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Howland Governorate

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Howland Governorate
From top, clockwise: Port Northford in Howland, a small town on Gibson Island, major port facilities on Elizabeth Island.
From top, clockwise: Port Northford in Howland, a small town on Gibson Island, major port facilities on Elizabeth Island.
Flag of Howland Governorate
Howland's Place
Head of GovernorateLieutenant-Governor
 • Total1,347,953
Time zoneUTC-3:00 (WOT)

Howland Governorate, sometimes known as Howland Province or in North Cronan "Tanlé," is a small semi-landlocked archipelago in the Albion Sea (Northern Odoneru Ocean). The territory is a province or federal subdivision of the Confederated Provinces of Arcerion, and is formed of three principal islands, those being Elizabeth Island, Gibson Island, and New Moorden. The three islands sit at the absolute northernmost habitable territory occupied by any Occidental nation, and is the most economically developed territory in North Crona. Considered an Arcer overseas territory, the Governorate have internal self-governance, even though it remains part of Arcerion's sovereign territory and has a population that is over 75% Arcer. The territory also has the oldest continuously operating northernmost deepwater port in Crona.

Some speculation over actual Arcer claim to the islands, as they were uninhabited frozen Arctic tundra and sub-Arctic landmass that had previously remained undiscovered. After Arcer colonization during the late 1800s and early 1900s, the population and development of the islands grew rapidly with early growth industries such as whaling and a limited mining economy. It also served as one of the few modern ports and dock facilities in Northern Crona due to the lack of developed Indigenous maritime commerce during the early 20th century. It has also been a traditional seat for Occidental military power, as the Armed Forces of Arcerion, specifically the Royal Arcerion Naval Service, maintains a significant posture at Port Northford to defend natural resource rights.

The population of 1.3 million citizens is the largest concentration of Occidentals in the Arctic, although the majority of these are located in Port Northford, the main urban centre and the governorate's seat for the legislature and most of the provincial-level services. There has been some dispute with Alpachnee and other Northern Cronan countries over the Economic Exclusive Zone of Howland, which extends to include the massive Albion Sea Gas Fields that provide much of the governorate's economy. Resource extraction, liquid natural gas refinement, and other petroleum-related industries are important parts of the economy, with fishing, whaling, and other economic sectors making up less than half of the remaining governorate GDP. The EEZ disputes continue to be a point of intrnational conflict and tension between Arcerion, its allies, Kiravia, North Cronan countries, and the League of Nations.

The population is primarily made up of two demographic groups, naturalized ethnic Arcers, second- and third-generation Ardmori expats from the Great Flight, when much of Ardmore's Loyalist population fled to Arcerion post-Ardmori Civil War, and a minority Indigenous community that has emigrated to work in the gas and oil industry. Immigration continues to be steady and year-over-year there is a slight increase, and the fertility rate of 1.2 remains high for other overseas territory of similar nature.

The island is import-focused as there is limited agriculture due to the hostile climate, with much of the governorate relying on maritime commerce for fresh fruit, vegetables, and finished commercial products. The islands have an average temperature in the summer of 10° Celsius, and during the winter months an average of -24° Celsius. The islands are home to significant sea bird populations, as well as sea lions, walrus, multiple kinds of large whales. The only land mammals of note are arctic fox and some species of rabbit and lemming, although these were nearly hunted to extinction in the 1900s due to the need for fresh meat.


Arco Polar Expeditions

The Arco Polar Expeditions (1891-1918) were a series of ten major Arctic explorations undertaken by Arcerion, aimed at expanding naval influence and conducting scientific research. Sponsored by the Arcerion Naval Service, these expeditions were marked by harsh conditions, novel technologies, and significant achievements, including reaching the North Pole and mapping the Arctic coastline. The 1891 expedition, led by Walter Hetherington and John Howland, initiated the exploration, followed by subsequent voyages that faced challenges such as the loss of the Forthright in 1893. John Howland's successful 1899 expedition, which involved extensive preparation and collaboration with Burgoignesc whalers, set the stage for further Arctic endeavors. These expeditions contributed valuable scientific data, bolstered Arcer national pride, and established Arcerion as a significant player in Arctic exploration. Critically, they established the Howland Governorate as a significant northern outpost for Arcerion, allowing it to later begin the exploitation of the Albion Sea for natural resources, particularly fossil fuels.


Map of Howland Governorate, the three islands comprising it, and the seat of the Governor and legislature, Port Northford.

Only major city Port Northford

3 islands, Elizabeth Island, Gibson Island, New Moorden

Petroleum Industry

Howland Governorate is a critical element of Arcerion's extensive Albion Sea Gas Fields in the sense of both logistics and sovereignty. The Albion Sea Gas Field, located in the Arcer Economic Exclusion zone near Howland Governorate, is one of the largest natural gas and oil fields globally and the largest in the Northern part of the Odoneru Ocean. Discovered in 1977 by the RV Rochester, the field comprises Eastern and Western structures, with the Western Field holding the majority of the gas. The first deep sea drilling rig was completed in 1978, and by the 1980s and 1990s, the field saw significant development during the Arcer gas boom. The Arcer government extended its maritime sovereignty to include the gas fields in 1980, and the Arcerion Oil and Gas Company, along with the Howland Petroleum Corporation, have been the major owners since the initial discovery.

The development of the Albion Sea Gas Field led to extensive offshore installations and the construction of the Port Northford Petroleum Complex (PNPC). The gas is transported via the Arco Arctic Petroleum Pipeline, completed in 1989, to the Port Northford for processing and refinement. Employment in the gas and petroleum industry is a significant part of the Howland Governorate's economy, involving approximately one-fifth of its 1.3 million citizens. Arcerion is a major global petroleum exporter, with substantial annual exports of natural gas and daily oil production. The Arcer government maintains sovereignty over the gas fields, supported by naval patrols, to protect its economic interests and has faced maritime tensions with neighboring countries over the field's exploitation.


Naval Stations

Naval Station Northford

The Royal Arcerion Naval Service established the permanent garrison and docking of frigates and patrol vessels in Port Northford during the First Great War in response to threats to the ability to protect the governorate's sovereignty and access to Arcer goods and the sea lines of communication prior the laying of undersea telegraph cables to the introduction of wireless radio. The initial naval station had docking berths and space for several warships, and after the First Great War an airstrip was constructed, followed by a ship repair facility, as well as an expansion of refuelling and resupply stations.

By the 1930s and the approaching Second Great War, Arcerion invested heavily into the maritime infrastructure of the Naval Station. A permanent frigate squadron as well as several destroyers and a seasonally-based light cruiser group remained there to assist with convoy protections, maritime sovereignty patrols, and diplomatic missions to Northern Cronan nations.