Occidental world

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The Occident (from the Latin word occidens, "sunset, West", in contrast to the Orient, from the Latin word oriens, "rise, East") refers generally to the western hemisphere, and more specifically to 'traditional' formal Christian tradition civilization. The exact definition of 'the Occident' varies wildly depending on context, time period, and social group, but consistently includes Latin and Romance nations such as Caphiria, Urcea, and eastern Sarpedon and southern Levantia. The most stringent definition of the Occident centers on the civilizations extended from the legal tradition and/or ethnic makeup of the indigenous peoples around the Sea of Canete and Urlazio, namely the Istroyans and the Adonerii. In its wider use, 'Occidental' can include the Gaelic world, Gothica, parts of Kiro-Borealis, parts of southern Crona, and southern Sarpedon as well in almost any combination. Colonies of the powers of these areas are sometimes considered peripheral parts of the Occident regardless of global location.

The use of the word occidens, or 'West/sunset' in Latin was originally related to the continent of Sarpedon and the early Latin states' relative position to the Orient, or oriens, for 'East/sunrise', composed of the combined landmass of Alshar and Audonia, the latter of which was well-known early in recorded history through trade. Though most maps now seat Levantia and Sarpedon at the center of the world, the term has stuck as a shorthand for the Latin/Christian/Western world.

Forms of the Occident

Latin Purist

As mentioned above, the purist position on the nature of the Occident restricts it specifically to Istroyan and Adonerii-descent civilizations, namely Caphiria and Urcea. Caphirian ultranationalists have been known to exclude every other nation, including Urcea, from their definition of the Occident.

Classical Occident

The 'Classic Occident' referring back to the definition used by its Adonerii inventors, originally referred to the world around Urlazio and later to the Christian world in general, has been expanded to both the Latin nations and the Romance ones with Latin-descended legal traditions. In most cases Gothica generally falls under this definition as a peripheral region, as does much of northern Levantia and Slavic southern Sarpedon.

Wider Occident

Also known as Kiro-Occidentalism, the Wider Occident includes the Coscivian and Gaelic civilizations, creating a periphery not within Levantia, but around Sarpedon and Levantia as a whole, with the periphery in colonies within the Orient itself. This definition generally includes the entirety of the Christian and Christian-descent world, including sects outside of the Catholic Church. This position is often favored as a compromise position that puts Coscivian civilisation on equal footing with Latin civilization.


In opposition to the Wider Occident position, Coscivian and Gaelic nationalists often count the Coscivian world as a third counter to the East and West. This position is somewhat related to the Counter-Equatorial Movement.


Occidental, or Western, culture broadly includes several key social norms, ethics, customs, religious beliefs, political systems, and technologies either endemic to or adopted by its constituent peoples. In addition, various subgroups in the Occidental umbrella are often typed as having certain characteristics, although these may change radically over time and are not monolithic for any given people or nation. There is a great deal of overlap in peoples in reality and these general tenets are not absolute.

Core Occidental Traits

  • Christian cultural influence on moral, ethical, and philosophical theory and tradition.
  • Monogamous mating for life under a rite of marriage.
  • Embrace of the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions and the Enlightenment philosophical tree, especially Humanism.
  • The employment of multi-party or ostensibly multi-party parliamentary systems of legislation.
  • Conception of societal hierarchy in terms of economic class rather than birth caste.

Istroyo-Adonerii Culture Group

  • Linear conception of time (shared with Audonian cultures).
  • Legal theory, philosophy, and art based in Latin tradition.
  • Art focuses on emotional exploration and expression.
  • Latin Script extant.
  • Heavy featuring of dichotomy and binary themes.

Coscivian Culture Group

  • Lunar Calendar system and irrealist conception of time.
  • Distinct legal tradition perpendicular to Latin development of Absolutism.
  • Independently developed philosophical tradition overlapping large portions of Latin philosophy.
  • Art tradition focuses on multisensory experience through aesthetics, including deliberate inducing of synæsthia.
  • Coscivian script largely extant.

Gallic Culture Group

  • Circular concept of time and conception of the dead as legally and socially extant but rendered invalid.
  • Hybrid legal and philosophical tradition drawing from local, Latin, and Coscivian sources.
  • Art focuses on exploration of aesthetics to guide human behaviors.
  • Unique script largely usurped by Latin script.
  • Extended family (Clan) as the base unit of the social group rather than immediate family (shared with Alshari and Cronan cultures).

Gothic Culture Group

  • Linear conception of time.
  • Unique languages adopting the Latin script.
  • Legal tradition divergent from but based in Latin law and philosophy.
  • Art is primarily concerned with transmitting information in an aesthetically attractive format.

Slavic Culture Group

  • Linear conception of time.
  • Unique languages in Cyrillic script.
  • Alternative legal and philosophical tradition developed in parallel with Latin thought.
  • Art is focused on integration of social status/wealth displays and displays of adherence to social traditions.

Occidental nations

Nations are grouped below into the same cultural groups listed above for easy reference.

Culture Group Nation Culture Notes
Istroyo-Adonerii Aciria Romance
Castadilla Romance
Lucrecia Latin, Romance
Cartadania Romance
Pelaxia Romance
Caphiria Latin
Urcea Latin, South Celtic
Burgundie Romance
Yonderre Romance
Deric States
Galicia Romance A former Cartadaniaan colony, the ruling class of Galicia espouse the occidental ideals but the majority of the population remains tethered to their oriental Punthite ideals.
Ceylonia Romance A former Cartadaniaan colony, the ruling class of Ceylonia espouse the occidental ideals but the majority of the population remains tethered to their oriental Punthite ideals.
Lariana Latin
Coscivian Kiravia
The Cape
Gaelic Faneria North Celtic
Fiannria North Celtic
Caergwynn North Celtic
Carna South Celtic
Gothic Vithinja Wiking
Arcerion Anglo-Ardmori
Hendalarsk Germanic
Eldmora-Regulus Germanic
Alstin Aenglish
Avonia Aenglish
Hollona and Diorisia Aenglish(?)
Slavic Grajnidar Byetussian
Volonia Byetussian