Human Development District

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The Human Development District is a civil administrative unit of Mid-Atrassic Crona. The District was created as an administrative unit to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive Kiravian-funded and -directed human development efforts in Crona.

Human Development District
Hankaritax Lékréstrax Distriktuv


Country Mid-Atrassic Crona
Capital Horizon City
Population est. 700,000
Governor-Resident Morodvenir Karteret
Managing Commissioner Varula Itelveren Alêtor
Governing Body Directive Commission
Advisory Council seats 3
Official languages Coscivian (working)
Postal Abbreviation HLD
Time Zone West Punth Time



The Human Development District is situated amid the inland plateau that covers most of Mid-Atrassic Crona, centred on the Manacusank Bend in the Patapskuv River, where the river turns from the southwesterly course it has followed from its source in the Ramkono Mountains and thereafter flows south-east toward Yordest Bay instead. It has a temperate continental climate, and its native vegetation is predominantly mixed softwood-hardwood forest, though the landscape is peppered with parcels of land cleared for traditional agriculture and (more recently) modern development.



The lands that would become the Human Development District were mainly inhabited by the Chesequaki people prior to the dissolution of Nanseetucket.

Origins of the Project

The HDD is the brainchild of Kiravian development guru P.D. Cavriolan. Cavriolan's approach to large-scale holistic development emphasises the spatial dynamics of the development process, noting that the beneficial effects of successful development interventions radiate spatially from their epicentres. Appropriating the revolutionary socialist concept of a compact revolutionary zone, Cavriolan introduced the 'compact evolutionary zone' model for organising development projects. Cavriolan's thesis states that successful development efforts are multi-dimensional (addressing different and overlapping human needs, such as nutrition, sanitation, housing, education, social capital), that successes in development compound one another and can become subject to a law of increasing returns, and that the benefits of these successes diffuse radially across space. Therefore, he argues, it is most effective to concentrate efforts addressing all aspects of development intensively in a few compact geographic areas, rather than to independently address different development needs in many locations across a wide area, which he perceived to be the norm. Later in his career, he expanded these same principles into the related concept of the 'development mandala' as a model for harnessing the synergistic effects of multiple autonomous development projects over an extended geographic area.

The HDD is a large-scale realisation of Cavriolan's development mandala. Its creation was proposed by a high-level study committee inside the Overseas Development Executive tasked with providing the Cabinet with recommendations for a national reconstruction strategy in the aftermath of the dissolution of Nanseetucket, after which the Kiravian Federacy found itself in possession of half of the former country, inheriting its pervasive preëxisting development deficiencies and the devastating effects of the war. Following Cavriolan's theory, the committee recommended adopting a clear distinction between relief efforts and development efforts, and initially concentrating most development efforts for the native population in a single, reasonably central area of the country that would also serve as a "hub" for relief services, logistics, and subsequent expansions of development work into more peripheral regions.


The area that would become the HDD was selected by the ODE's Compact Development Zone Planning Board for its reasonably central location in Mid-Atrassic Crona, and because it had been the site of extensive fighting during the Nanseetucket Civil War, resulting in the depopulation of large swathes of land and thus providing an abundance of "unoccupied" land for development. Establishment of the District was authorised in 212XX by the Trans-Atrassic Security & Development Act II, and subsequently enacted by an Ordinance of the Mid-Atrassic Crona Executive Council.


The Final War of the Deluge forced the mass evacuation of native civilians from the Southern Military District near the Varshan border. In response to this sudden wave of internally displaced persons and anticipation of large waves of escaped slaves fleeing behind Kiravian lines should the Kiravian Army's incursion prove successful, Cabinet orders were issued directing the HDD authorities to halt many development projects, such as the planned eco-towns and agro-forestry programmes, and focus instead on refugee accommodation and processing, freedmen's affairs, infant nutrition, and disease control.

Human Development Initiative


The Human Development District has a special governmental structure suited to its unique purpose. Ultimate executive authority belongs to a Governor-Resident, who is appointed by the Governor-General of Mid-Atrassic Crona. The Governor-Resident has wide-reaching authority to issue decrees for the district, but generally confines their activity to such matters as security, policing, the judiciary, and mosquito control. Most other governmental functions are overseen by a Directive Commission.

The Directive Commission...

The HDD's civil service and police force are provided by the Overseas Governance Executive of the Kiravian Federacy.

For administrative and statistical purposes, the District is divided into 33 counties (*amtra*). Currently, most counties are numbered rather than named.


According to the Passport Bureau, which collects population statistics for Mid-Atrassic Crona, the HDD has an enrolled population of 745,346, though it notes that registration and the issue of passports to the members of several tribes living in the District is not yet complete. This figure does not include the thousands of Kiravian nationals living and working in the HDD as administrators, military personnel, aid workers, missionaries, and contractors, though it does include several hundred Kiravian transplants, mostly farmers and merchants, who have settled in the district independently. State-sponsored Kiravian workers in the District are encouraged to remain in the District after the expiry of their assignments and are eligible for land grants and Human Capital Transfer Programme payments.

Most of the population of the district belong to various native Cronite tribes. The largest of these are the Chesequaki and [Other tribe], whose traditional homelands included parts of the District's present territory. In addition, a number of other Cronite tribes - mostly from easterly regions of former Nanseetucket - have been relocated to the HDD for various reasons, whether in whole or in part.

Settlements, installations, and points of interest

  • Horizon City - (Cosc. Thesovosar) Capital of the District and administrative headquarters for the Human Development Initiative. Horizon City houses the field offices for numerous Kiravian government agencies and various NGOs operating in the District and other parts of Mid-Atrassic Crona.
  • Kakuma - Refugee camp in County Haven serving war orphans.
  • Dhovasar - (Eng. "Women's City") Resettlement block in Gardens County primarily serving widows, orphans, former slaves, and domestic abuse victims transferred from other settlements in the District. Dhovasar boasts thriving microfinance programmes, quality women's health services, and cottage enterprises.
  • King Faur Economic City - (Cosc. Timoniúsar Xūrosk Faur) Planned settlement on the banks of the [fuck i forgot the river name] River in County №7, funded and coördinated by the customary King of the Valosian Coscivians, Rando the Fatass, and named in honour of his father Faur the Jacked. Unlike most planned settlements in the HDD, King Faur city is to be developed mainly by private enterprises for commercial purposes.
  • Čebureki - Resettlement block in Horizon County for ethnic Chikibriki expelled from Chappaqua and other easterly parts of Mid-Atrassic Crona, such as the Patapsco and Choptank SAZ's. Most residents belong to the former managerial class of Nanseetucket and work for the Kiravian government and other organisations.
  • Tékakviþakorva - Mission village in County №11 operated by Catholic Relief Services and the Franciscan Mission Board of Farravonia.
  • Takestwototango - Resettlement block in County №24 for ethnic Shenango people relocated from the Anaqua Joint Security Area. Noted for its traditional dance festivals.
  • Kitčendowa - "Modern collective living" community in County №6, populated by the Munči-Umami tribe and launching a community-owned venison jerky business with the General Food Administration and Kiravian Forces as customers.
  • Férintośkorva - A Kiravian farming settlement, populated mainly by Kaltan Coscivians.
  • Vimniviksar - Growing town in County №15, midway along the road from Kitchawan, Chappaqua to Horizon City.
  • Camp №42 - Processing, transit, and medical installation in County №12 operated as a field training location for the Institute of Cronan Studies.

Criticism of the District

The Human Development District and its associated initiatives have been the subject of criticism, much of which has been levelled by opponents of the Kiravian government's allegedly imperialistic policies in Crona. In 21203, the editorial staff of the newspaper Ɣábravik condemned the HDD as a "model concentration camp designed to divert and deflect attention from the ongoing atrocities being committed by the Candrin administration" and as a "foreign and domestic propaganda tool being used to delude Cronites into accepting Kiravian domination as a benevolent force." Mixæl Merav, an independent filmmaker who was invited to tour several "contemporary rural clusters" and "modern collective living" developments in the District, remarked that the District was "at best a bizarre Kirotemperatist experiment in creating a Coscivian "Cosmic Race" with a deranged Tech Corridor startup mentality, and at worst a smokescreen of buzzwords and Potemkin villages obscuring genocide on an unprecedented scale."

Marcelo Teixeira, a former executive for Hornbill Freight Systems, a logistics contractor for the Kiravian government, told Ɣábravik that government agencies working in Mid-Atrassic Crona prioritise shipments of food, medicine, and other necessities to the HDD and the Joint Security Areas around Chappaqua over other areas. Delegate Terésa Krestor Avorrin (CSU-Metrea) led an effort joined by 35 anti-administration members of the Stanora to conduct a legislative investigation of living conditions in the District, but this was blocked by the pro-administration camp.

Others have criticised the management of the District rather than its existence. Ivardus Hopsin, former director of a government-funded literacy programme in the District, told an annual meeting of the Worshipful and Very Quiet Guild of Kiravian Librarians that "the way things are done Human Development District is reflective of an administration that still isn't sure what it wants to do in Crona. In one subdivision, with one tribe, they want Coscivian cultural education and they want textbooks to use Coscivian loanwords. In another they want calques and synthesis from native roots. In Horizon City they want to teach Coscivian itself. This is what we see in the educational sector, but the same pattern applies across the board as far as aid distribution, development, job training, and so on." Similarly, Nestorius Y.P.G. Grampian, a Shaftonist-democratic political theorist and general supporter of the Candrin administration wrote in the circular Persistence of Vision that "in the HDD we see once again that perpetual Ancient Coscivian logic of Verticalism, an order in which one's economic life is determined by bureaucrats on the basis of tribe, clan, and caste. Kirosocialism defeated, we had thought that this creeping vine had finally been extirpated from our polity, but it is clear now that the errors of Verticalism are so deeply imprinted in the Coscivian psyche that they become the default manner of administration to which we invariably revert in the absence of strong organic institutions."
