List of Yonderian idioms

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The following is a list of idioms and metaphors popular in Yonderre and/or used about Yonderre and Yonderians.

Yonderian idioms

Idiom Meaning Burgoignesc Gothic Origin
A man of ten thumbs but large arms An inept person who manages regardless Un gend de dix pouces mais de gros bras Ein Mann mit zehn Daumen aber großen Armen Medieval Gothic
Do not fornicate or else discover A warning about engaging in a risky course of action and then experiencing the negative consequences, compare with Ænglish "reap what you have sown" Ne fornique pas, sinon tu le découvriras Unzucht nicht, sonst herausfinst du Coined by Siegmar von Willing threatening the Bishop of Toubourg in the mid-sixteenth century
I am a cook, simply
I am just a cook
Having no idea when presented with a question or having no wish to answer E'sui cosineuer, solement Ich bin nur Koch Coined by Yonderian comedy duo De Beauregard and Évêsque from the 1935 film "Pastries, stockings and machineguns" in which the character played by Évêsque utters the phrase when asked about his opnion on the on-going Second Great War and the rationing that has occured in Yonderre as a result of it
My horse has bolted and yet my heart smiles Showing indifference to bad news that are outshined or made insignificant by good news or a happy occasion Mon cheval s'est enfui et pourtant mon cœur sourit Mein Pferd ist weggelaufen und doch lächelt mein Herz Purported to be said by several historic figures in the fifteenth century but possibly an invention of Yonderian national romanticism
That is all yesterday's snow All is forgotten, compare with Ænglish "water under the bridge" C'est de la neige d'hier Das ist Schnee von gestern Medieval Gothic
Why am I the pink one? Used to express unfairness at being picked to do something unpleasant or being picked last out of a group Pourquoi suis-je le rose? Warum bin ich der Rosa? Coined in the 1990 Primo Kino film "Hounds of the Pool"

Idioms about Yonderre and Yonderians

Idiom Meaning Burgoignesc Gothic Origin
A Yonderian is the only man who can follow you into a revolving door and come out first Referring to the stereotype of the tenacity of Yonderian people and/or their refusal to accecpt how things may seem to work Le Yonderesc est le seul homme qui peut vous suivre dans une porte tournante et en ressortir le premeuer Der Yondersche ist der einzige Mann, der dir in eine Drehtür folgen und als Erster herauskommen kann Unknown, presumably after the invention of the revolving door
The Yonderian sails only for the other coast Referring to the idea that Yonderians do not enjoy travelling (especially by sea) and only travels as a means to arriving elsewhere Le Yonderesc navigue uniquement vers l'autre côte Der Yondersche segelt nur für die andere Küste Burgundie, most probably with the Navy of Burgundie c. seventeenth century

Metaphors about Yonderre and Yonderians

Metaphor Native language Meaning Burgoignesc Gothic Origin
Boner Osidek (Kiravic Coscivian) A Yonderian Osseuer Knocher Kiravian, mid-nineteenth century, in referrence to Yonderian paleontologists who were highly active in Kiravia during the latter half of the nineteenth century
Cake man Dangao (Daxian) A Yonderian Conditeuer Konditor Daxian, eighteenth century, typically of captured Burgoignesc ship's cooks mentioned in Daxian Captain's logs and prisoner rolls
Jouster dericois (Burgoignesc) One who fights Derians. The word translates as "jouster", "one who jousts" in Burgoignesc and "tilter", "one who tilts" in Gothic n/a Derikerkipper Burgoignesc, unknown but presumed sixteenth century, in reference to Yonderian mercenaries fighting for Burgundie against Derians.
Green man Gend vert (Burgoignesc) A Yonderian mercenary, sometimes simply a Yonderian person Gend vert Grüner Mann Burgoignesc, attested to at the earliest in a sixteenth century manuscript, in reference in part to the Green Knight of Yonderian folklore and in part to the green colours typically worn by soldiers of the period from Kubagne
Land of the second son Terre du deuxième fils (Burgoignesc) Yonderre n/a Land des zweiten Sohnes Referring to the Conquest of Joanusterra where many second sons, unlikely to inherit in Burgundie, travelled to Gothica to win land; also referring to Yonderre standing in the shadow of Burgundie
Volonderre Burgoignesc A Yonderian soldier in the service of Burgundie n/a n/a Second Great War, a portmanteau of Burgoignesc volonteuer (volunteer) and "Yonderre"