Blairian Ænglish

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Blairian Ænglish is a register of Ænglish originally developed by the poet Edwin Blair. It was designed to contain as many lexical and grammatical elements from Old Ænglish as possible, as well as preferring Gothic calques or loanwords for technical and scientific terminology, while maintaining mutual intelligibility. A passionate pan-Ænglist and Gothophile, Blair believed that Ænglish liberation and unification could only be accomplished with support from and solidarity with the other Gothic peoples of northern Levantia, and saw the removal of Gaelic and Latinic elements from Ænglish as vital to asserting the "Gothic" spirit of the Ænglish. His primary opponents were the Anglo-Urceanists, who identified the success of the Ænglish people as coming through continued friendship with Urcea and union with the Holy Levantine Empire, viewed pan-Ænglishism as a primarily cultural project, and approached positively the influence of Gaels and Levantines on Ænglish civilization. They thus supported Julian Ænglish which became the standard variety of the language in Anglei. Though the fortunes of Blairian Ænglish declined in the aftermath of the Second Great War, numerous societies across the Ænglish world continue to support its adoption.