Possessions (Caphiria)

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In Caphiria, Possessions are the major overseas territories under the control of the Imperium. Caphiria does not classify its Possessions as subdivisions of the Imperium itself; rather, each is treated in law as a separate jurisdiction. Most have their own legislatures and a degree of autonomy usually exceeding that of the autonomous provinces, including fiscal independence. Still, The Imperium retains varying degrees of responsibility in all of the territories, currently ranging from full political control to a largely ceremonial presence. The main reserved matters are the areas of diplomacy, international treaties, defense and security. Possessions of the Imperium still follow the same organization of administrative divisions, though the naming scheme may differ based on cultural and historical contexts.

There are 3 types of possessions - overseas provinces, standard possessions, protectorates.

  • An overseas province has exactly the same status as provinces on mainland Caphiria, with Caphirian laws and regulations (the Imperium's civil code, penal code, administrative law, social laws, tax laws, etc.) being applicable, but can be adapted as needed to suit particular needs. As integral parts of Caphiria, overseas provinces are represented in the Assemblies of Caphiria as well as various councils in the national government, use the Aureus, and are afforded all of the same liberties as mainland provinces As a result, the local administrations of overseas provinces cannot themselves pass new laws.
  • An Overseas Possession is a colony or territory with a semi-autonomous status allowing it to internally self-govern, with the Imperium retaining responsibility for defense and foreign relations. Possessions still follow the same organization of provinces, though the naming scheme may differ based on cultural and historical contexts. Possessions are considered the personal property of the reigning Imperator;
  • A Protectorate is a country or sovereign state under The Imperium's suzerainty. The state possesses its own political and administrative statute and government, and local rulers retain near-absolute control over the states' internal affairs and the Imperium exercises control over the defense and foreign affairs.

Currently, Caphiria has 6 possessions:


List of possessions

See also