Great Levantia

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Great Levantia, in its latter stages sometimes called the Levantine Potentate, was a civilization in ancient Levantia, which began as an Adonerii string of settlements in Levantia and centered on Urceopolis, conventionally agreed upon to have been founded in 887 BC. Great Levantia expanded to become one of the largest empires in the ancient world.

Divine Realm of Great Levantia

Magna Levantia

570 BC–502 AD
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A map of Levantia in approximately 100 AD

Capital Urceopolis
Common languages Classic Latinic
Religion Levantine Godstate (to 314)

Catholicism (from 314)

Government Constitutional republic, later Absolute Theocratic Monarchy, then Military dictatorship
570 BC
502 AD
Preceded by Succeeded by
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tyranny of Phaxolos
Various Latinic warlords
Various Istroyan warlords
Today part of UrceaBurgundieFiannriaDeric StatesCarnaYonderre

In its many centuries of existence, the Levantine state evolved from a league of city-states to a classical republic and then to an increasingly autocratic hereditary theocratic monarchy and finally to a military dictatorship. Through conquest and assimilation, it eventually dominated the Odoneran coast and most of south and northeastern Levantia. It is sometimes grouped into classical antiquity together with its predecessor Adonerum and ancient Istroya, and their similar cultures and societies are considered to be the nucleus of the modern Occidental world.

Ancient Levantine civilisation has contributed to modern language, religion, society, technology, law, politics, government, warfare, art, literature, architecture and engineering. Levantia professionalised and expanded its military and created a system of government called res publica, the inspiration for modern republics. It achieved impressive technological and architectural feats, such as the construction of an extensive system of aqueducts and roads, as well as the construction of large monuments, palaces, and public facilities.

Plagued by internal instability and attacked by various migrating peoples, the Levantine empire broke up into independent "barbarian" kingdoms in the 5th century. This splintering is a landmark historians use to divide the ancient period of universal history from the pre-medieval period.

Due to Great Levantia's vast extent and long endurance, the institutions and culture of Rome had a profound and lasting influence on the development of language, religion, architecture, philosophy, law, and forms of government in the territory it governed. The Latin language of the Levantines evolved into the Romance languages of the medieval and modern world. Its adoption of Christianity led to the formation of Christendom during the Middle Ages. Istroyan and Levantine art had a profound impact on the late medieval Latinic Renaissance, while early Levantia's republican institutions influenced the political development of later republics. The corpus of Levantine law has its descendants in many legal systems of the world today. Great Levantia's architectural tradition served as the basis for Neoclassical architecture.



Eastern Adonerii



Potentate – the Principate

Potentate – the Dominate

Fall of Great Levantia



Class structure



The governing structure of Great Levantia changed considerably throughout its millennia in existence. For the first five hundred years of the state, Great Levantia was a classical republic featuring a non-legislative elder council known as the Senate, two executive consuls, a popular assembly through which laws were passed, and a variety of magistrates who served in various administrative roles. Historians believe this form of government was adapted from other city-states within Adonerum given its remarkable similarity to apparatuses within the modern Government of Caphiria. Not all of the institutions mentioned or typically associated with the republican government existed at the beginning; many scholars have argued that the Consular office and Senate were initially one body, an executive college of sorts, that eventually was divided into two separate institutions. Within the government, Great Levantia's class system - of noble patricians and plebians - influenced who could hold office. Throughout the republican period, plebians made continued advances towards gaining power, and the increase of the power of the Popular Assembly caused considerably instability during the final century of the republic's existence.







Ethics and morality

Art, music and literature


