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Henlo Ixnay, I am in you. OOC page

Quick Summary

Hendalarsk is a democratic socialist federation located in northwestern Levantia; it is predominantly based around a heavily altered German culture and language(s), with significant influence from a large Hungarian minority and the Nünsyak, a currently very barely-fleshed-out indigenous group who can be thought of as akin to, but entirely unrelated to, a more nationally marginalised form of Basques (they're a language isolate and their ancestral lands are locked in conflict with mining consortia). Hendalarsk largely remained neutral during the Second Great War, albeit with substantial military assistance to Faneria, and conceives of itself as a rising power committed to multilateralism and still only scratching the surface of its enormous demographic and economic potential.

Wiki Pages, Ideas and Scope for Collaboration

Wiki pages

Pages marked ☆ are of major significance to Hendalarsk. Pages marked ★ are of international importance.

Page Collaboration Opportunities
Ancient Goths Add your own Ancient Goths! Flesh out existing Goths! There is much work to be done.
Einsame Maria Which mountains is the Einsame Maria larger or smaller than? Have teams from your country climbed - or died - on it?
Frehmenwerth Embassies, twin cities, foreign works about the city, foreign residents of the city
Frehmenwerther Kickers Have your nationals played for the Kickers? Have your teams played against them in international competition, or are they popular in your country?
Gold in Hendalarsk Do you have similar weird customs? Is your nation a supplier of gold to Hendalarsk for the industrial purposes in which it's essential?
Heferau-Jung-Brauerei Does this mighty firm export beers to your country, or is there a locally-owned subsidiary? Have your culture's traditional drinks made their way into the HJB range?
Hendalarsk History, trade, foreign relations, cultural contacts, the works
Hendalarsk national football team How have we fared against you in friendlies or international competition? Any particularly noteworthy matches?
Hendalarskara Civil War Did your nation send contingents of volunteers or attempt an intervention? Were your nationals caught up in the conflict? Did you help us rebuild in the aftermath, or castigate us for war crimes?
Hendalarskara Social Front Does the HSF have sister parties abroad?
Hendalarskaras Bundesliga Have your nationals played and/or coached in this division?
Hendalarskisch Are there communities of speakers in your country?
History of Hendalarsk Pretty self-explanatory, I hope!
Jenwer Do your people have a taste for jenwer, use it in cocktails etc?
Judka Haller State visits? Honours? Praise or criticism from abroad?

Future ideas