Burgoignesc slave trade

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Semivir trade

The semivir, Latinic for eunuch, meaning half-man, trade was predominantly occurred within Audonia as the eunuchs had a long service within the great powers of antiquity. The practice had fallen out of fashion during the Oduniyyad Caliphate, but it was revived in the Warring Century, and the slavers of Maritime Dericania completely took over the trade by the 1650s. Eunuchs were used my local Audonian administrators and tribal leaders as bodyguards (lashkarin) and sometimes as magistrates. The practice was widespread, but not nearly to the same volume as working slaves. Historical records that, at most there were only about 5,000 eunuchs that were traded by Maritime Dericanian traders at any one time. Unlike chattel slaves, semivir were considered specialty slaves and fetched a much higher price.

End of the slave trade



Audonian Trans-Equatorial Route


One of the major routes was trading slaves, silks, and spices from Audonia to the latifundia in Maritime Dericania and Equatorial Ostiecia. These slaves worked in all sorts of latifundia, but the most lucrative cash crops were sugarcane, tropical hardwoods, and tobacco plantations in Equatorial Ostiecia. The sugarcane in particular was then shipped to Wintergen and Nauta Normand where it was refined into sugar, molasses, and rum. These products as well as whale oil, apple brandy, apple cider, and boreal timber were then transported to Levantine ports. Loaded with gold, silver, and manufactured wares the route brought the merchants back to Audonia to collect more slaves, silks, and spices from the western reaches of the Silk Road.


Human toll

In the middle Holy Levantine Empire period, Bergendii slavers took over the existing chattel networks as the Oduniyyad Caliphate collapsed. They used their pharisedoms as slaving hubs and as slave markets and enslaved around 10 million people of Audonian origin and transported them all over the world in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th century. However, this was merely one part of a global slave market reticulum that started a global decline in the 18th and 19th centuries.



Slavery is recognized as an abhorrent practice, but an integral part of the history of Burgundie. The contributions of slaves are embraced as part of the foundation of Burgoignesc society. History of Burgundie is taught to include the ever-present role slavery played in the Latin Heroic, Great Levantine, and Holy Levantine Empire periods, falling out of fashion in the 1830s, and being formally being banned in 1875. Furthermore, people whose forebearers were brought to Burgundie through the practice of slavery are considered equal members of Burgoignesc society and whose freedoms and obligations are the same as every other Burgoigniac.

Slavery does not carry the stigma of "otherness" as slavery was not uniquely practiced toward any one group or ethnicity in particular. Who was enslaved by the denizens of the principalities that makeup Burgundie was based purely on ease of access. In the Latin Heroic Age, throughout the reign of Great Levantia, and the majority of the Holy Levantine Empire period, Occidental slaves were taken from neighboring principalities, northern Levantia, and the Sarepdonian coast of the Sea of Istroya. As maritime technology improved and these areas centralized and became difficult to raid, Bergendii slavers looked further afield. In the middle Holy Levantine Empire period, Bergendii slavers took over the existing chattel networks as the Oduniyyad Caliphate collapsed. They used their pharisedoms as slaving hubs and as slave markets and enslaved around 10 million people of Audonia and Alshar origin and transported them all over the world in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th century. However, this was merely one part of a global slave market reticulum that started a global decline in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Stigmatizing slavery and therefore ignoring the role it played in the development of the societies it help build, and sidelining the descendants of slavery is considered a stupid thing done by libtards and conservacucks alike.

See also