National Emergency Management Agency of Burgundie

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The National Emergency Management Agency Burg: Agencie des Gestion des Crises Nacional (AGCN)) is the national coordinating agency in the response to and recovery from a disaster that has occurred in Burgundie and that overwhelms the resources of constituent country authorities. Is its also the successor to the Civil Defense Authorities of the constituent countries if Burgundie.

Strategic Auxiliary Fleet of the Continuation

The Strategic Auxiliary Fleet of the Continuation is a reserve fleet of steam locomotives train engines, steam ships, and clipper ships owned by the National Emergency Management Agency. This fleet is widely distributed across the Burgoignesc Metropole in the event of a nuclear strike. Due to the mechanical nature of these modes of transportation they would not be impacted by an electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) of a nuclear detonation and would be the primary mode of transportation for key royal and national government officials reconstituting or for troop movements.

The rail fleet is maintained by the Army Corps of the Rails and the ship fleet is maintained by Merchant Marine of Burgundie. To maintain operational readiness all of the Strategic Auxiliary Fleet of the Continuation vehicles are used on an at least quarterly basis. The Merchant Marine of Burgundie in particular has found an market with climate conscious consumers and corporate partners and have developed dedicated shipping routes for their Strategic Auxiliary Fleet of the Continuation clipper fleet. In 2032, they even petitioned the Ministry of Emergency Management to build 5 more extreme clippers to maintain a reserve while being able to meet increasing demand.

Environmental concerns have plagued the steam engine and steamer ship programs and there have been a number of scholarships given to universities and think-tanks to come up with a better, equally as accessible, and equally replenishable fuel, instead of coal.


See also