Burgoignesc language

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Burgoignesc is a family of languages centered around the language spoken on the southeastern coast of Levantia, contemporarily called Metropolitan Burgoignesc. It has _ derivative languages or dialects:

These languages share a grammatical structure, word order, and a mutually intelligible vocabulary. They differ primary in the time they reflect and the local influence they endured. JOB is based on the Burgoignesc language as it stood in the 1450s and includes many loan words, prefixes and suffixes from the Gothic languages.

History and Origins

Latin words with "-alt" became "-aut".

Latin ending "-us" was dropped.

Latin ending "-um" became "-gne" after a vowel or soft consonent, became "e" after a hard consonent.

During The Fraternal Wars, particularly the First and Second Fratricides, partisan music (Deric Latin: musica partigiana, Burg: music partisæ, Common Latin: partis musicæ) became very important, not only as a bonding and morale booster but after the wars to the respective countries. The tradition dates back to the medieval period but as the armies of the principalities that became Burgundie merged, the parochial folks songs of the various regiments were superseded with simple, easy to remember songs in the Burgoignesc language that taught the language as well as created an esprit d'corps. This language of the campaign become the common language of the entire nation as the returning soldiers brought it home and it bacme a mechanism of the state's attempts to form a singular central state.

Grammatical Characteristics

Clitic doubling
Fusional language
Two gender (-euer masculine and -iex feminine)
Two numbers (singular, plural (-s, -es))
Right branching
Subject-verb-object typology
Postpositive adjectives

Phonological characteristics

Pre-stopped consonants for "m" and "n"

Written Language


Letters Name IPA

(Standard pronunciation)


(Dialectal pronunciation)

A a a [?a] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
B b be, be (n)auta [?be, ?be ?(n)awt?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
C c ce [?se] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
D d de [?de] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
E e e [?e] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
F f èfa [??f?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
G g ge [?d?e] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
H h acha [?at??] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
I i i [?i] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
L l èla [??l?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
M m èma [??m?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
N n èna [??n?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
O o o (ò) [?u (??)] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
P p pe [?pe] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
Q q cu [?ky] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
R r èrra [??rr?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
S s èssa [??s?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
T t te [?te] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
V v ve, ve bassa

(gas. ve, ve baisha)

[?be, ?be ??as?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic
X x ixa [?its?] Prep, Wintergenian, Levantine, Oceatic

Common Digraphs

Letters Name Standard pronunciation Dialectal pronunciation
Æ æ aesh ai Prep awsh, Wintergenian aysh, Levantine ahsh, Oceatic esh
Bh bh ve veh Prep ve, Wintergenian vy, Levantine veh, Oceatic veh
Ch ch ?e ?a Prep ve, Wintergenian vy, Levantine veh, Oceatic veh
Lh lh ya ye Prep yaw, Levantine yah, Oceatic yaw
Ou ou ooa oo Wintergenian woo, Levantine ow
Ph ph èfa èf Prep effe, Wintergenian eef, Oceatic erf
Rr rr èrra rrah Prep rraw, Wintergenian rre
Th th ? thaw Levantine theh

Elision is common before a letter starting with a vowel.


Burgoignesc stressed pronouns  



1st person

eo, mi


pluralis majestatis


Highly formal and archaic.

2nd person









Archaic in most dialects.

3rd person











Dialects and Sociolects

Levantine Burgoignesc

Oceatic Burgoignesc

Is a collection of similar dialects used in the disparate islands of the Burgoignesc Thalattocracy. It is credited as being a contributing or root dialect in various other languages like Cyrine, and Cartadaniaan.


The Pantalonya dialectal region is the primary dialect of the city and environs of Port Diteaux. Formed when the Diteauxoise were forced to speak Burgoignesc in the 17th century, the dialect was recognized in 1827 by the Academia Burgones. Its influence is also seen in the Wintergenian dialect as many Port Diteauxoise people settled the island in the mid 19th century.

Prep Burgoignesc

Prep is a sociolect attributed to the institutes of higher education on the Isle of Burgundie but is particularly associated with the city of Vilauristre. The dialect is thought to be largely affected by most people who use it, but it has become a common and difinitiely unique dialect across the {{wpl|Intelligentsia|intelligencia of Burgundie and as such was recognized in 1997 byt the Academia Burgones.



Spoken primarily on Ventotene, the Brenedine dialect is spoken by and named for the Brenedine people. It has noted loan words, transcribed idioms, and vocal resonance from various West Sarpic languages.

Joanus' Obsidian Burgoignesc

The standard dialect of the language in Yonderre. Also referred to as Yonderian Burgoignesc and sometimes Yonderoburgoignesc, JOB differs from modern Levantine Burgoignesc mostly by its use of Gothic loanwords. JOB and Levantine Burgoignesc are mutually intelligible, with an estimated 95 to 98% shared lexicon and only few lexical differences between the two languages. The Knights of the Order of the Obsidian Sparrow originally chose Burgoignesc as their campaign language for the invasion of Gothica in 1458 as they all spoke it, easing communication on the battlefield and thus becoming the de facto language of the Crusader state that was established afterwards.



Burgoignesc English Meaning Background
E'sui cosinier, solement I am a cook, simply or I am just a cook having no idea when presented with a question or having no wish to answer A very popular phrase in Yonderre coined by Yonderian comedy duo de Beauregard and Évêsque in the 1935 film Pastries, stockings and machineguns in which the character played by Évêsque utters the phrase when asked about his opnion on the on-going Great War and the rationing that has occured in Yonderre as a result of it. The phrase remains popular and in widespread use in Yonderre in particular to this day.
El castel s'ha incende per s'proteger della homo. Burn the village to save the village something is unsalvageable and the only way to move forward is to start fresh. Comes from the Ankivara Experiment which posited that in order to establish a harmonious social order and improve the life of Ankivarans much of the city would need to be destroyed and redeveloped.
estesar de vela stress of canvas or press of sail the fullest amount of sail that a ship can crowd on, used like balls to the wall, full tilt, or all out A nautical term used especially during the era of clipper ships when ships were piling on more and more sail sheet to increase their speed. Its use extended to be a general hyperbolic expression, in particular in reference to the speed of vehicles. The high speed train network is colloquially known as the EDV referring to an acronym of estesar de vela.
per l'indulgence de Deu by God's indulgence or by the grace of God used in Burgoignesc Catholic parlance in much the same way that Muslims use both bismillah and alhamdulillah Stemming from the period of the Great Confessional War the phrase was first used in protestant communities to denote that they did not need the indulgences of the Church to absolve their sins. As part of the Counter-Reformation the Church adopted the phrase in some eastern Gassavelian parishes, not as a statement of absolution but as a way to carry a parishioner from confession to confession. It was meant as a reminder that God sees all actions and will expect each transgression to be recalled at confession. It is typically said at the beginning and end of an action (e.g. eating, a car ride, a business meeting, etc.). It isn't an exclamation in the sense that it is not exclaimed but rather said quietly to one's self. In the business and education worlds it has become the byword for the official start and end of a meeting or class. When the most senior member of a meeting or when the professor utters per l'indulgence de Deu the expectation is for all to quiet down and focus.
Fotia Gideon! Gideon's fire the battlecry of the Army of Burgundie's infantry It recalls the overwhelming odds faced by Gideon against the Midianites and his inventive use of fire to route the enemy, making his small force seem larger and more impressive.
Eagal Ulalagh! Fear Ulalie the battlecry of the Marine Infantry


Contemporary depiction of Ulalie.

Ulalie is the Burgoignesc name for the personification of the warcry in Istroyan mythology. Its utterance recalls the terrified wail of the retreating Impaxi tribes before the Istroyan onslaught. It is shouted to inspire that same fear in the hearts of the enemy. Istroyan's would let out a warcry as they landed their ships on the shores of southern Levantia and disembarked to scatter the natives on the beaches.

pecats della paire sins of the father The sins of father are visited on his progeny

Like father like son
Like mother like daughter

Used as a missive to wave off an unbecoming behavior that was also expressed by the parent. This idiom, while relatively superficial now has a darker history. Focusing on Old Testament Biblical references, it was used as a clarion call against the Protestant Princes during the Great Confessional War. The Catholic princelings used it also to justify the Dragonnades, expulsion, and execution of the Protestant nobility and their peasantry, and the theft of their land. It rose to prominence again in the early modern era as part of a pseudo-scientific belief that immoral, criminal, and undesirable traits and charateristics were passed from generation to generation through defective familial genes. Having since been proven false, the idiom lives on as an unassuming remnant of that time.
pecats sur paire sins upon the father The sins of the children are a relfection of the parent

This social construct has long been a part of coastal Deric society eventually becoming endemic of the culture of the Bergendii and inparticular their motherland Burgundie. Negative connotation: This folk tradition was initially just applied to nobles whose progeny were deemed unsuitable for marriage. This made attempts at marriage of state, for which the Bergendii coastal elite had become known, impossible for their fathers and limited their political options. This could have applied to myriad number of conditions (percieved or real), unsavory reputations, or low levels of acuity in both male and female children. Its acceptance and application in Bergendii high society that it was known to have ended dynasties, changed the course of history, and started wars. This decidedly puritanical, and parochial view was enforced by the Burgoignesc Department of Social Maintenance from 1868-1954. It is the social codification that a parents capacity to raise moral, law-abiding children to become model citizens is reflected in their children's behavior. Constructive connotation: Since the medeival period it has also been used to describe the conditions of employment. In Burgundie the visual state of a worker is considered a reflection of the employers moral character. Since the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism it is also a form of advertisement. If an employee presents well, is well dressed, well educated, well behaved, well spoken, then their employer must be of high quality, both morally and in their acumen. This has led to form of Private sector socialism. In many medium and large size company's advertising budget they have provided for employees housing, transport, academic attainment, and uniforms. This leads the community in which these employees live to look to these companies as trusted brands for consumption. With the rise of globalization this has wained, but it is still a hallmark of the Burgoignesc social contract.

Pareisseix le rotle Come before the public in the role (of your choice) Look the part

Look, dress, and act for the station you want in life, not the one you have

Following the creation of Burgundie and the disbandment of the nobility, the various principalities and duchies sumptuary laws were repealed. This lead to an explosion in the middle and working class fashion market. This coupled with the peak of the industrial revolution making textiles cheaper meant that the fashion industry became an important part of the economic engine in the new nation. Seamstresses, haberdashers, milliners, cobblers, and the like recently unemployed as their noble clients were dethroned set up fashion houses that catered to the general population. This hunger for fashion paired with the sudden ability to climb above one's current station was passed down from generation to generation and is now part of the Bergendii and therefore Burgoignesc cultural standard. Where once it was restricted for a person to look "out of station" it is now expected that all citizens appraoch life with zealous ambition and fashion to match.

Naming conventions

Praenomen primus (PP), the given name, prenomen familius (PF), an ancestor you respect or whose traits you want your child to portray (like modern middle names), Nomen (NG), typically the mother's last name or lineage on her side she wants to honor, and a Nomen Familius (NF) the father's last name/lineage written PP-PF NG NF

Given Names

Bergendii Masc. Feinii Masc. Bergendii Fem. Feinii Fem. English Form Meaning
N/A N/A Abigaile Abigeal Abigail N/A
Anthoin Antaine Anthonee N/A Anthony Highly praiseworthy
Aiden N/A Aodhan Eithne Aiden born of fire
Astergale/Agale Oillam/Liam N/A Oilla William strong willed
N/A N/A Aveline Eilidh Evelyn hazelnut
Charl/Carol Cathal Charlise/Charlotte/Caroline Searlait Carl/Charles man
Edouard Eadbhard N/A N/A Edward wealth protector
N/A N/A Elee Eilidh N/A N/A
Ellis N/A Elise/Isabelle Eilis/Isibeal/Sibeal Elizabeth/Isabella I pledge to God
Emil N/A Emiline Eimile N/A industrious
Eugen Eoghan Eugenee N/A Eugene well-born
Falco N/A Falca N/A Falco falcon
N/A N/A Grace Grainne Grace grace
Jehan Sean Jehanne Siobhán John God is good
Joseph Seosamh Josephine Seosaimhín Joseph God will increase
Julian N/A Julee Iúile Julian downy bearded
Lill N/A Lilee Lili Lile lily flower
Michel Mihal Lilee Lili Lile lily flower
Rachet N/A Rachette N/A Rachet rock
Rexfort Risteard N/A N/A Richard strong ruler

Family Names

Academia Burgones


The Academia Burgones is the pre-eminent Burgoignesc council for matters pertaining to the Burgoignesc language. The Academia was officially established in 1484 by Cardinal Lascelles, the leading proponent of the maintenance of the Burgoignesc language at the time. Opposed by the royal court of Culfra from its creation through the end of the Great Confessional War in 1575, it was then violently repressed for the remainder of the Culfrosi occupation. The Academia was restored as a division of the Institut de Bergendium in 1831 by Pau I.

The Academia consists of forty members, known informally as les immortels (the immortals). New members are elected by the members of the Academia itself. Academicians hold office for life, but they may resign or be dismissed for misconduct. The body has the task of acting as an official authority on the language; it is charged with publishing an official dictionary of the language. Its rulings, however, are only advisory, not binding on either the public or the government.

War on Diccionari-urba

With the advent of the internet and the proliferation of "chat" the use of slang versions of Burgoignesc words, phrases, and idioms became more pervasive. In 2017 the Academia started a concerted effort to suppress the site www.diccionari-urba.ix, a veritable compendium of slang terms. The Academia approached the Burgoignesc Communications Commission (BCC) annually to try to have the site blocked as a subversive and anti-social, but without success. In 2021, the Academia changed tactics and went directly to the site's advertisers and offered to pay them not to support the site. The effort was exposed on www.hellegit.ix (Burg reddit) and individual donors came to the sites aide with thousands of thalers donated in a matter of hours. In response, www.diccionari-urba.ix went to a purely donation based. This led to the creation of a separate donation site, www.mecenat.ix. Now facing an army of slacktivists, three sites, and a massive press coverage the Academia went on an open offensive. They ran candidates in myriad school board elections and created the Conference of Burgoignesc Language Educators (BR: Conferencie d'educadors della Lengua Burgones (CeLB)). First held in 2024 the CeLB was a summer pedagogical program and symposium of educators at all levels as well as administrative leaders of academic institutions to create an improved but more stringent language curriculum at all levels. Importantly the curriculum included an emphasis on "internet language protocols". This new aspect was directed at the use of the Burgoignesc language in chat and the sanctity of the "intact language".

  • ** "In the 21st century there is no greater threat to the Burgoignesc language than www.diccionari-urba.ix." -Grand Chancellor of the Academia Burgones
    • "Since the Mod-Trad War of the 1960s and 70s, the increasing use of slang by young Burgoignescs has subverted their ability to be professionals and have reduced the capacity of Burgundie to be a leader in the 21st century." -Bhanessa MacLin, Reimont Gillete School Board Chairwoman

Following the third CeLB in the summer of 2027 lobbyists went to the Citizens Court of the National Assembly and were able get a bill introduced that got rid of the learning algorithm on cellphone typing software and instituted the most rigid autocorrect possible. The list of words in the phones was preapproved by the Academia.

Glossary of Burgoignesc Terms


While not a recognized letter in the Burgoignesc alphabet æ remains a part of the language.

  • æleigen- noun a foreigner, an outsider, lit. alien. From Latin alienigena.
  • æronaut- noun used in Burgundie to describe a pilot, lit. air sailor. From Greek aero and nautes.


  • aber- adj. rivermouth, normally a prefix in a place name (ex. Aberfort-Germais)
  • arxiduq(uhesse)- noun archduke(archduchess). It denotes a rank within the former Holy Levantine Empire, which was below that of Emperor and King and above that of a Grand Duke, Duke and Prince. The territory ruled by an Archduke or Archduchess was called an Arxiducat (Eng. Archduchy).
  • argaeoiz- adj. an inconsistent, moody prick, lit. teenager.
  • Ax-noun a naming convention for a place by a fresh water source. Ex.L'Ax-Canbon, Granblaix, and Madix. From the Kilikas Common Latin aics, from Latin aquæ.
  • axæon- noun whisky, literally water of eternal life, or aqua vitae. From Latin ax from aqua meaning water and Eclessiatical Istroyan æon meaning eternal life.


  • balestine- noun ballista.
  • balestinette- noun crossbow, literally "small ballista".
  • bandier- noun battalion, of 300 to 800 soldiers and is divided into a number of companies.
  • bariolague- noun machine gun. Named for the musical bowing technique (bariolage) of rapidly returning to the same note in a rapid section of music, because of the sound of the constant pounding of the fire opposed by the slamming of the bolt's force on the shoulder.
    • bariolageuer- noun machinegunner
    • bariolagesc- adj. rapid percussive sound


  • caminanterie-noun infantry.
  • caneton- noun duckling.
  • casteth- noun a castle. From Latin castellum "a castle, fort, citadel, stronghold; fortified village," diminutive of castrum "fort".
  • catascer- verb to build. From Istroyan kataskev?ázo? manufacture, fabricate, make, malt.
  • cathedrametropole- noun a cathedral, lit. the seat of the metropolitan. From the Latin cathedra cathedral and metropolitan metropolitan archbishop.
  • chef- noun head, boss, leader. From Latin capum, head.
  • circ- noun a church. From Istroyan kyriakon doma the Lord's house.
  • conestable- noun a constable. From Latin comes stabul? officer of the stables. Lowest enlisted rank in the Yonderian Defence Force.
  • cresserele- noun a kestrel.
  • custode- noun a custode. From Latin custode, a guard, protector, watchman. Title of police officers in Yonderre.


  • Deuagant- noun a non-sanctioned execution or a murder, lit. taken from God.
  • Deudon- noun a public execution conducted by a state or Church ordained agent of the law, lit. God-given or ordained by God, implying the righteousness of the act. The meaning has morphed over time. It was originally thought that in the cases of Church ordained executions in the Middle Ages that the meaning was "given unto God", implying that upon repentance, through death the sinner/criminal would be elevated to the heavenly host. As the temporal state gained the monopoly of force following the conquest of the Isle of Burgundie by Kuhlfros and the focus of the executions because the extortion of the power of the state and the deterrence of crime the word took on its current meaning.


  • elfereseuer- noun 2nd lieutenenant in the Army of Burgundie. From Arabic term ?????? (al-f?ris), meaning "horseman" or "cavalier", but specifically was the units standard bearer.
  • engenheuer-pombeuer- noun firefighter, lit. engineer-(water)pumper
  • envasir- verb to invade, more specifically to raid (the intention is that of a non-permanent action). From Latin in + vadere go or walk
    • envaseuer- noun raider, or invader. From Latin in + vadere go or walk and the masculine Burgoignesc suffix -euer meaning one who does the action.
    • Envaseuer- noun Commando. When capitalized the Envaseuer specifically those trained in Commando units and acting in that capacity.
    • envasioun- noun invasion, raid. From Latin in + vadere go or walk and the Burgoignesc suffix -ioun for creating nouns from verbs
  • espinac- noun spinach. From Old Umardi ????? aspanakh. Brought by the Uzdehzani refugees fleeing the Oduniyyad Caliphate in the 7th century.


  • fabrege- noun factory. From Latin factor "doer, maker," agent noun from past participle stem of facere "to do"
    • fabrique- noun factory, archaic spelling still used in Yonderre
  • fabreuer/fabriex- noun worker. From Latin factor "doer, maker"
  • falco- noun falcon.
  • ferre- noun steel. From Latin ferrum "iron"


  • gast- noun pl. gasts, seaman. From Gothic, used almost exclusively in Yonderre.
  • gendaide- noun pl. gens d'aide, military humanitarians with civilian authority, lit. man at aid. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and aide aid. It is used for humanitarian and diplomatic professionals of the Observation and Treaty Corps (Burg: ??Corps d?Observacion e Tractes??).
  • gendarme- noun pl. gens d'armes, military policeman with civilian authority, lit. man at arms. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and arma weapons.
  • gendcompt- noun pl. gens de compts, militarized accountants with civilian authority, lit. man at accountancy. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and comptable accountant. It is used for financial and administrative professionals of the Observation and Treaty Corps (Burg: ??Corps d?Observacion e Tractes??).
  • gendrech- noun pl. gens des drechs, a judge in the Lazarine Court, lit. man of the law. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and directus right. It is used for legal professionals of the Observation and Treaty Corps (Burg: ??Corps d?Observacion e Tractes??).
  • gendebouq- noun pl. gens des bouqs, a member of Academia Burgones, lit. man of tomes. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and Kuhlfrosi buch book. It is used for academic professionals of the Observation and Treaty Corps (Burg: ??Corps d?Observacion e Tractes??).
  • gendemar- noun pl. gens des mars, members of the maritime community, normally of means, particularly ship captains, lit. seaman. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and mer sea. In coastal areas it was common for all ships had to be chartered by the feudal lord as they were to be built in royal ports. The custom was common in the Istroyan city-states typically as a privilege. In the middle ages this practice was continued but as a charter purchased from the harbormaster (typically the feudal lord). Nobles who afforded this privilege were deeded the title Gens des mars.
  • gendemejans- noun pl. gens des mejans, wealthy person, captain of industry, lit. man of means. From Latin gentem race, nation, people and medi?nus sea. In particular the upper middle class following the Southern Levantine Mediatization Wars and the fall of the aristocracy in southern Dericania.
  • granduq(uhesse)- noun the monarchic title of grand duke (feminine: grand duchess) ranked in order of precedence below emperor and king, and above that of a sovereign prince and sovereign duke.
  • granprince(sse)- noun the monarchic title of great prince (feminine: great princess) ranked in order of precedence below emperor and king, and above that of a sovereign prince and sovereign duke. What distinguishes it from a grand duke is that great prince was superseded by a royal title (king) or an imperial one (emperor). The chose to remain a great principality after the fall of the Holy Levantine Empire, is in recognition of the "Kingdom of Heaven" being the ultimate authority in Burgundie.




  • limengeteuer/limengetiex- noun longshoreman, stevedore. From Istroyan 'limenergátis dock worker.
  • lounir- verb to invade, (the intention is that of a permanent action). From Gaelic lunn with the same meaning. Lunnir and is derivatives are only used in Burgundie not used in Yonderre and other Burgoignesc speaking countries
    • louneure/louneiex- noun foreign invader to Burgundie, sometimes applied to Derians in general as a derogatory term. It is offensive in that it is a Gaelic word, a Derian word, and the Bergendii are generally considered to have been the "lunneures" into ancient Deric territory.
    • lounioun- noun invasion



  • neir- ad. black


  • omes- adj. port, normally a suffix in a place name (ex. Paleromes). From Istroyan omos protected gulf


  • paradis- noun paradise from Old Umardi (paridaidam) walled enclosure. Brought by the Uzdehzani refugees fleeing the Oduniyyad Caliphate in the 7th century.
    • le Paradis- noun the Garden of Eden
  • passatgeuer/passatgeix- noun passenger
  • penau- adj. pl. penaux, penal
  • phrenetic-adj. crazed, wild and disorganized. From Istroyan phren?tikos, from phrenitis insanity, from phr?n mind.
  • pijama- noun pyjama, night clothes. From Old Umardi ???????(pay-jameh) leg garment. Brought by the Uzdehzani refugees fleeing the Oduniyyad Caliphate in the 7th century.
  • posidofan-noun lighthouse.From the Istoryan Fanos Posideon meaning Poseidon's lamp.
  • placitate-noun chicanery, pettifoggery. From Latin placitatus "impeading".
    • placitein-adj trivial, .
    • placiteuer/placitriex-noun a litigious, petty, or quarrelsome person.
    • placitier-verb to become mired in the minutia to be purposefully letigious.



  • real-adj. royal, pertaining to the Crown of a state, particularly of Burgundie.
  • realme noun realm
  • reng- noun military rank. From Old Umardi ???(rang) color. Ancient Audonian armies were commonly ranked and dressed by color. Brought by the Uzdehzani refugees fleeing the Oduniyyad Caliphate in the 7th century.
    • rengage- noun triage. same origin as above, but applied to the ranking of patients in mass casualty incidents.






Common Nouns
Pronunciation English Example/English
nacion nay-siOn nation La nacion Burgundie./

The nation of Burgundie.

bauta bow-ta boat Un mar sens une bauta ensa n'es pas un mar complet./

A sea without a boat upon it is not a sea at all.

See also

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