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7,083 bytes added ,  3 November 2023
Tag: 2017 source edit
Tag: 2017 source edit
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The joint Legion-gendarme convoy headed deep into the city to the Burgoignesc embassy to extract the diplomatic staff. At 2127 they encountered a Yanubi roadblock which their heavy vehicles easily bashed through. The soldiers of the roadblock opened fire to no avail, but the Junta's leadership was informed and they started to see the bigger picture. All junta-loyal soldiers, gendarmes, and police were notified to delay, distract, and fire upon the convoy and to try to keep it from reaching the embassy. Junta loyalists formed make-shift detachments as they arrived in the area and started piling up cars, furniture, and tires in the streets and setting them on fire. As the Burgoigniacs pushed into the heart of the city of Muqadas they pace slowed and eventually became a crawl as they came under heavy small arms fire. The Askaris dismounted and started to work ahead of the convoy for fear of anti-materiel weapons being used to destroy their {{wpl|VBMR Griffon|Griffons and Servals}}. The Burgoignesc vehicle gunners peppered the buildings and roof lines to keep them clear and the gendarmes took up rear guard positions as the convoy plodded deeper and deeper into the city. After 45 minutes of intense fighting the first air support from the [[Navy of Burgundie]] arrived and began firing flares and strafing runs on known junta command posts and radar installations. By this point the Junta had begun using the Emergency Alert System to give commands as Burgoignesc electronic warfare and jamming planes had started to degrade their ability to communicate. After an hour and 20 minutes the convoy reached the embassy but it has been besieged by a veritable army of Junta supporters and anti-Burgoignesc protesters.
The joint Legion-gendarme convoy headed deep into the city to the Burgoignesc embassy to extract the diplomatic staff. At 2127 they encountered a Yanubi roadblock which their heavy vehicles easily bashed through. The soldiers of the roadblock opened fire to no avail, but the Junta's leadership was informed and they started to see the bigger picture. All junta-loyal soldiers, gendarmes, and police were notified to delay, distract, and fire upon the convoy and to try to keep it from reaching the embassy. Junta loyalists formed make-shift detachments as they arrived in the area and started piling up cars, furniture, and tires in the streets and setting them on fire. As the Burgoigniacs pushed into the heart of the city of Muqadas they pace slowed and eventually became a crawl as they came under heavy small arms fire. The Askaris dismounted and started to work ahead of the convoy for fear of anti-materiel weapons being used to destroy their {{wpl|VBMR Griffon|Griffons and Servals}}. The Burgoignesc vehicle gunners peppered the buildings and roof lines to keep them clear and the gendarmes took up rear guard positions as the convoy plodded deeper and deeper into the city. After 45 minutes of intense fighting the first air support from the [[Navy of Burgundie]] arrived and began firing flares and strafing runs on known junta command posts and radar installations. By this point the Junta had begun using the Emergency Alert System to give commands as Burgoignesc electronic warfare and jamming planes had started to degrade their ability to communicate. After an hour and 20 minutes the convoy reached the embassy but it has been besieged by a veritable army of Junta supporters and anti-Burgoignesc protesters.
===Escalation of violence===
Following the successful assault on the protesters and the Yanubi junta forces, the Legionnaires managed to reach the coast and established communication with the Rapid Deployment Group 6 of the [[Navy of Burgundie]]. Realizing the severity of the situation, the [[Navy of Burgundie]] rapidly mobilized to provide support to the stranded Legionnaires and began conducting reconnaissance missions to assess the overall military situation in the country.
A group of pro-al Zaydi loyalist forces forms, under the orders of the President for Life, and they rally to confront the junta troops in the northeast. This fractures Yanuban's military between pro-al Zaydi and pro-Junta forces and leading to widespread clashes throughout the country. Throughout the month of July, the situation deteriorated further as the pro-al Zaydi forces, bolstered by loyalist and secularist militias, and non-combat support from [[Burgundie]] intensified their efforts to regain control over strategic locations and key government institutions. The junta forces continued to resist fiercely, determined to maintain its hold on power and expel any perceived foreign intervention.
Amidst escalating tensions, various international actors attempted to mediate a resolution to the crisis, but their efforts were often stymied by the deep-rooted divisions within Yanuban society and the complex web of allegiances among different military factions. By August, the situation had devolved into open warfare between the pro-al Zaydi forces and the pro-junta factions, with the conflict spreading across multiple cities and regions. Both sides engaged in intense combat, resulting in significant civilian casualties and widespread destruction of critical infrastructure. The escalating violence further destabilized the country, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis, with thousands of civilians displaced and in urgent need of aid. [[Burgundie]] and its allies in [[Daria]] ([[Bulkh]] and [[Battganuur]]) scramble to provide humanitarian assistance, but the complex security situation hampered relief efforts.
As the conflict in Yanuban continued to escalate, the decision was made by [[Burgundie]] to deploy a significant [[Burgoignesc Foreign Legion]] and [[Navy of Burgundie|Marine Infantry]] force to support the pro-al Zaydi faction. The Burgoignesc forces arrived with a mandate to stabilize the situation, restore order, and protect vital infrastructure. Their initial successes were marked by strategic gains in key urban centers, securing important government buildings, and establishing a more cohesive command structure within the pro-al Zaydi forces. The Burgoignesc military effectively coordinated with the pro-al Zaydi troops to push back the junta forces and gain ground in several regions, namely the coastal plain in and around Muqadas, as well as in the east along the coast of the Managil Bay. This combined force managed to weaken the junta's hold on crucial supply routes and key junta strong points in those regions, significantly hampering the junta's ability to reinforce its positions.
However, the initially amicable relationship between the Burgoignesc forces and the pro-al Zaydi faction began to deteriorate rapidly as reports of atrocities committed by the al Zaydi forces emerged. These atrocities included indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, reports of extrajudicial executions, and severe human rights violations against perceived supporters of the junta. Such actions were in direct contradiction to the principles and standards of conduct upheld by the Burgoignesc military, leading to increasing friction and moral dilemmas within the ranks. Despite [[Burgundie]]'s attempts to maintain discipline and adhere to international standards of engagement, al Zaydi spoke publicly in favor of the actions of his forces which put significant strain on the alliance. This strain was exacerbated by the growing international outcry and condemnation of the escalating violence and human rights abuses in Yanuban and [[Burgundie]]'s "complicities" in those abuses.
In response, the Burgoignesc military leadership, already grappling with the moral complexities of their involvement, initiated internal discussions to address the situation. As evidence of the atrocities continued to mount, senior commanders conveyed their concerns to the Burgoignesc high command, demanding that immediate measures be taken to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and protect the civilian population from further harm. Tensions between the two factions escalated, leading to confrontations and clashes over the conduct of military operations and the treatment of civilians. The Burgoignesc forces, faced with a moral dilemma and mounting international pressure, found themselves navigating a complex situation, torn between their mission to stabilize Yanuban and their commitment to upholding ethical and humanitarian principles.
===Burgundie stands alone===
In the town of Tajebet, reports surfaced of widespread civilian massacres and heinous acts of violence carried out by the pro-al Zaydi forces. Eyewitnesses detailed accounts of the systematic targeting of unarmed civilians, including women and children, and the abduction of numerous women and girls for nefarious purposes. Faced with this egregious violation of human rights and a blatant disregard for the rules of engagement, a platoon of the [[Burgoignesc Foreign Legion|Umardi Askari]]s, tasked with securing the area and protecting the civilian population, confronted a group of pro-al Zaydi fighters in the act of committing further atrocities. Despite attempts at de-escalation and warnings to cease their actions, the pro-al Zaydi forces persisted in their brutal assault on the defenseless civilians. Under intense pressure and with a heavy heart, the Askaris were left with no choice but to open fire on the perpetrators, seeking to put an end to the senseless violence and protect the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The firefight that ensued resulted in casualties on both sides, 2 Askaris and 36 Yanubis, further exacerbating the already tense and volatile situation in the region. The decisive action taken by the Askaris to protect the civilian population of Tajebet, created an irreparable rift between [[Burgundie]] and the al Zaydi faction. Condemning the atrocities and the flagrant disregard for human life, the Burgoignesc government publicly denounced the al Zaydi leadership and announced the immediate suspension of all military cooperation and support.
With [[Burgundie]] effectively severing ties with the pro-al Zaydi faction, the civil strife in Yanuban escalated to a new level of complexity, with the pro-al Zaydi, pro-Junta, and Burgoignesc forces engaging in direct confrontations and intense battles throughout the country. The conflict, now involving three belligerents, plunged Yanuban into further chaos and bloodshed, deepening the suffering of the civilian population and exacerbating the already dire humanitarian crisis.



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