The Shauku Archipelago is the collection of islands off of the northeastern corner of Audonia off the coast of Oyashima. Its islands are controlled by Alstinian Sotsial, Burgoigensc Iles Evangeline, and Oyashiman Shimaima.


Spice Islands (Burg: l'Iles Espices)


Far East Colony


Varshani conquest and rule of the Shauku Archipelago

Following the abandonment of the Far East Colony in 1817 by the Marialanii Ularien Trading Company the native Oyashi daimyos and ambitious Matsutori mainlanders formed various factions and started fighting to control the territory. One such faction was the Republic of Matsutori, a short-lived Occidental-inspired republic beset by domestic political divisions and ethnic tensions, and foreign territorial encroachments and diplomatic pressure.

During the 1850s, under the of command the Zurg Tezomoc, Varshan initiated a multiyear-long naval expedition to the Shauku Archipelago, thoroughly defeating the Matsutorine forces in the region and rendering Matsutorine control over the islands unfeasible. With the conquest of the archipelago, Varshan had a foothold in the Far East of Audonia and would occupy the islands for the next 170 years.