Yonderian Chaplain Corps
The Yonderian Chaplain Corps, known in Burgoignesc as the Corps Chaplaine Yonderresc and in Gothic as the Yondersche Feldpfarerkorps, is the combined command of chaplains of the Yonderian Defence Force. The Yonderian Chaplain Corps is directly exempt to the Holy See and is not part of any ecclesiastical province. The chaplains are drawn from the dioceses of Yonderre and have spiritual and pastoral care of military personnel and their families.
Yonderian chaplains are permitted to carry and are issued firearms and thus are not protected under the laws of war as non-combatants; for this reason, they are often referred to affectionately as "warrior priests" (Burgoignesc: Pere du guerre, Gothic: Kriegspfarer) in Yonderian society. Chaplains of the Yonderian Defence Force carry ranks in a way similar to the military with three ranks, these being Field Priest (Burgoignesc: Pere du Compagne), Field Dean (Doyen du Compagne) and Field Bishop (Eveque du Compagne). Their ranks are roughly equivalent to those of Sergeant, Captain and Colonel. The office of Archbisop of the Field (Archeveque du Compagne) is the supreme authority of the Yonderian Chaplain Corps, while the Chaplains of the Army, Navy and Air Force (Chaplaine de l'Armée, Chaplaine de Marine and Chaplaine de l'Armée de l'Aire) are offices that represent the common chaplains.
High offices
Archbishop of the Field
The Archbishop of the Field (Burgoignesc: Archeveque du Compagne) is the highest religious authority of the Yonderian Defence Force second only to the Pope. The position of Archbishop of the Field is comparable to that of a Colonel General.
The Chaplain of the Army, Chaplain of the Navy and Chaplain of the Air Force (Burgoignesc: Chaplaine de l'Armée, Chaplaine de Marine and Chaplaine de l'Armée de l'Aire) are the superior ordained chaplains of their respective branches of the Yonderian Defence Force. Their functions are part ceremonial and part that of pseudo-union leaders, serving as advisors to the Archbishop of the Field and as representatives for their fellow chaplains. The offices of Chaplains of the Army, Navy and Air Force are thus very similar to the positions of Chief Sergeants of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
Notable chaplains
- Jean-Paul Cuvillieuer (1898-1976) - Volonderre and Chaplain of the Army from 1948-1958