Foreign relations of Faneria

Bilateral Relations

Diplomatic Classification System

Nation Continent Relationship Embassy Special Relationship Statuses Notes
Fiannria Levantia Warm Vandarch Trade Zone, Council on Gaelic Peoples Faneria and Fiannria have a bloody history that remains a strain on their relationship; regardless, both make great efforts to maintain friendly relations and Faneria has placed a moratorium on its claims on Fiannrian territories.
Prevalia Levantia Cordial Vandarch Trade Zone Faneria invaded parts of Prevalia during the Great War, but the two later cooperated during the Vandarch Canal Crisis and relations have become considerably better since the turn of the millenium.
Caergwyn Levantia Hostile Arms Embargo; Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone, Council on Gaelic Peoples Faneria occupied large portions of Caergwyn during the Great War and the two fought over borders in the Deamhainn Mountains and along the Nordska and Kilikas coasts for fenturies prior; both nations have contesting territorial claims and relations remain sour despite both posessing Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone membership.
Urcea Levantia Cordial Urcea and Faneria were historically enemies of varying animosity; relations have normalized since the Great War and the two are trade partners.
Hendalarsk Levantia Cordial Vandarch Trade Zone
Eldmora Levantia Neutral Vandarch Trade Zone
Yonderre Levantia Cold Vandarch Trade Zone
Carna Levantia Cordial Trading Pacts, Council on Gaelic Peoples Carna and Faneria have some ideological differences but share a brotherly cultural bond; furthermore, Faneria has courted the organization called TRIAD of which Carna is a member.
Wealdland Levantia Neutral Trade Permitted
Yytuskia-Helvana Levantia Neutral Vandarch Trade Zone
Burgundie Levantia Warm Burgundine-Fhainn Trade Route Burgundine mercenaries frequented historic Fhainnin naval forces and the two cooperate in trade affairs.
Anglei Levantia Warm Aenglish Assistance Organization Faneria has a notable Aenglish minority and a history of harboring Aenglish refugees.
Hollona and Diorisia Levantia Warm Vandarch Trade Zone Faneria has sought closer relations with H&D after the latter's pursuit of increased independence from the Levantine Union.
Orclenia Levantia Cordial
Vorenia Levantia Neutral
Allaria Levantia Warm
Loresia Levantia Warm
Corcra Levantia Cordial
Lutsana Levantia Neutral
Vinesia Levantia Warm
Kronenia Levantia Neutral
Verecundia Levantia Neutral
Kiravia Borealis Warm Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone Faneria and Kiravia have strong trade ties and some cultural overlap, with Coscivian minorities in the north and far west of Faneria.
Vithinja Borealis Hostile Arms Embargo; Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone Faneria regards Vithinja as a rogue state and considers its relationship with it to be a cold war, despite cooperating (albeit with passive aggression) in the KBCZ.
Brumalea Borealis Allied Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone Faneria maintains a defensive pact with Brumalea and the two nations are trading partners. Brumalea was until recently a monarchy, but relaxing Fhainnin attitudes towards monarchism post-Great War allowed for the two nations' relations to be reset.
Cartadania Sarpedon Cordial
Pelaxia Sarpedon Cordial
Bussdaberia Sarpedon Cold n/a Faneria does not recognize Bussdaberia.
Caphiria Sarpedon Warm
Sapecosa Sarpedon Neutral
Takatta Loa Sarpedon Cordial
Ubunye Neutral
Mectanyika Neutral
Yanuban Warm
Battganuur Neutral
United Arab Emirates Cordial
Zendavia Neutral
Zaclaria Cold
Bulkh Cold
Umardwal Neutral
Pukhtunkhwa Neutral
Pukhgundi Cordial
Peshabiwar Cold
Tapakdore Cold
Kloistan Neutral
Pursat Cold
Kandara Cordial
Dhavashtu Neutral
Danehong Cordial
Mutsutori Allied Faneria maintains an agreement to use Shogunate ports as a resupply point for ships travelling to Crona.
Corumm Cordial Corumm and Faneria maintain cooperative ties in technology development and trade, with Faneria balancing its relation with Corumm with its relations to the Cape.
Xingkai'pei Cordial
Shingtu Neutral
Jalqolak Cold Faneria does not recognize Jalqolak.
Alstin Neutral
The Cape Allied
Palastra Warm
Etzil Cold

Territorial Claims and Disputes

Island chain -

Vandarch Canal -

Vandarch east coast (Fiannria) -

Northern sea coast -

Bilateral Agreements and Treaties

Multilateral Organizations

League of Nations

Main Article: League of Nations

Levantine Union

Main Article: Levantine Union

Vandarch Trade Zone


World Republican Council

Council on Gaelic Peoples

International Council on Fhasen Conventions

Kilikas-Boreal Cooperative Zone