Repeal -

Most provisions of the acts were repealed under the Rénkédar administration. This occurred in a prevailing political climate favourable to economic liberalisation and enhancing freedom of trade and movement. However, it is accepted that the primary impetus for repeal was the severe downturn in the Capital District's economy and standard of living that had accompanied the post-Kirosocialist downsizing of the national government. It was hoped that lifting restrictions on private enterprise in the district would help to alleviate unemployment, crime, and urban decay.

Legacy - The effects of the Acts are still visible in the District of Coinvra. The district's economy is dominated by government and the service sector. Heavy industry and the architectural and social legacies thereof remain entirely absent from the city, and a handful of medium-sized commercial breweries are its largest manufacturing operations by workforce and units of output. Most other industrial enterprises are small operations dedicated to the manufacture of knowledge-intensive high-value-added specialty goods, such as telescopes, diving watches, and custom computer components.