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Republic of Ilánova
Poblachta na hOileann Nuadha


Country Kiravian Federacy
Theme Federation
Capital Steredden-Vor
Largest City Kérvoak
Population 5,420,000
Chief Executive Pádraig Gallaɣar
Chancellor Arvandus Lastobarin
Legislature House of Keys
Stanora seats 3
Official languages Coscivian
Postal Abbreviation IÁV
Time Zone Valēka Standard Time

Ilánova (Gaelic: Oileann Nuadh, "New Island") is an island state of the Kiravian Federacy located off the north-eastern coast of Great Kirav. The island is of immense historical significance: Regarded as the cradle of Coscivian civilisation, it represents the most commonly accepted location of the Lawful Commonwealth. Later, it would serve as a jump point for migrations to and conquests of mainland Kiravian lands by Celtic peoples from Levantia. In more recent centuries, Ilánova was a major battleground of the Cromwelute Wars and an early flashpoint of the Republican Revolution. Placed at the crossroads between Great Kirav and North Levantia, the island was an important conduit in the flow of travellers, goods, and ideas during the Kilikas Enlightenment and played a key rôle in both the rise and fall of Kirosocialism during the mid- to late 21100s.

Its unique Cosco-Celtic hybrid culture and scenic, verdant landscape are sources of great pride to its citizens, and have left lasting impressions on the heritage of Kiravia as a whole.



Ilánova was joined to the Kiravian mainland in the Late Pleistocene, until sea levels rose about 10,000 years ago. Human remains and Paleolithic artifacts dated up to 20,000 years ago have been found, demonstrating that Ilánova formed part of the land- and ice-bridge complex that enabled the migration of Homo sapiens to Great Kirav during the Ice Age, and presumably served the same purpose for the more archæic hominins Homo vetus montanis and Homo darudensis before them. Before sea levels rose, the lands recognisible as Ilánova today would have been a raised plateau.

Convoīon Culture

The Convoīon Culture, known from a handful of sites in Ilánova, represented the next known archæological culture of Kiravia to develop after the Demomappic, appearing by 17,600 BC. The Convoīon culture possessed a much more diversified toolmaking repertoire, utilising a wider range of materials than the stone-prone Demomappic, to include hematite, worked animal bones, and other naturally-occuring substances. The dramatically more sophisticated tool inventories found at so few dig sites suggests a society much more advanced in its economy and comfortable in its surroundings than its Demomappic predecessors, migrating less frequently and availing themselves of more thitherto untapped food sources. The Convoīon Culture appears to have employed more specialized hunting, fishing, and collecting techniques, in contrast to the post-migration Demomappic generalist hunters. It is also the Convoīon culture that left the first unambiguous examples of rock art in Kiravia.

Coscivian Civilisation

Gaelic Ilánova

Cross-Strait Trade & The Kilikas Enlightenment

Several Centuries of NBD

Recent Shit



  • County Vannin
  • County Dúvglas
  • County Kéréon
  • County Baltimór
  • County Avalon
  • County Mullin
  • County St. Brendan
  • County St. Patrick
  • County St. Brigid
  • County Píall
  • County Kíonen
  • County Cambriov
  • County Auldyn

Politics and Governance

Ilánova is a republic with a single legislative body, the House of Keys. The House of Keys comprises X members elected HOW from WHAT CONSTITUENCIES - HOW OFTEN? The House of Keys is a rather strong legislature compared to its counterparts in other Kiravian states: It is not subject to an executive veto except on the state's annual budget and legislation related to matters of defence and public security. It wields judicial powers, with its Judicial Committee acting as the state's highest court of appeal for non-constitutional cases and as the court of origin for certain cases involving real property near-shore navigation, and the conduct of certain public officials. It is also unique among Kiravian legislatures in that it is responsible for electing the state's chief executive.

The executive branch of the state government reports to the Chief Executive, who is selected by the House of Keys from a schedule of no more than 10 candidates nominated by local councils. The selection process involved multiple rounds of voting, after which the candidates with the fewest votes in each round are eliminated from contention until one candidate receives a majority of votes. Chief Executives are elected at the autumnal equinox and serve a three year term. A person can serve as Chief Executive only twice within a twelve-year period, and cannot serve two terms consecutively. Ilánova is the only Kiravian state where the legislature plays a role in selecting the sole head of the executive branch under normal circumstances, in contrast to semi-presidential states such as Cascada and Ilfenóra where a popularly elected Governor and a legislatively-elected Chancellor share authority over the executive branch. It also differs from a parliamentary system in that the General Compact prohibits candidates for the Chief Executure and members of the Cabinet from being members of the House of Keys during their term and for two years prior.

Local Governance

Society & Culture

Ilánova has a unique Cosco-Celtic culture that coalesced between ???JĀHRE??? and ???JĀHRE??? as a result of the generally amicable joint occupation of the island and later the forging of a common Ilánovan identity as Coscivian and Gaelic communities banded together for mutual defence during the Cromwelute Wars. Most multigenerational Ilánovans have mixed Coscivian and Celtic ancestry, and the islands culture as a whole represents a deep blend of the two root cultures' languages, customs, material cultures, and religious traditions. Ilánovans also have strong ties to the states of Northeastern Great Kirav, Koskenkorva, Èusa, New Ardmore, and the countries of North Levantia from centuries of seaborne contact and trade.

55.6% of Ilánovans considered themselves bilingual in a Celtic language and a Cosco-Adratic language. XX% considered themselves speakers of Celtic languages only and XX% considered themselves speakers of Cosco-Adratic languages only. X% indicated other linguistic abilities, including Y% who were native speakers of Fenno-Koskenkorvan.

Most Ilánoviem trace their Coscivian ancestry to colonists from the Éorsan provinces of Ièrledan, Kaltedan, Triśedan, Lusedan, Vèuska, and Armaka, with a comparatively small but conspicuous number bearing surnames brought to the island by Costiatem and North Peninsular Coscivian mariners.

The larger coastal cities and towns are home to significant communities of Tryhstians and Levantines, among whom Fanerian are the most numerous by far. The ethnically Burgundine, Fanerian, Tryhstian, and Lebhan-speaking Urcean neighbourhoods in Steredden all date back centuries and are considered important pillars of the capital city's community. The island has been far less welcoming towards Gothic-speaking travellers from the North: Like Koskenkorva and many states on the northern coast of Great Kirav, numerous localities in Ilánova still have (rarely invoked) laws on the books mandating that able-bodied male residents kill héluvya ("Welutes") on sight, as a legacy of the Cromwelute Wars. As late as the 21150s, visitors to the island from Helvianir and even parts of Crona were only permitted to disembark in Steredden and were prohibited from venturing outside of the city limits or even into many residential areas of the city itself. Anti-Saxon sentiment is even more pronounced in Ilánova than in the Federacy at large. To this day no public school on the island has ever offered instruction in English, and the town of Mullgrév in County Baltimore is home to one of the largest and most terrifying Sāxna Būraktorsk Gromhélulya celebrations in all of Kiravia.

Reflecting the mostly Gaelic and Ĥeiran Coscivian ancestry of its population, Ilánova is predominantly Insular Apostolic in terms of religious affiliation. Roman Catholicism is the second-largest religion on the island, followed by Coscivian Orthodoxy. Smaller, but visible populations adhere to the Ancient Celtic Church, Ruricanism, Mercantile Protestantism, Vāxism, Reformed Orthodoxy/Theophilianism, Methodism, and Archepiscopalianism. Feasts and observances of the Apostolic Church - most notably St. Patrick's Day, St. Brendan's Day, St. Bran's Day, Michaelmas, and All Souls' Day which are all public holidays in the state - are an important fixture of the state's culture, and are widely celebrated in various capacities by Ilánovans of other sectarian backgrounds.

Hockey, Gaelic football, and hurling are the most popular sports in Ilánova, with Kiravian football attracting much less attention than elsewhere in the Federacy. Steredden-Vor


[Some sea-based commerce during 1700s AD]

Kérvoak was historically an important hub of the Kilikas Sea mercantile network. Due to the dangerous weather patterns of the Kilikas Storm Belt, captains of ships bound for Valēka or Primóra and running behind schedule would often choose to consign their cargo to agents in Kérvoak, who would then arrange for its passage to the intended destination, enabling the ships to return to Burgundie, Fiannria, or Koskenkorva before the onset of the brutal November storm season. After a time, warehousing cargo in Kérvoak became a routine part of the supply chain rather than an emergency decision, and Kérvoak merchant houses profited greatly from their role as middlemen between the ports of North Levantia and the southeast Kiravian seaboard. Ilánova's own contributions to the Kilikas trade included whiskey and beer, whether as a trade good or part of a ship's provisions, as well as certain rot- and insect-resistant softwood timbers, copper, tin, and silver. The island's copper-, tin-, and silversmiths were once famous across the Kilikas, and a handful of smithing families continue the craft today as part of the state's heritage tourism industry.

During the Confederate Republics period, the island states of Ilánova, Koskenkorva, and Wintergen (as well as the Tryhstian Littoral) were allowed to maintain their own ship registries, merchant ensigns, and maritime laws separate from Great Kirav. The House of Keys exploited this privilege by undercutting the stamp duties levied by Kaviska and Fariva, becoming one of the earliest flags of convenience. Although amendments to the Fundamental Statute at the outset of the Federal period established maritime policy as withn the exclusive purview of the federal government, Ilánova continues this tradition in spirit, having adopted financial and corporate regulations that have made it an attractive offshore banking centre and corporate haven, mostly for foreign owners seeking to do business in Kaviska and Kaviskans and Niyaskans seeking shelter from certain state laws. Another legacy of Ilánova's historical prominence in shipping is its considerable insurance sector, which includes firms such as MacTavish SAK (the largest Kiravian vehicle insurer not based in Kaviska), and Bóighdhéal ⁊ Lenihan PLR (a leading insurer of commercial real estate).

Brewing and distilling are a major industry in Ilánova, with whiskey, beer, cider, and specialty liquors standing as the state's main export, both internationally and to other states.

Over one-quarter of Ilánovans are employed in primary industries. Agriculture and fishing have been important mainstays of the island's economy since it was first settled. Agriculture has generally focused on producing staple crops such as potato, wheat, oats, onions, and barley, as well as livestock (chiefly sheep, cattle, and goats). The state is self-sufficient in feed crops such as clover and turnips. In more recent decades, many Ilánovan farmers have shifted toward producing high-quality, high-value meat and dairy products for sale in the Great Kiravian coastal cities across the strait. Fishing is an important export earner, sustained by the rich oyster beds surrounding the island and the seasonal migrations of various oceanic fish through the strait, as well as long-range trawlers based in Ilánova that ply the waters of the Kilikas Sea further afield. Timbering was once an important industry on the island, feeding the demand for wood set by shipyards and building needs on the Eastern Seaboard and in Burgundie during the 21000s. Contemporary forestry activities, however, exist mostly to satisfy local demand and are subject to stricter regulation by the state Secretariat for Natural Resources. The sole exception is the plantation-style cultivation of Christmas trees, mainly Noble fir (Abies procera) and blue spruce (Picea pungens) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Among federal subjects, Ilánova is second only to Koskenkorva as an exporter of live Christmas trees for domestic use, with most trees from both states intended for markets in South Levantia.

[Some Mining Activity]

Notable Ilánovans

Kilikas Point, County Douglas.
  • Cain Pālin - Kilikas Enlightenment philosopher and political economist, known for coining the term ákidurrisēn.