Castra Marriză

Castra Marriză is a fortress complex located outside of the ruins of old Cerrazzanum in Ranaella Province, Caphiria. Since its completion in 1333, the complex has been owned by many of Caphiria's wealthy and elite. In the 17th century, Pope Osvale II seized control of Castra Marriză for his personal summer residence. The Osvale Estate maintained control of the complex until 1958 where it was donated to the Imperium and today serves as a popular tourist and vacation attraction.

Castra Marriză
General information
TypeCastrum (castle/palace)
Architectural styleRomance, Romano-Gothic
LocationCerrazzanum, Ranaella Province

The construction of the complex was ordered by Imperator Zenoristore VIII in 1333, who wanted to have a summer palace "fit for the Pienduccos", a pair of centaurine sea-gods with the upper bodies of men, the lower fore-parts of horses, ending in the serpentine tails of fish. The result is a complex with a sober character in its exterior and splendid in its interior, with the magnificent gardens and courtyards that maintain a Sastelongra inspiration.


The complex

The palace complex covers a large area of about 39,000 square meters situated to the southwest of the ruins of old Cerrazzanum. When it was first constructed, the complex was surrounded by 50 foot walls but they were destroyed in 1721.

The complex features two main gates: portam ferream (Iron Gates) and portam flumen (Gates at the River). The portam flumen was the southern gate, facing the river, and was the main gate of the palace. It was fronted by a public square where executions and triumphs took place. The gate itself included a balcony or platform (called a falere) from which Pope Osvale II could observe the events. The heads of executed enemies were also hung here on display and a prison stood nearby. The "Iron Gates" (portam ferream), located to the north, were supposedly named because its door knockers were notably looted from one of the gates of Teritucán, an ancient city in what is now modern Cartadania.

There were least three additional gates: porta paradisi (Gate of the Gardens), portam civitatis (Gate of the Town), and porta caeli (Gate of Heavens). The porta paradisi was another southern gate, above which a reception pavilion was built which gave views over the river. Portam civitatis was a small western gate that led into a nearby town, and porta caeli led into the Cathedral of Cerrazzanum.

The internal layout is very elaborate and was designed to function as a self-contained political base of operations. There are numerous structures and pavilions which can house the residences of the owner as well as the offices for administration. Other notable buildings included the Osvalian Baths and a famous library, both created by


Hall of Mosaics

Courtyard of the Moriscos

Courtyard of the Women

Reception Hall

Royal Baths

Gardens of the Pienduccos