List of Provinces of Faneria

Revision as of 22:16, 15 July 2021 by Kistan (talk | contribs) (some city sizes)
Political Divisions of Faneria
Subdivision Name Provincial Capital Political Status Land Area Population

(2015 approx.)

Phone Codes Shipping Code Notes
Rhydwellann Oirthidún Capital Province 68-1## FH-01
Connsmonan Tulrahen Province 68-3## FH-03
Mhartainnvail Umadún Province 68-2## FH-02
Srathlann Sethsport Province 68-4## FH-04
Haibnelann Dúnmach Province 68-7## FH-07
Turlann Luinndún Province 68-9## FH-09
Gleathan Mult Dún Province 68-10## FH-10
Fhainnholdt Dúnfhainn Province 68-6## FH-06
Dunlann Comghallsport Province 68-5## FH-05
Lyukquar Lansgadh Semiautonomous 68-12## FH-S2
Vrael Mullcirit Semiautonomous 68-11## FH-S1
Eilada n/a Colonial Territory 221 68-13## FH-S3
Mharnsgate Mharnsgate Colonial Territory 68-14## FH-S4
Sorhaithe Igar Dún Province 68-8## FH-08
Itheachan Braigscirit Province 68-15## FH-15
total (15)

note to self: 45% of population urban? out of 284m that's about 128m people in cities total

National Parks, Reserves, and Military Installations
Name Owner Square Mileage Notes
Eilada Naval Administrative Center and Fort Eilada Office of the National Army
Sethsport Naval Administrative Center and Fort Sethsport Office of the National Army
Grand Deamhainn National Park Parks and Historic Sites Division
Fort Teindun Office of the National Army
Habhainnsk Naval Administrative Center and Fort Habhainnsk Office of the National Army
Fort Oirthidun Office of the National Army
Mharnsgate Naval Administrative Center and Fort Mharnsgate Office of the National Army
Kurikila Memorial Park Parks and Historic Sites Division
Rhydwel Nature Preserve Parks and Historic Sites Division
West Deamhainn Preserve Parks and Historic Sites Division
Water Sourcing Administrations Water Utility Bureau
Rihsport Naval Administrative Center and Fort Rihsport Office of the National Army
Fort Cananach Office of the National Army
Fort Republic Office of the National Army
Fort Mullcirit Office of the National Army
Fort Gwyn Office of the National Army
Fort Llanwyrst Office of the National Army
Fort Dunhach Office of the National Army
Fort Moy Office of the National Army
Fort Farranfore Office of the National Army
Fort Rhydwel Office of the National Army
Fort Dunmach (Dunlann) Office of the National Army
Fort Norbah Office of the National Army
Fort Aberavon Office of the National Army
Fort Lansgadh Office of the National Army
Fort Torr Office of the National Army
Fort Lawrence Office of the National Army
Fort Julian Office of the National Army
Fort Luidun Office of the National Army
National Army Central Training Center Office of the National Army
National Army Grand Artillery and Armor Training Center Office of the National Army
National Army Engineering and Sciences Institute Office of the National Army
Fort Mhuir Military Preserve Office of the National Army
Fort Gaoth Military Preserve Office of the National Army
Igar-Malin Naval Administrative Center and Fort Malin Office of the National Army
Deamhainn Reserve Arsenals Office of the National Army
Fort Fionn
Name Province Square Mileage Population Notes
Oirthidún Rhydwellann 160+ National Capital
Tulrahaen Capital of
Lansgadh Lyukquar Capital of Lyukquar, Port
Dúnfhainn Fhainnholdt Capital of Fhainnholdt
Umadún Mhartainnvail Capital of Mhartainnvail
Comhgallport Dúnlann 150 Capital of Dúnlann
Dúnmach Haibnelann Capital of Haibnelann
Mullcirit Vrael Capital of Vrael, Port
Mult Dún Gleathan 60 Capital of Gleathan
Braigscirit/Cirit Braigh Capital of
Luinndún Capital of
Igar Dún Sorhaithe Capital of Sorhaithe, Port
Sethsport/Spetsford 420+ Capital of Srathlann, Second by population, Port
Meadhainnigh Rhydwellann
Teindún Rhydwellann 440+ First by population and size
Gwyn Dún Gleathan Port
Caileansdún 110 Port
Cirit Cwimbran
Port na Habhainnsk Port
Kilbrin Gleathan 80
Moygownagh Gleathan 70
Lar Dún Rhydwellann Port
Charthaigh Rhydwellann 40+ Port
Mwynsdún Port
Lawrencetown Srathlann
Malin Sorhaithe
Elgin Dún
Julianstown Srathlann
Dúnfanaghy Gleathan 50
Sathlagen Rhydwellann
Farranfore Port
Carnac Dún
Gaoth Sorhaithe
Mullaghmore Srathlann
Grenhill Srathlann
Torrscirit Port
Fionnport Port
Rihsport 350 Port
Mitchelstown Srathlann
Twinstonesfordsbridgeshire Srathlann Port
Kurikila Vrael Port
Mhuirthead Sorhaithe
Cavan Dún
Llanwyrst Gleathan Port
Anainn Dún
Roselandt Srathlann Port
Tynagh Dún
Aberavon Lyukquar Port
Cionhaen Port