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Hanoram (officially the Commonwealth of Hanoram) is a Kiravian state located on the Eastern Seaboard. Hanoram encloses the northern half of Míhanska Bay, and borders the Aquaric Ocean to the east, Váuadra and Etivéra to the North, and Ventarya to the south. Along its southern border, Hanoram also partly encloses the District of Coīnvra, which was formed from territory ceded by Hanoram to the Federal government in XXXXX.



Country Kiravian Federacy
Capital Varyakivon
Largest City Primóra
Population 8.2 million
Prime Executive Méadhrán Marmaidan (Blue Tory)
Chancellor Stesiχorus Introvirin (Red Tory)
Stanora seats 3
Official languages Kalvertan Coscivian
Kiravic Coscivian
Other Languages Antaric Coscivian
Æran Coscivian
Postal Abbreviation HAN


Hanoram's geography is dominated by Míhanska Bay, which covers about one-fifth of the state's area and bisects its land area between the X Peninsula and the mainland, known in Hanoram as the Eastern Shore and Western Shore respectively. Over 80% of the state's population and most of its economic activity are located on the Western Shore, while the Eastern Shore remains largely rural and agrarian. The coastline of the Míhanska Bay is heavily indented, with numerous peninsulae protruding into it from both shores. There are also many low-lying islands in the bay, many of which are populated. With the exception of the extreme northwestern corner of the state, which lies in the Aterandic Mountains, most of Hanoram is a rolling coastal plain with undulating hills, numerous rivers, and remarkably few natural lakes of considerable size. Major rivers include the Volapūk, the wide estuary of which separates the Eastern and Western shores, the Pepsico, which empties into Míhanska Bay at Primóra, the X, the Y, and the Z.

Hanoram has a temperate oceanic climate across most of its territory, with the exception of its far northwestern corner in the Aterandic Mountains, which has a continental climate. The native vegetation is mostly mixed forests of elm, various pines, oak, maple, hemlock, and hickory. The state is known for its brilliant autumn colours.

Countyships and Cities

The territory of Hanoram is divided into 25 countyships and two independent cities. County Ardrossan County Sergion County Elūmenor County Primóra County Tydin County St. Claire County St. Brigid County Sávilús Primóra City Varyakivon City


Hanoram was founded in 20545 with the establishment of the Varyakivon ("Mariapolis") settlement at the mouth of the Tennepin River in what is now County St. Claire. The Dominion of Hanoram was separated from the Dominion of Ventarya in 20543 and placed under the authority of several Thínoran noblemen of the equestian class.


The politics and governance of Hanoram take place in the frameowrk set down by the Organic Statute of the Commonwealth of Hanoram, which was adopted early during the Republican Revolution by Hanoram's local Republican faction and took its current form in 20719. Legislative authority is vested in a bicameral Stanora, which comprises a House of Burgesses elected biennially by single transferrable vote and a House of Delegates elected quadrennially by plurality vote. Both houses use geographically-fixed administrative countyships as their electoral districts.

The chief executive of Hanoram, who bears the title of Prime Executive, is elected every five years by plurality vote.

The three largest political parties in Hanoram are the [Red Tories], [Blue Tories], and National Reform Party, all of which are affiliated with the Conservatives-Reformists Group in the Federal Stanora. These three parties, either in the configuration of Red Tory or Blue Tory majorities or Red- or Blue-Tory coälitions with the NRP, have held power in the state continuously since the advent of the current party system in 21150. The Institute for Republican Health classifies Hanoram as a "Natural consensus state", meaning that political power shifts regularly between an ideologically-narrow range of parties without significant structural barriers to opposition parties or factions.

Federal Stanora Delegation
Member Party First Elected
  Merovur Nívsergion Blue Tory (C-R) 21192
  Petronius Tædinsōr Blue Tory (C-R) 21203
  Sovía Aspolectur Solidarity Party (CSU) 21206

Most local administrative responsibility in Hanoram is assigned to its 25 countyships. Countyships in Hanoram are responsible for the provision of services such as public education, policing, waste management, parks and recreation, and local infrastructure. With the exception of the independent cities of Primóra and Varyakivon, which operate as countyship-equivalents, incorporated municipalities in Hanoram have few powers or responsibilities, and are more comparable to the perþinuvya ("rural townships") of Upper and Central Kiravia than to the municipalities of neighbouring states to the north.

Hanoram has three seats in the Federal Stanora and one seat on the Council of States.

Public Transportation

Like smaller states to its northeast, Hanoram maintains a publically-operated transit system with a high level of statewide connectivity. Partnerships with countyship transit authorities and private contractors have created a bus network so comprehensive that a University of Hanoram study using geospatial data determined that only 8% of addresses on the western shore of Míhanska Bay were further than 1 kilometre from a bus stop. Hanoram, in conjunction with the Federal government, the District of Coīnvra, and Ventarya, funds and governs the Capital Metropolitan Transit Authority, which is responsible for most mass transit in Ardrossan and Sergion countyships. HanoRail, a parastatal, operates a passenger rail service linking Kartika, Kallumsar, and Primóra.

Society and Culture

Kalvertan Coscivians. Thínoran tuva within Kalveran people. Traditional culture. Manorial stuff.

Ethnosocial Groups

The Kalvertan Coscivians are the largest and most well-established Coscivian subgroup in Hanoram, claiming descent from the original? settlers of the Míhanska Bay region. They are found throughout the state, and their ethnic culture forms the core of mainstream Hanoram culture into which other groups settling in the region have partially assimilated, but today Kalvertan majorities are only found in rural areas (especially the eastern and southern peripheries of the state) and in a few small towns. Nonetheless, Kalvertans are overrepresented in the state's government, educational institutions, and civil society groups, as well as the Coscivian Orthodox clergy.

The Antarans and Ærans are the second- and third-largest ethnic groups in Hanoram and can also be found throughout the state. The deeply-rooted Antaran communities in Hanoram have close ancestral, dialectal, and social ties with the Antarans of Váuadra and Etivéra. The Porphýrian ethnic group is concentrated in and around Primóra, with over 70% of all Porphýrians in the world living in the Primóra metropolitan area.

Hanoram has a small Aboriginal population belonging primarily to the Rofokafi and Wawa tribes. There are five designated Aboriginal reserves in Hanoram, all of which are affiliated with the Rofokafi. A smaller number of Śe'etz people, native to Etivéra and Váuadra, have migrated to Hanoram over the centuries.


The city of Hértevin in County Ardrossan is home to a large French-speaking community of Vannoisen and Axiench expatriates, mostly involved with diplomacy or the health sciences.

Most Hanoramans live either in the settlements of the Kartika Metropolitan Area or in and around the state's largest city, Primóra.


Hanoram is known for an intense interest in sports, especially fieldball, also known as Kiravian-rules football. Two clubs of the top-level Federal Fieldball League are based in Hanoram: the Primóra Warhawks and the Kartika Delegates. While the Delegates FC corporate offices, training facilities, and stadium are all located in County Sergion, Hanoram, the team's titular city and most of its fanbase are located outside of the state. The Warhawks, on the other hand, are considered a major pillar of Hanoraman culture. It has become customary for the Governor to decree a civil holiday after the FFL championship game if it is won by the Warhawks.

Other organised sports franchises based in Hanoram include the Míhanska Colonials sampakuv team (six-time national champions), the Dalkēdun Gaelic shinty team, and the Primóra Glaziers hockey team.

Like the rest of the Kiravian South, Hanoram has a fondness for many pre-modern, martial, and rural sports. Sparta, a Coscivian sport comparable to European jousting, is the official state sport. Archery and equestrianism are very popular, especially in rural and exurban areas.


The old Inner Harbour of Primóra is the state's financial centre and home to many of its largest corporations.

Hanoram stands at the forefront of the burgeoning Kiravian biomedical and health industries, a position it enjoys due to the presence of government agencies and key private research institutions in the state. The city of Hértevin in County Ardrossan is home to the Federal Physiological Institute and the Countercontagion Agency, as well as the Hértevin Medical Cantonment, which is the headquarters and flagship hospital of the Kiravian Army Medical Corps. Ɣarvoren University in Primóra and its affiliated research hospitals, as well as the strong biomedical programmes at the University of Hanoram and the University of Varyacivon further contribute to the state's stock of human resources, knowledge, funding, and research infrastructure in this field. Availing themselves of these advantages, hundreds of successful private pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and specialty healthcare firms have taken root in County Ardrossan and the Primóra metro area. Hanoram has the most physicians per capita of any Kiravian state.

Universities and federal investment have made Hanoram competitive in science and technology fields beyond medicine. Kiravia's third-largest tech corridor, centred on Kartika, radiates outward into Counties Adrossan, Sergion, and Elūmenor, creating thousands of information technology related jobs, most of which either directly or indirectly service the federal government. The Agricultural Executive operates its largest agronomic laboratory in County Sergion, and the Federal Spaceflight Authority has an administrative and research campus nearby, and the government-sponsored Kiravian West Mars Company is based outside Eregion.

The growth of the Kartika and Primóra metropolitan areas has fuelled the growth of construction, hospitality, and transportation sectors. Kartika is the Federacy's largest hotel market, and many hotel chains serving it have built locations near the District of Coīnvra border to take advantage of Hanoram's lower taxes.

Primóra is the northernmost ice-free port on the east coast of Great Kirav. The development of rail connexions over the Aterandics to Castera and Hiterna was a boon to the city's fortunes. Primóra was the first Southern Kiravian city to industrialise, and would remain the only one until High Modernity brought manufacturing operations to Tolôn and the cities of Korlēdan. Though Primóra did not readily adjust to "twenty-first century manufacturing" after Kirosocialism like Valēka or many cities of Upper Kirav, it remains home to several nationally-famous consumer brands, including ŚetanTrex (performance clothing), Ó Cormaic Seasonings, and Kalvēln (potato chips).

Fishing, both in Míhanska Bay and the Aquaric Ocean, is an important industry. The Míhanska fisheries are particularly known for the soft-shell crabs that are a staple of the local diet and have become a symbol of state pride. Although the state's GDP and labour force are overwhelmingly concentrated in services and industry, large areas of Hanoram are dedicated to agriculture, particularly the Eastern Shore and the Northern Tier along the border with Váuadra, as well as the western fringes of Counties Elūmenor and Ardrossan. Elūmenor Industries from the Kartika Metropolitan area (hospitality, transport, other stuff) Military