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Montigralska, or simply Monti is a Chrobonskian fortified wine. Produced in the western provinces of Chrobonsk, bordering Zeshinava. It is a sweet red wine, typically served as a dessert.

A bottle of Montigralska alongside two traditional Monti Crystal glasses.

Montigralska gets its name from the Montigralskayan valley, where the grapes that are used to produce it are grown and processed into the wine.


Globalization of Montigralska

Merchants of the Viluaristre Conference load Monti onto their ships to sell in Levantia.

In the early 1500s explorer-merchants from the Vilauristre Conference came to the southern coastal ports of Chrobonsk. Over the next few years relations between the two nations formalized and solidified trading agreements. Both nations being wine producing would celebrate these negotiations with the wine of whichever nation they were in. As these the negotiations finalized the vintages of Chrobonsk became highly sought after in the coastal Deric states and later across the entire Holy Levantine Empire. Because the wines did not travel well they were fortified, leading to modern Montigralska. The trade for saltpeter, gunpowder, and wine, specifically Montigralska, became a very lucrative business, especially during the Great Confessional War when gunpowder was in high demand. Because of its relationship with the Protestant Vilauristre Conference, the victorious Catholics nullified all deals with Chrobonsk. However, as the Expulsion of the Protestants lead to the formation of the Burgoignesc colonial empire and the nobles with whom the deals had been struck started colonies all over the world, they took their love of Montigralska with them. While contracts with the Holy Levantine Empire were lost for a generation, the Montigralska trade only grew and grew as the Burgoignesc colonial empire exploded. For much of the 18th century, there was never enough supply to meet demand. Prices for exports of the fortified wine were exponential, but the Bergendii merchants and consumers paid.

Since that time Montigralska has had an important place in Culture in Burgundie.


  • Monti Royale Bliss- the Monti Royale Bliss, a signature cocktail at Granquai, is a celebration of the long history of Burgo-Chrobonsk trade and friendship. It is made of 2 oz of Montigralska with 1 oz of Equatorial Ostiecian citrus liqueur and 0.5 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice, shaken over ice. Topped with sparkling water for a touch of effervescence, the drink is presented in a chilled coupe glass, garnished with a twist of lemon. The result is a refreshing and sophisticated symphony of Montigralska's sweetness and vibrant citrus notes.
  • Velvet Sunset Sangria-The Velvet Sunset Sangria, another signature cocktail at Granquai, showcases the versatility of Montigralska. The drink features 3 oz of Monti with 1 oz of Oyashimane plum sake, 2 oz of a mixed berry juice blend, and a touch of Equatorial Ostiecian orange liqueur. Stirred to perfection, the sangria is poured over ice in a wine glass and garnished with an assortment of fresh mixed berries. The result is a luscious combination of Montigralska's sweetness, plum undertones, and the vibrant burst of berries—capturing the essence of Burgoignesc indulgence and global reach.