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Since 1968, Huoxia has been considered by the [[League of Nations]] to be an authoritarian state, with varying periods of liberalization and crackdowns related to the often complex clan dynamics that have a controlling interest in the economy, politics, and military of the country. Regardless, Huoxia has remained a coherent, albeit corrupt, country through several recent civil conflicts and international pressure both abroad and from its larger neighbors.
Since 1968, Huoxia has been considered by the [[League of Nations]] to be an authoritarian state, with varying periods of liberalization and crackdowns related to the often complex clan dynamics that have a controlling interest in the economy, politics, and military of the country. Regardless, Huoxia has remained a coherent, albeit corrupt, country through several recent civil conflicts and international pressure both abroad and from its larger neighbors.
====Prehistory and Antiquity====
The area of modern Huoxia was first inhabited by humans approximately two million years ago, though similarly to modern Daxia and Canpei, a complete archaeological record is difficult to establish due to a long history of settled cultures in the region and overlapping sets of fragmentary remains or later human activity in many cases destroying archaeological sites. The earliest concrete records of history in the area originate from Zuo, a state on the southern coast of the Tanhai peninsula in Daxia which existed between the 11th and 4th Centuries BCE. The Zuo were a people bordering the Xie Dynasty in Daxia and the [[Daxia#Era of Chaos Period (685 BCE-475 CE)|Chaos-era]] state of Jin, and served as a usually amenable trading partner and a barrier to the Yuegi, a confederation of pirates and warlike peoples on the eastern coast of the peninsula and the Metzettan Islands. However, the area would not be dominated by the Zuo, but the Tanhese, a neighboring state which in 331 BC began aggressively expanding into Yuegi and Zuo territory. The Tanhese, through a combination of religious fervor and early biological warfare, decimated and later deported much of the Zuo people inland. Following the formation of the Tanhai Empire (internally referred to as the Empire of All-Under-the-Sun), significant trade and cultural exchange began with the nomadic peoples of central Alshar and the state of Cao in southern Daxia. Huoxia, the Tanhese name for the Tanhai Peninsula, originated during this period, literally translating as 'Great Flame' and more appropriately as the Lands of Noon in reference to Tanhai's location between [[Metzetta]] and [[Audonia#Daria|Daria]]. Tanhese armies, though never approaching the numbers seen in the South during the Daxian Chaos Period, attacked Upper Jin repeatedly and with fewer than fifty years of peace total between 229 BC to 552 AD. After Jin was reduced to a Caoan satellite, Tanhai turned to campaigns to fully unify the northern end of the peninsula and convert the states and tribes of the neighboring regions to the Tanhese Solar Faith, following which a period of internal heresy wars and intermittent conflicts with the reestablished State of Zuolihi in the west commenced. Notably, in the 7th Century AD, the [[Degei Confederation|Ayanga Khanate]] invaded contemporary Zuolihi and former Zuo, capturing the southwestern end of the Peninsula before being reduced to a client of the Shang Dynasty. Tanhai eventually recaptured the region in the 1180s from the Zhong Dynasty, which was preoccupied by warring with the [[United Cities]], and enslaved the Degei tribes descended from the Ayanga.[[File:DiezAlbumsArmedRiders II.jpg|left|thumb|Painting depicting the expulsion of the Hurch from the [[Myanga Ayil Khanate|Myanga Khanate]]]]

==== Zuolihi and Tanhese States ====
==== Huric Conquest ====
The largest early states of modern Huoxia were Tanhai, Zuolihi, Tai She, and Yueguo,  
The Huoxian people originated from nomadic peoples living in the central [[Audonia#Dolong|Dolong]] region of Audonia collectively known as the Hurch. These peoples were related to other nomadic groups from western Dolong, as well as the Paozi and later Suizung peoples of Canpei. Huric historical significance began with the creation of the [[Myanga Ayil Khanate]] in 1206, of which the Hurch were a tributary people, providing soldiery for the Khan's early conquests. This state of affairs ended with the conversion of Myanga XII to Islam in 1318 and pressure being placed upon the Khanates tributaries to convert or pay {{Wp|Jizya|Jizyah}}, which the Hurch refused for reasons which are not recorded in detail but likely primarily revolved around Islam's banning of the practice of cremation. Following this refusal, Khanate troops attacked and drove the Hurch across the Hanbu River into northern Zuolihi.

==== Daxian Conquest ====
The Hurch immediately found themselves at war with Tanhai, which interpreted their presence as an intervention by the Khanate in its ongoing conquest of Zuolihi. While surprising for the Hurch, the Ayil Khanate's southern neighbor, the [[Degei Confederation|Degei]], had already been at war with Tanhai and This resulted in the Hurch accepting a status as a confederated tribe under the Zuo banner (a practice which had existed to offset the dwindling Zuo population, but never at the scale which the mass migration of the Hurch allowed). Zuo backing, armoring, and supply allowed the Hurch to organize under several chiefs, from which the charismatic Manggai Edun was elected to lead the Hurch in battle. Alongside the army of Zuo, Huric cavalry reversed and counterinvaded western Tanhai between 1330 and 1350.[[File:Zelnahora.jpg|left|thumb|During of the Battle of Suzho, Huric forces decisively defeated the Tanhese High Sun Army.]]Following records of the early invasion of Tanhai are often contradictory in exact details, but the Hurch successfully instigated revolts against the Tanhese by their northern territories and began to plunder core Tanhese lands. While Manggai and his successor Manggai II avoided direct battle with the Tanhese for the majority of the invasion, instead utilizing their vastly superior mobility to depopulate the agrarian regions of the peninsula, the majority of Zuo's fighting-age men were eventually decisively defeated and mass-executed by the Tanhese High Sun Army in late 1361. The Hurch were forced into a pitched battle with the High Sun Army at Suzho Crossing, but successfully routed the Tanhese cavalry and over several days hunted and killed a large portion of the infantry. Following the battle, Manggai II attacked and forced the capitulation of the city of Tanhai before ordering a weeks-long sack and razing of the central peninsula.

====Empire of All-Under-the-Sun====
==== Empire of Huoxia ====
====Gurid Sultanate====
The Hurch were unable to directly populate the entirety of Tanhai, and thus implemented a tributary system similar to that of Zuo - in an ironic twist of fate, including Zuolihi itself. However, the Zuo were not able to repopulate their former homelands, nor had any connection to them in living memory, resulting in the Degei present in the region retaining their lands largely uncontested. Manggai IV, whose power only truly came from his family name, eventually instructed for the foundation of a permanent capital for the 'Empire of All-Huoxia' at the mouth of the Tangsha River, which became the city of Changsi. Permanent settlement brought with it increased interaction with Daxia, and between the 15th and 17th Centuries, Huoxia fell under the sway of the [[Daxia#Qian Dynasty (1550-1946)|Qian Dynasty]], leading to the Manggais being replaced by the Daxia-friendly Abahai Taggi I, after which Huoxia formally became a tributary of the Qian.
==== Daxian Eternal Empire ====

====Burgundian Colonial Era====
====Burgundian Colonial Era====
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''1998-99 Huoxian Civil War between Basun and Tsaka families''
''1998-99 Huoxian Civil War between Basun and Tsaka families''
====Modern Era====
====Modern Era====
[[File:Northern Chaoyang Pagoda 04 2015-09.JPG|thumb|The Temple of Eternal Victory is a monument constructed by Abahai Taggi II commemorating the completion of the Hurch conquest of Tanhai in XXXX AD, and remains an important national monument.]]
In May 2000, the Daizu, a cult based out of neighboring Zuolihi, organized and launched a religious crusade into south-central Huoxia, cutting off rail access to the Tsaka Hawa's inland coal mining enterprises and demanding recognition of their faith in the Huoxian constitution as a protected religious group and a representative in the National Body. In response, Huoxian military assets descended on the region, turning central Huoxia into a warzone as the cult brought in weapons systems and older rockets taken from Zuolihin stockpiles. The Huoxian military was extremely successful in the early stage, wiping out several thousand militants out of an estimated thirty thousand. Hurch communities in the area were highly polarized, with some converting to Daizuism and adopting a radical sect of it, leading to an immediate and brutal crackdown in the area to prevent the spread of the militant religion.
In May 2000, the Daizu, a cult based out of neighboring Zuolihi, organized and launched a religious crusade into south-central Huoxia, cutting off rail access to the Tsaka Hawa's inland coal mining enterprises and demanding recognition of their faith in the Huoxian constitution as a protected religious group and a representative in the National Body. In response, Huoxian military assets descended on the region, turning central Huoxia into a warzone as the cult brought in weapons systems and older rockets taken from Zuolihin stockpiles. The Huoxian military was extremely successful in the early stage, wiping out several thousand militants out of an estimated thirty thousand. Hurch communities in the area were highly polarized, with some converting to Daizuism and adopting a radical sect of it, leading to an immediate and brutal crackdown in the area to prevent the spread of the militant religion.

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Fighting in the far west continued, as with food from the east stopping during the war, starvation wracked western primarily Hurch areas of the country. While not entirely intentional, it is considered by some countries to be a genocide by the Huoxian government, and up to 200,000 persons were killed by hunger during the Zuo-Huo War. This lead to a crisis with terrorist activity from Hurch militants, and in 2004, the Yellow Party won national elections in a surprise victory, installing Cigu Jangmu as president. President Worekko Tsaka refused to abdicate, and instead ordered the National Body stormed, initiating the Jangmu War. Fighting primarily took place in Nuran itself for the first three months between the Red Banner Division and the legitimate government's Purple Banner Division, with the Jangmu Hawa retreating to the west piecemeal afterwards with the tacit support of the Tsaka's rival family, the Ciangiya. The Ciangiya continued funneling information and small caches of supplies to the Jangmu and Hurch rebels through the Tangsha Desert until regular patrolling by the Red Banner Division made travel extremely dangerous. In March 2005, the White and Green Banner Divisions broke through rebel roadblocks, circumventing the track-breaker teams the militants used to prevent rail resupply and taking the city of Tanxi, leveling much of it in retaliatory actions against stiff local resistance. The Jangmu clan surrendered with terms that severely limited their power afterwards, with the country's lone military shipyard being transferred to the Mahalr Hawa along with a number of other assets being broken up or redistributed to Worekko's loyalists. In mid-2006, organized Hurch resistance was suppressed enough that the conflict ended in a victory declared by the Tsaka government.
Fighting in the far west continued, as with food from the east stopping during the war, starvation wracked western primarily Hurch areas of the country. While not entirely intentional, it is considered by some countries to be a genocide by the Huoxian government, and up to 200,000 persons were killed by hunger during the Zuo-Huo War. This lead to a crisis with terrorist activity from Hurch militants, and in 2004, the Yellow Party won national elections in a surprise victory, installing Cigu Jangmu as president. President Worekko Tsaka refused to abdicate, and instead ordered the National Body stormed, initiating the Jangmu War. Fighting primarily took place in Nuran itself for the first three months between the Red Banner Division and the legitimate government's Purple Banner Division, with the Jangmu Hawa retreating to the west piecemeal afterwards with the tacit support of the Tsaka's rival family, the Ciangiya. The Ciangiya continued funneling information and small caches of supplies to the Jangmu and Hurch rebels through the Tangsha Desert until regular patrolling by the Red Banner Division made travel extremely dangerous. In March 2005, the White and Green Banner Divisions broke through rebel roadblocks, circumventing the track-breaker teams the militants used to prevent rail resupply and taking the city of Tanxi, leveling much of it in retaliatory actions against stiff local resistance. The Jangmu clan surrendered with terms that severely limited their power afterwards, with the country's lone military shipyard being transferred to the Mahalr Hawa along with a number of other assets being broken up or redistributed to Worekko's loyalists. In mid-2006, organized Hurch resistance was suppressed enough that the conflict ended in a victory declared by the Tsaka government.

After the Jangmu War, repression against Hurch peopels intensified, with the Tsakas also curtailing the political power of the Ciangiya where possible and expanding their personal army, subordinating the air forces to the Red Banner in 2008. The only family to escape these curtailments entirely were the Mahalr, who saw their previously moderate holdings expand into a major house, adding shipbuilding, additional arms and supplies manufacturing, and resource extraction businesses to their belongings, as well as transferring administrative authority of the city of Changsi to them directly - a privilege previously only held by the Ciangiya and the Tsaka.
After the Jangmu War, repression against Hurch peoples intensified, with the Tsakas also curtailing the political power of the Ciangiya where possible and expanding their personal army, subordinating the air forces to the Red Banner in 2008. The only family to escape these curtailments entirely were the Mahalr, who saw their previously moderate holdings expand into a major house, adding shipbuilding, additional arms and supplies manufacturing, and resource extraction businesses to their belongings, as well as transferring administrative authority of the city of Changsi to them directly - a privilege previously only held by the Ciangiya and the Tsaka.

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2004-2006 Jangmu War (Jangmu vs Tsaka) tsaka win
2004-2006 Jangmu War (Jangmu vs Tsaka) tsaka win

[[File:Tree on the Mongolian steppe (June 1997).jpg|left|thumb|Inner Huoxian steppe along the Dolong Gap.]]
[[File:View of Shanwei City at Fengshan, Shanwei, Aug 2022.jpg|thumb|Changsi, built on the mouth of the Tangsha river, is the largest city in Huoxia.]]
Huoxia rests in the lowland cradle between two large mountain ranges, with the Daxian Arik mountain range to the south and the Hueho mountains to the north in Ugioh. The country covers the central and eastern end of a belt of lowlands which stretches west into Canpei and north into Ugioh known as the Dolong Gap, which formed one of the major migration routes of nomadic peoples in eastern Audonia. The climate of the region is largely sparsely wooded steppe in the north and interior leading into wet tropics along the coast and the southern third of the Tanhai Peninsula, which is the terminus of the geological divide.
Huoxia rests in the lowland cradle between two large mountain ranges, with the Daxian Arik mountain range to the south and the Hueho mountains to the north in Ugioh. The country covers the central and eastern end of a belt of lowlands which stretches west into Canpei and north into Ugioh known as the Dolong Gap, which formed one of the major migration routes of nomadic peoples in eastern Audonia. The climate of the region is largely sparsely wooded steppe in the north and interior leading into wet tropics along the coast and the southern third of the Tanhai Peninsula, which is the terminus of the geological divide.

Smaller geographic features in the region include the Tai She, a dry, hilly region which separates the northern coast from the steppe interior, and the two primary drainage basins of the river Tangsha and [[Lake Kocho]]. Lake Kocho sits on the western end of Huoxia and is fed by the Hongse and Hanbu rivers from Canespa and Ugioh, which form the majority of the country's western border. The Nenhua river in the northwest and the heights of the Hueho mountains outline the northern border, while the Tangsha splits the Tanhai Peninsula and demarcates the modern southern border with Daxia. Hydrologically, the Tangsha (from Tánggū shā, the Hundred Sands) is the most important feature in the country, and supports most of the ecology in the peninsular region.
Smaller geographic features in the region include the Tai She, a dry, hilly region which separates the northern coast from the steppe interior, and the two primary drainage basins of the river Tangsha and [[Lake Kocho]]. Lake Kocho sits on the western end of Huoxia and is fed by the Hongse and Hanbu rivers from Canespa and Ugioh, which form the majority of the country's western border. The Nenhua river in the northwest and the heights of the Hueho mountains outline the northern border, while the Tangsha splits the Tanhai Peninsula and demarcates the modern southern border with Daxia. Hydrologically, the Tangsha (from Tánggū shā, the Hundred Sands) is the most important feature in the country, and supports most of the ecology in the peninsular region.

*''Changsi - second largest and center of Mahalr family, rebuilt on slightly different spots after Tanxi Rebellion, CAZ''
*''Tanxi - innermost city from coast, named for Tanxia Desert, def not a CAZ''
*''Yurkur - smaller city, CAZ''
*''Nuran - capital and largest city''
*''Ulut - smaller city, CAZ''
*''Sailghi Iju - major port, CAZ''
The majority of the Huoxian population lives along the coastline or along the Tangsha river, with generally poor development of infrastructure in the continental interior. Most Huoxians are poor by international standards, with extremely high wealth inequality and differing degrees of representation and rights for minority groups within the country. Roughly twenty-six percent of the population were categorized as living in poverty by League of Nations standards in 2035, though estimates of statistics such as the poverty rate are often obfuscated by the Huoxian government.
Huoxia's annual national census data is generally not readily available for several years after collection, nor are its officially listed figures reliable, as figures typically do not include large areas of the country due to nomadism, poverty, repression, corruption, and lack of political will. The majority of the Huoxian population of roughly 45 million lives along the coastline or along the Tangsha river, with generally poor development of infrastructure in the continental interior. Most Huoxians are poor by international standards, with extremely high wealth inequality and differing degrees of representation and rights for minority groups within the country. An estimated twenty-six percent of the population were categorized as living in poverty by League of Nations standards in 2035, disproportionately impacting portions of the population not included in census data. Education standards within the country include compulsory primary and secondary education, though these services are largely underfunded or otherwise defunct in conflict regions; roughly 80% of the population is believed to be passably literate in Tanhese-script Huric. The population of Huoxia overwhelmingly follow Tanhese folk beliefs, with communities of Protestant Christian and Confucian belief largely existing without issue, though several Hurch shamanistic practices, including open-air cremation, are illegal.

====Ethnic groups====
====Ethnic groups====
The largest ethnic groups in the country, the Menzhou and Tiauska, both claim descent from the Hurch tribes which invaded the Tanhai region in the 14th Century; the Menzhou are interrelated with the Tanhese, whereas the Tiauska are primarily descended from [[Daxian people|Daxian-Yuenan]] colonists and captives. Smaller groups of Tanhese, Hurch, Metzettan, and Daxian peoples exist within Huoxia, but primarily live in the northern and western fringes of the country, with the Hurch being the majority population surrounding the western border. Though Huric is the national language and the largest ethnic groups in the country are related to the Hurch, Huoxia's government has for decades pursued a policy of discrimination and occasional outright violence against the Hurch and Tanhese. This policy began in 1982 after an attempted coup against the government failed, and military action against the Hurch was escalated following the 2004-2006 Jangmu War. Discrimination against Hurch and Tanhese people includes a lack of political representation, a ban on speaking Tanhese in government buildings, laws prohibiting Hurch from owning businesses unless they marry a Tiauska or Menzhou spouse, stop-and-question loyalty exams, and unneccessary and excessive use of eminent domain laws without compensation against targeted communities.
The largest ethnic groups in the country, the Menzhou and Tiauska, both claim descent from the Hurch tribes which invaded the Tanhai region in the 14th Century; the Menzhou are interrelated with the Tanhese, whereas the Tiauska are primarily descended from [[Daxian people|Daxian]] colonists and captives. Smaller groups of Tanhese, Hurch, Metzettan, and Daxian peoples exist within Huoxia, but primarily live in the northern and western fringes of the country, with the Hurch being the majority population surrounding the western border. Though Huric is the national language and the largest ethnic groups in the country are related to the Hurch, Huoxia's government has for decades pursued a policy of discrimination and occasional outright violence against the Hurch and Tanhese. This policy began in 1982 after an attempted coup against the government failed, and military action against the Hurch was escalated following the 2004-2006 Jangmu War. Discrimination against Hurch and Tanhese people includes a lack of political representation, a ban on speaking Tanhese in government buildings, laws prohibiting Hurch from owning businesses unless they marry a Tiauska or Menzhou spouse, stop-and-question loyalty exams, and unnecessary and excessive use of eminent domain laws without compensation against targeted communities.[[File:Tumen, Yanbian, Jilin, China - panoramio (1).jpg|left|thumb|Intensive urbanization since the 1990s has lead to a concentration of the population in efforts to improve utilities access.]]

Huoxia's government has pursued a policy of discrimination against the Hurch since the 2004-2006 Jangmu War, in which the Hurch supported the Jangmu family opposing the sitting government. This is largely considered an intensification of the previous revocation of statehood of these same areas in 1982, but with the addition of laws pressuring the Hurch to marry into Tiauska and Menzhou families through business licensing and random 'loyalty exams'. The Eyemben have also been accused of abuses against Hurch civilians in the name of pacifying rebel groups from 2004-2018, after which point no acts of terror in relation to Hurch independence have been noted following the relaxation of the most repressive policies and an expansion of Eyemben numbers since 2022.
==== Health ====
====Wealth and Health====
Huoxia experiences perennial outbreaks of cholera and other diseases, with the country's health and safety body, the People's Welfare Commission, struggling to manage a number of health and safety issues on an austerity budget since the 1980s. Privatization has largely overtaken available public health services, including basic sanitation, water management, and healthcare clinics in most parts of the country. The primary successes of the Welfare Commission in the past decades have been a decrease in infant mortality from 22 per thousand to 14 per thousand since 2000, the general elimination of child labor and early malnutrition, which have played a significant part in indirectly reducing poverty- and disease-related preventable death, and the spread of assess to potable tap water. The existing public medical sector is restricted to military personnel, government employees, and their families, is supplied primarily by the same private entities which operate the remainder of health services in the country, and largely does not exist in the western half of Huoxia. Competitive, modern medical care and effective government oversight of utilities providers are relegated mainly along the urban centers of the coast, particularly in Nuran, Changsi, and Sailghi Iju
Wealth inequality in Huoxia is a significant challenge, as while purchasing power locally allows for a growing middle class, the Huoxian _____ carries very poorly internationally. Most trade is done abroad in resources and precious materials, while banking is largely done in foreign currencies by the oligarchs and to a degree by the central government. The lower class accounts for roughly 70% of the population, with another 28% making up the middle class.

Public healthcare is restricted to government workers and military personnel as an incentive, and a number of semi-dependable clinics and private care systems exist, with Doron Health, a corporation with an oligopoly on native medical instrument production, being a major provider in cities and more generally the coast in spite of its low quality of service. Healthcare is much poorer in the west, with much of the hospital work there done by foreign charities and trainers.
[[File:Daqing Skyline cropped 01.jpg|thumb|National Administration Commissions Complex, Nuran capital district.]]
The politics of Huoxia are largely dominated by the Six Families (Great Families, or Hawa), an informal alliance of the largest Menzhou and Tiauska tribal cliques predominant in business and the bureaucratic systems of the country. One of these Families, the Tsaka, is effectively a dynastic family leading the 'Reds' Party, while the opposing 'Yellows' are composed of a collection of oligarchs who regardless typically work with the Reds due to business and social intermixing.

The government does maintain civic sewage and utilities, while areas outside the cities are left to private enterprises, especially the Tsaka Hawa's own energy companies, which subsidize the benefits given to cities. Quality of life is considerably higher in Nuran and the City Administrative Zones of Sailghi Iju and Changsi than elsewhere, as well as along the ______ River on the southern border due to higher population counts and railways leading west.
Huoxia's government was a well-coordinated and functioning republic from its breaking with Daxia in 1875 until the 1950s, after which the government saw a rapid increase in corruption and a series of amendments to its constitution which concentrated power heavily into the Head of State. While technically still a republic, it is highly thalassocratic and dynastic in nature, with the last two presidents having been father and son. Family politics in the country are the primary cause of the country's long living memory of civil conflicts, including the 1978-92 Yuhuru Rebellion, 1998-99 Huoxian Civil War, and 2004-2006 Jangmu Rebellion. Currently, the major government faction consists of the Tsaka, Doron, and Mahalr Hawas, while the Ciangiya Hawa leads the opposition party along with the Jangmu and Tankai Hawas. Of these, the Jangmu and Tankai are the weakest, with the Jangmu being harshly penalized and experiencing inner power struggles following the 2004-2006 war, and the Tankai supplanting the once-powerful Basun Hawa after 1999.
*''christians, most protestant, about 2-3m, George the Burgundine (better name needed?) as patron saint; light persecution by state''
*''common religion is Tugula, tengri-shamanist type faith with some inserted confucian elements, about 20m practicioners''
*''Daizu cult - war/death cult with adopted aspects from Revelations Christianity, Shoka Asahara, other extreme sects; about 1/4m followers estimated at most but disproportionate effect from radicalism''
The politics of Huoxia are largely dominated by the Six Families (Great Families, or Hawa), an informal alliance of the largest cliques in the country. One of these Families, the Tsaka, is effectively a dynastic family leading the 'Reds' Party, while the opposing 'Yellows' are composed of a collection of opposing oligarchs who regardless typically work with the Reds due to business and social intermixing.

Huoxia's government was a well-coordinated and functioning republic from its breaking with the Eternal Empire in 1875 until the 1950s, after which the government saw a rapid increase in corruption and a series of amendments to its constitution which concentrated power heavily into the Head of State. While technically still a republic, it is highly thassalocratic and dynastic in nature, with the last two presidents having been father and son. Because of these amendments, a brief civil war took place from 2004-2006 after the election of a Yellow government under the much weaker Jangmu family, supported by the Tsaka's major rival, the Ciangiya. The civil war, while a Tsaka victory, did not lead to the dissolution of the Jangmu, but instead lead to their few military contracts and industry being sold to the Tsaka-aligned Mahalr Hawa.
====National Government====
====National Government====
Huoxia's government is split into three branches, with a single-chamber legislature called the National Body (or National Embodiment depending on translation) composed of exactly one hundred members. Appointments and election to the National Body are an eclectic mix of local elections, position assignments, and hereditary positions; of the hundred members, sixty-eight are elected and forty of those are elected by the people in elections of wildly varying complexity and trustworthiness.
Huoxia's government is split into three branches, with a single-chamber legislature called the National Body (or National Embodiment depending on translation) composed of exactly one hundred members. Appointments and election to the National Body are an eclectic mix of local elections, position assignments, and hereditary positions; of the hundred members, sixty-eight are elected and forty of those are elected by the people in elections of wildly varying complexity and trustworthiness.
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The executive branch and judicial branches are each headed by a single member, with the President being an incredibly strong position with the power to unilaterally veto Body decisions, write laws, and levy taxes without legislative input. The President is both Head of State and Government and leads Body proceedings in normal circumstances, and is elected from within the party with a majority of seats. The judicial branch's leader, the People's Mouth, has the ability to veto Presidential decisions and put them before the Body for a vote as well as managing lower judges, but is appointed by the President. The legislature is lead by a First Minister who also heads the cabinet and acts and an aide to the President. Since 1968, the President, People's Mouth, and First Minister have all been from the Red Party.
The executive branch and judicial branches are each headed by a single member, with the President being an incredibly strong position with the power to unilaterally veto Body decisions, write laws, and levy taxes without legislative input. The President is both Head of State and Government and leads Body proceedings in normal circumstances, and is elected from within the party with a majority of seats. The judicial branch's leader, the People's Mouth, has the ability to veto Presidential decisions and put them before the Body for a vote as well as managing lower judges, but is appointed by the President. The legislature is lead by a First Minister who also heads the cabinet and acts and an aide to the President. Since 1968, the President, People's Mouth, and First Minister have all been from the Red Party.
====Local Government====
====Local Government====
Huoxia is broken into seven States, one Province, three Territories, and two City Administrative Zones. States elect local leaders and members to the National Body, the Province contains the capital and is administrated directly but retains the right to elect Body members, the CAZs are assigned governors (typically along traditional family lines) and elect Body members, and the Territories have appointed military governors and no representation. The Territories were States prior to 1982, at which point the end of the Yuhuru Rebellion destroyed the only major Hurch Hawa in the country.
Huoxia is broken into seven States, one Province, three Territories, and two City Administrative Zones. States elect local leaders and members to the National Body, the country's capital Province contains the capital of Nuran and is administrated directly, but retains the right to elect Body members, the CAZs are assigned governors (typically along traditional family lines) and elect Body members, and the Territories have appointed military governors and no representation. The Territories were States prior to 1982, at which point the end of the Yuhuru Rebellion destroyed the only major Hurch Hawa in the country.
====Political Parties====
====Political Parties====
Huoxia has two legal political parties: the Party for Huoxia (Reds) and the People's Representation Organization (Yellows). The political ideals of each are nearly identical except in which oligarchs support them, with both being nationalist, militaristic, protectionist, and to an extent xenophobic in rhetoric but not in practice. The PRO in particular has claimed itself at times to be a Bairdist, Socialist, Pro-Occidental, Pro-Varshani, Islamic, Jewish, Internationalist, and Bannochist party at various times to various foreign groups to attempt to gain support. Of the two, the Party for Huoxia has been the primary party since 2006 and held 61% of the Body as of 2025. The PfH is largely a hereditary party run by the Tsaka Family, who have held power since 1999 after taking party leadership from the destroyed Basun Family.
Huoxia has two legal political parties: the Party for Huoxia (Reds) and the People's Representation Organization (Yellows). The political ideals of each are nearly identical except in which oligarchs support them, with both being nationalist, militaristic, protectionist, and to an extent xenophobic in rhetoric but not in practice. The PRO in particular has claimed itself at times to be a Bairdist, Socialist, Pro-Occidental, Pro-Varshani, Islamic, Jewish, Internationalist, and Bannochist party at various times to various foreign groups to attempt to gain support. Of the two, the Party for Huoxia has been the primary party since 2006 and held 61% of the Body as of 2025. The PfH is largely a hereditary party run by the Tsaka Family, who have held power since 1999 after taking party leadership from the destroyed Basun Family.
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====Paramilitary Forces====
====Paramilitary Forces====
The Eyemben and Yasa protect the Huoxian state's internal stability and political elites, but both play a role in national defense as well. On several occasions, Eyemben volunteers and previously conscripts have been used as auxilliary forces to the regular Army and Falimben Guard, used for distraction attacks, asymmetrical fighting forces, and occupational units. The Yasa fulfils the role of a Joint Staff organization during wartime, directly managing concerted operations between the three field forces Huoxia maintains.
The Eyemben and Yasa protect the Huoxian state's internal stability and political elites, but both play a role in national defense as well. On several occasions, Eyemben volunteers and previously conscripts have been used as auxilliary forces to the regular Army and Falimben Guard, used for distraction attacks, asymmetrical fighting forces, and occupational units. The Yasa fulfils the role of a Joint Staff organization during wartime, directly managing concerted operations between the three field forces Huoxia maintains.


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