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New Archduchy

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The Republic of New Archduchy is a country in Crona. Tracing its foundations to a wave of Urcean colonization in southeastern Crona during the 17th century, New Archduchy gradually became the lone remnant of Urcean culture in the region as a result of the rising fortunes of nearby Coscivian colonies. Gradually developing a strong economy and political life, New Archduchy underwent significant changes in the late 19th century. Chafing from administrative centralizations and political disturbances in Urcea during that period, fissures grew between Urcea and the colony. The formation of the Urcean Crown Regency gave the country the pretext to declare independence in 1890, and two years later the Republic was formally established under a new constitution. New Archduchy's transition to independence and democracy have been mostly perceived as smooth and the country's independence was recognized by Urcea in 1903.

Republic of New Archduchy

Flag of New Archduchy
of New Archduchy
Coat of arms
Motto: da Deus fortunae
(O God give us fortune)
Location of New Archduchy (green) in Crona (gray)
Official languagesJulian Ænglish
Demonym(s)Newarc (adjective)
Newarcs (plural)
GovernmentParliamentary republic
• Popular Regent
John Brianus
• Chancellor
Marius Felen
LegislatureCommon Council
• Independence from Urcea
9 August 1890
• Constitution adopted
17 July 1892
• 2025 estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita

During the 20th century, New Archduchy became a well-used neutral refueling station along the Odoneru, leading to significant economic development and a focus on mercantile interests. It maintained neutrality during the Second Great War, though it served as a waystation for covert operatives and weapons smuggling for both sides of the war. During the latter half of the 20th century the nation remained neutral during the Occidental Cold War and became a popular tax haven and tourist destination, greatly enhancing the nation's wealth. The country is characterized by a deep religious faith, like Urcea, as well as considerable economic inequality, especially between the primarily urban Levantine-descendant majority and the primarily rural indigenous minority groups.


New Archduchy is named for the Archduchy of Urceopolis, one of the constituent parts of the Apostolic Kingdom of Urcea. It is unusual among Urcean colonies for being named for a type of the constituent entity rather than the place name, but historians believe the reference to the Archduchy was intended to confer prestige to what was once a thriving mercantile colony.


New Archduchy is a crescent shaped nation on the western shores of the Odoneru Ocean. The central geographic feature of the nation is Adrian's Bay, the center part of the "crescent" which provides a natural harbor. Due to prevailing winds, travel to the harbor in the age of sail was relatively easy, making New Archduchy a viable port and allowing for a mercantile economy. The climate is temperate, with relatively cold winters and warm summers. The small interior part of the country in the northwest is considered good for agriculture.


Exploration and settlement

New Archduchy was one of the first locations in Crona explored by Levantine sailors, as its natural harbor and the direction of prevailing winds made it an easy place to reach and to lay anchor. The area was referred to as the "Bay of Sorrows" during the late 16th and 17th centuries due to the many shipwrecks and abandoned vessels that blew into the harbor, and modern scholars believe that hundreds of years worth of flotsam strewn the shore from various eras during the first recorded entry to the bay in the 16th century. Many of the wrecked ships and driftwood were used by Occidental explorers to build temporary shelter for various exploration and inland trading missions. Urcea was the first to attempt to settle the bay, establishing the colony of Adriansville in 1606 and again in 1618 when the initial population died of starvation. Expanding outward from the bay, several other colonial settlements were erected. The land had been nominally tributary to the realm of Titechaxha historically, but existed on the far southern periphery of their lands. In 1623, the territory was purchased by an exchange for a hundred wheellock guns.

Colonial era

During the 17th century, the fledgling colonies in modern New Archduchy were used by Urcea as a base from which its later Julian Belt colonies were established. Traffic in and out of Adriansville was significant, and the colony was briefly the most busy port in Crona outside of Varshan until cities in the Cape became more prominent later in the century. In 1690, the colonies in the region were reorganized as the Rectory of New Archduchy and given a formal colonial charter governing the area. The prominent former Gassavelian rebel and pretender Arses was appointed the colony's first Rector, and held that position until his death in 1704. During that time, Arses brought on many of his former chief lieutenants during the rebellion to serve as colonial officials and advisors, and most contemporaries report a fair and competent administration during this time. Arses's time as Rector introduced some Gassavelian cultural hallmarks to New Archduchy, greatly influencing its modern cuisine. Remembered as a hero to the Gassavelian people, Arses died and was buried in New Archduchy in 1704 and is remembered by residents of the country as a wise leader who left his mark on the colony. Post-independence hagiographies of Arses published in New Archduchy in the early 20th century suggested the nation's independent heritage traced itself to Arses's rebellious nature and influence, although most modern historians suggest Arses was loyal to Urcea during his time as Rector. Despite this, Arses is viewed by most Newarcs as one of the country's founding fathers. Several of Arses's lieutenants would succeed him as Rector, leading to a string of Gassavelian people serving in that role until 1754. During that time, the Gassavelian administrators continued the cultural influences introduced during Arses's time as Rector.

In Levantia, Urcea became entangled in the politics of the Holy Levantine Empire, resulting in it waging the War of the Caroline Succession in the 1740s. As Urcean military attention was elsewhere, Kiravia and Cartadania took the opportunity to try and eliminate Urcea's Julian Belt colonies in Crona. The conflict, known as the Cronan Beaver War, was fought largely on the Odoneru with limited land engagements. New Archduchy was too well fortified and largely populated to be attacked directly, and as the center of Urcean colonial forces it was functionally the primary combatant in the war. The Adriansville-based Cronan Squadron of the Royal Navy fought several engagements throughout 1746 and 1747 before being defeated decisively at the Battle of Bosco Sound. The Squadron returned to Adriansville and the city as blockaded for the rest of the war, though supplies and food continued to be available from inland farms. On 14 September, a detachment of 200 Kiravian marines landed south of Adriansville but were defeated by colonial militia and the small regular army garrison of the city. In the ensuing peace, the colony of New Archduchy's borders were drawn and received international recognition, and these borders remain the nation's borders to this day. The war also saw the end of the Julian Belt colonies, ending Urcea's aspirations of empire in Crona. This had a temporary effect of economically depressing the colony, although trade recovered by 1760. In the long term, the colony became increasingly irrelevant to Urcean foreign policy aims.

From the end of the Beaver War through the mid-19th century, New Archduchy benefitted from salutary neglect as the loss of the Julian Belt meant the end of significant Urcean attentions in Crona. Merchant interests in the colony were strong, and local prominent citizens formed a colonial assembly which received the approval of the Rector and government of Urcea. During this period, the assembly and Rector largely coexisted in peace, allowing stable governance. The colony was lightly taxed in order to maintain its competitive advantage, as Urcean leaders determined that the colony's main economic advantage was low tariffs and duties.

In 1844, New Archduchy was invaded by Aciria during the Cholera Expedition, a failed campaign wherein the Acirians were ejected from the territory in three months following significant casualties due to disease. In the aftermath of the expedition, significant investments were made to build new defenses in the colony.

The advent of the steam engine and widespread prevalence of steamships in the Odoneru in the 1850s were a great boon to New Archduchy. Although it had been an important port in the age of sail, it thrived as a major coaling station. New infrastructure built in the 1850s, combined with the availability of local coal from other Cronan territories, made Adriansville one of the busiest ports in Crona by the 1860s. New Archduchy largely sourced its coal from eastern Arcerion, beginning the process of economic integration between that region and Adriansville.


The Rectory of New Archduchy, like its mother country, flourished economically and culturally during the 19th century period known as the Aedanicad. New Archduchy imported many of Urcea's contemporary artistic, architectural, and literary developments during this time, and many of these were iterated into new variations reflecting New Archduchy's colonial nature. Particularly, Urcea's focus on the frontier translated well to colonial New Archduchy, with the colony creating its own variety of frontier literature towards the end of the 19th century. Economically, New Archduchy became a vital coaling station with the rise of steam-powered transports, and Adriansville developed from a small port and fishing town to a major international port by 1860. The population of the colony tripled between 1810 and 1850, and New Archduchy began to develop its own cultural and societal norms apart from the developments in Urcea. Efforts to centralize overseas colonial authority in the 1850s led to significant resentment between the colonial population and Urcea, and the matter was dropped by 1860.

The people of the colony began to chafe under the growing military influence in Urcea, as military officials began to gradually replace civilian administrators beginning in the early 1870s. The Valerian Rebellion in Urcea's territory of Crotona, though not directly related to military rule, nonetheless led to significant unrest in the colony, and by 1880 the Rights Reestablishment League (RRL) formed in New Archduchy in protest of the increasing militarization. While the RRL initially opposed independence and instead sought, in their words, a restoration of the traditional Constitution of Urcea in Urcea and in the colony. Following several demonstrations by the RRL between 1880 and 1884, the government of Urcea loosened military authority in the territory - many historians believe this was under the direct influence of Apostolic King Aedanicus VIII himself, making it one of the last personal acts he committed within the Urcean government. A civilian administrator was sent in 1884 and the traditional rectory was largely reestablished although military rule continued to entrench itself in Urcea. In 1886, the Urcean General Gréagóir FitzRex became Procurator, formalizing military control over the government. The RRL renewed its organization efforts to remain prepared, but no military administrator came. In late December 1889, King Aedanicus died and FitzRex took his place as Crown Regent, promising to crown a new Apostolic King at a later time. The RRL began to make mass demonstrations in Adriansville and throughout the rectory, and beginning in February 1890 most civil officials within the rectory, be they Levantine or New Archduchy-born, declared they would not recognize the Crown Regent. The RRL reformed as the National League of Crona, taking its name from a similar, earlier Paulastran institution, and now included many public officials within the colony. The situation escalated significantly in June 1890 as a military administrator from Urcea arrived in Adriansville harbor and was refused entry into the port. A warning shot from the harbor defenses eventually directed the ship back to Urcea, essentially putting the colony in a state of open rebellion. The sitting Rector, Enni Renzo, reiterated his loyalty to Urcea but also his responsibility to the people of the rectory and that he would lead them through the crisis despite any consequences he might face in Urcea. With the colonial administration now fully aligned with the National League of Crona, New Archduchy formally submitted a petition to Urcea demanding a series of autonomous rights and restoration of constituional government. The petition was declined and a second military administrator was sent in early August with a small flotilla, but this force too was easily repulsed by the harbor defenses.

With Urcea sending armed ships to force its will on New Archduchy, the public attitude had shifted fully in favor of independence. On 9 August 1890, the Rectory of New Archduchy issued a unilateral declaration of independence, which cited its chartered status as a "crown colony", and as there was no current Apostolic King, its allegiance and ties to the Urcean crown were now defunct. The document also listed many of the recent violations of the colony's rights and privileges, and provided that it hoped for amicable relations with Urcea once constitutional government had been restored. The document was issued by the National League of Crona, but was signed by Renzo as his last official act as Rector. He handed power to the Chair of the National League of Crona, Michael Ailio, on 10 August 1890. Renzo would later comment that, while the loss of the colony was regrettable, its people had "retained the sense of traditional governance that had unfortunately been forgotten in Levantia; they retained the true Urcean spirit." Rector Enni Renzo was proscribed in Urcea and remained in New Archduchy until he received a pardon upon the restoration, returning home in 1903. As for the declaration of independence, it was quickly recognized by most major powers but not by Urcea, though Urcea had little naval capacity to launch a serious campaign against its former colony. In the same proclamation he used to pardon Renzo, the newly restored Apostolic King Patrick III recognized New Archduchy's independence in early 1903.

Constitution and the Ailio Regency

Ailio and the National League of Crona established a provisional government following the declaration of independence, receiving civil authority over the Rectory on 10 August 1890. The new provisional government immediately called for elections for a constitutional convention, with elections taking place on 1 September 1890 and the convention convening on 1 October 1890. In the elections, the National League won the vast majority of the seats, and without a major opposition party, its members decided to ban political parties within the new constitution, a prohibition that continues through today. The constitutional convention completed its work on 17 Jan 1892 following a year and a half of proceedings. The resulting Constitution of 1892 somewhat closely mirrors the unwritten Constitution of Urcea with some simplifications and incorporation of local practice and custom. The Constitution took effect six months after the closing of the convention on 17 July 1892. Elections were held on 1 July 1892 for a provisional term until the 1895 regularly scheduled election. On 17 July, all new officers were sworn in; the Common Council sat for the first time, and Ailio - elected as Popular Regent for the remaining three years - began to establish the nation's foreign relations in conjunction with the Chancellor and New Archducal government. The 1895 Elections gave Ailio a full term as Popular Regent. Ailio would complete his term on 31 December 1920; during that period, he lead the nation through neutrality in the First Great War and gradual reestablishment of relations with Urcea. During the Ailio Regency (1892-1920), New Archduchy continued to grow; as a neutral port on the Odoneru, it was a natural coaling location and would also harbor financial interests from around the world. During the 1910s, increasingly more commerce-minded members of the Common Council were elected, and by the end of Ailio's regency the nation's guild system was abolished in 1920. Historians believe the abolition of the guilds set New Archduchy down its historical path of income inequality, but in the 1920s it had the intended effect of loosening the labor market and making the new nation more competitive.

During the Ailio Regency, efforts were made to incorporate the indigienous population of the Republic into national society. These peoples lived in the periphery of the country and were deeply integrated with the Greater Adriansville economy, but were otherwise not politically enfranchised and continued to practice a number of local religions, including an Arzalist minority. Universal suffrage was implemented in 1908 in part to incorporate these people. As civil rights expanded, so did forced social integration; the Republic established a mandatory residential school system for indigenous peoples in 1911. The schools, operated by a partnership of the government and Catholic Church, failed to destroy local cultural identity or customs, but did have the effect of converting the majority of indigineous people to Catholicism by 1930. The abolition of the guild system allowed greater workforce integration for indigneous peoples of New Archduchy due to discriminatory practices that existed within both the labor and capital portions of the guilds, but also allowed for greater labor exploitation of these peoples. As a result, by 1935, most of the low wage jobs in Adriansville were given to indigneous peoples regardless of education.

Golden age of Odoneru commerce

Loosening regulations in the 1920s and general peace created the "golden age of Odoneru commerce" as understood within New Archduchy; this period between 1920 and the beginning of the Second Great War in 1934 was the greatest period of economic growth in the history of New Archduchy. As commerce and traffic across the Odoneru grew, New Archduchy became one of the premier coaling and fueling stations in the world. The Republic became a major tax haven for individuals across the Occident. Due to the wealth that began to be accumulated in the Republic, major improvements were made to Adriansville's streets, roads, and buildings, making the city accessible for tourists. New Archduchy became a major site of Caphirian tourism during the interwar period, as it allowed Caphirian tourists to experience a variation on Urcean-descended culture and cuisine. Travel to Urcea had been banned and engaging with Urceans or Urcean culture incurred significant cultural stigma due to the notion of Levantine Creep, and neutral New Archduchy made these things accessible to Caphirians without the legal sanction or social repercussions. It remained a popular Caphirian tourist destination through the Occidental Cold War, and today the tourist connection between the two countries due to historical ties and family traditions.

New Archduchy became a major travel destination during the "golden age", not only for tourists but also as the primary port for ocean liners full of people bound for Arcerion. The construction of the first railroad line between Arcerion and Adriansville in 1905-1907 had dividends for New Archduchy's economy, as by 1930 it surpassed all Arcer ports for both import and export business heading to or originating in Arcerion. New Archduchy and Arcerion signed the Commerce Enhancement Agreement in 1913 which significantly slashed customs and dues for Arcerion business coming through New Archduchy, but the considerable volume of business still created massive revenues for the Republic.

Second Great War and Occidental Cold War

With the rise of air travel and beginning of the Second Great War, the era of major ocean liners appearing in New Archduchy came to an end. Oceangoing commerce in general dropped off precipitously as the Odoneru Ocean became a conflict area in the 1930s. Additionally, the war meant that many Caphirian tourists could no longer leave the country due to wartime conditions. These factors all combined to create a major economic depression in New Archduchy in the 1930s and early 1940s, with the only major remaining source of foreign income being continued customs and dues on Arcer business. Despite this, New Archducal banks continued to prosper as individuals abroad decided to store their funds and valuables in the country for fear of losing them due to the war.

Modern period

During and after the Second Great War, New Archduchy grew closer to its neighbor Arcerion. By the 1950s, a distinct foreign policy shift in the country reoriented New Archduchy away from a reliance on Urcean military protection towards military integration with Arcerion, and during that period several trade and travel restrictions were lifted between the countries. This had the effect of greatly enhancing the already extant economic ties between Adriansville and northeastern Arcerion, which began to develop suburbs and smaller tertiary cities related within Adriansville's economic gravity. By the 2000s, Arcerion and New Archduchy enjoyed a very close relationship, including military logistical agreements. The increased economic activity as a result of greater ties also had the effect of increasing economic inequality, as the benefits of growth were applied unequally. The country's economic inequality became a major political issue beginning in the late 1990s and remains to this day.

New Archduchy played a limited role in the Final War of the Deluge. It contributed four companies of the Republican Army to League of Nations Command forces from 2023 through 2025. Its forces were largely used in garrison and support roles in the Quetzenkel front, and Republican Army forces participated in the subsequent occupation of Varshan during its first year. Controversially, New Archduchy also played a supporting role in the Albion affair, allowing Urcean military forces to stage in the country just prior to their incursion into Titechaxha. Over the course of the next three years, New Archduchy participated in operations to continually supply Urcean forces in Titechaxha until their withdrawal in 2024.


New Archduchy is a unitary, parliamentary republic governed by the Constitution of 1892, which establishes a unicameral legislature, the 134-seat Common Council, lead by the Chancellor of the Common Council who serves as the head of government of New Archduchy. The Common Council is elected every five years in years ending with "0" and "5" and are apportioned every ten years. The Common Council is largely modeled after the Urcean Concilium Daoni, and is elected from single member constituencies. Unlike Urcea, political parties are not represented in any government capacity, cannot endorse members of the Council, and members of the Council are legally prohibited from organizing along party lines. Political parties can be organized and can endorse candidates on the local level, however, and the government of New Archduchy effectively assumes a partisan nature despite constitutional prohibitions against partisanship.

Limited executive powers are invested in the Popular Regent, an officer who holds the responsibility of head of state but holds little administrative responsibility. The Popular Regent, who serves as the embodiment of national sovereignty on behalf of the people of the Republic, serves a single twenty-five year term. Elections for the office are non-partisan and held either at the end of the term of the previous occupant or upon the death of the previous occupant. Accordingly, elections for the office do not take place at fixed increments. The office of Popular Regent is open to any baptized Catholic over the age of forty.


New Archduchy draws cultural traditions from many Occidental sources including its neighbors and indigenous peoples as well as from Urcea which established the New Archduchy colony. A majority of people in New Archduchy are descendants of Urcean settlers and speak Julian Ænglish, though several other settler groups from South Levantia - including Derians, Caens, and Garán people - participated in the colonization of the region. New Archduchy also has considerable Coscivian influences from historic Kiravian cultural and geopolitical involvement in the region as well as from nearby Paulastra. The indigenous peoples of New Archduchy, closely related to the people of Titechaxha, have long influenced New Archducal society through the dual means of cuisine and music. Self-identified indigenous people comprise about eighteen percent of the Republic's population. Outwardly, the culture of New Archduchy strongly resembles that of Urcea's, but the daily lives of its people more closely resembles that of Paulastra and Arcerion, and its tastes are strongly aligned with both countries. Much of New Archduchy's commercial popular culture originates in Arcerion, who exhibits significant overall cultural influence over New Archduchy.

New Archduchy's cuisine is largely similar to that of Urcea's and other places in the Occident, with two divergent influences which make the country's food unique. New Archduchy's early colonial administration was made up of many Gassavelian people, and their cultural legacy is still visible in New Archduchy today, especially with respect to the country's cuisine. Additionally, the indigenous peoples of New Archduchy have also contributed to the development of New Archduchy's cuisine. Two specific popular dishes standing out as emblematic of the country's culinary history, both of which are primarily descended from the early modern Gassavelian interest. The first dish, called "Eastern Stew", is a kind of shepherd's pie which employs Audonia-style spiced beef and vegetables instead of traditional Occidental stew. The result, somewhat similar to korma, combines the creaminess of heavily buttered mash potatoes with the spice of the beef for a smooth experience popular among both citizens and tourists alike. The second dish, called an "Odoneru Plate", is a similar adaptation of 18th century colonial food; it is essentially fish and chips with curry spice added to the batter used in frying the fish.

The Catholic Church plays a prominent role in the lives of the residents of New Archduchy and serves as the overwhelming religion of the residents of the Republic, both those of indigenous and Levantine origin. Catholic practices exist at all levels of society and feature prominently within popular culture. Religious observances, like in Urcea, form the bulk of the country's holidays. The Church has a less pronounced influence on public affairs than in many Levantine countries but Catholic morality remains a bedrock of public discourse.

Many sports popular in Sarpedon are popular in New Archduchy, with association football being the most popular sport in the country.


New Archduchy is a bi-racial country, with most people in the country adhering to Levantine and Occidental religions and speaking Levantine languages. The majority of people in the country are of Levantine ethnic descent, with 72% reporting either "most" or "all" of their ancestors having originated in Levantia. 1-2% of people in the country report a Sarpedonic or Coscivian origin, with the remainder being Cronan indigenous. The ancestry of indigenous people in New Archduchy is mixed, and as many indigenous people have adopted the culture and custom of the Levantines, some have lost a distinct tribal or national identity. The majority of Newarc indigenous are directly related to the people of Titechaxha, though significant minorities seem to be more closely related to the people of Washakara, suggesting resettlement of some of Arcerion's natives to New Archduchy in the past. The two racial groups in New Archduchy are mostly geographically distinct. Adriansville is predominantly Levantine-descended, with 89% of the city's residents in 2025 reporting most or total Levantine ancestry, while indigenous people make up the majority of people living outside Adriansville. Levantine descended people are often one and a half to two times as wealthy as indigenous people on average, though indigenous people living within Adriansville are about as wealthy as their Levantine counterparts.

The majority of people in New Archduchy live in the city of Adriansville, with 4,223,922 of the country's 6,502,859 population in 2025 - about 65% - living within city limits. Most people living outside of the city live above poverty level, but not by a large margin.

Linguistic Demographics

Julian Ænglish is ubiquitous as a language in New Archduchy, spoken by New Arcers of both Levantine and Cronan indigenous descent. Approximately 90% of Newarcs speak it as their first language, and among the remaining 10% of the population, it is spoken as a fluent second language.

Religious Demographics


Religious affiliations in New Archduchy (2016)

  Collegiate (3.3%)
  Other (4.7%)

Christians of various kinds make up an absolute majority of people in New Archduchy, with almost 90% of Newarcs belonging to the Catholic Church, specifically the Latin Rite of the Church. New Archduchy has been predominantly Catholic since it was first settled by Urcea, encompassing both people of Levantine and Cronan descent. A small number of Coscivian Catholics belonging to the Coscivian Catholic Patriarchal Exarchate of Crona, are also present in the country, with one Coscivian Rite diocese present in the country and based out of Adriansville. A minimal number of Newarcs are Collegiate Protestants of various sources.

A small number of Newarcs belong to various other religions, including variations of Arzalism and other indigneous Cronan faiths among refugees and immigrants. Beginning in the 20th century, there have been small movements by indigenous Cronans in New Archduchy to abjure their Christian faith and adopt traditional indigenous religions; these movements have not significantly affected New Archduchy's religious demography.


New Archduchy is characterized as having one of the least regulated economies in the world and serves as a popular tax haven for Levantine, Sarpedonian, and Cronan nations. Its economy is characterized by tourism, an emergent technology services sector, and maritime trade, with fishing also serving as a major industry. The Republic has very well developed transportation infrastructure including modern ports, and significant economic activity is generated due to Adriansville's ports serving as the primary export and import port for eastern Arcerion. Much of its energy comes from offshore renewables, an industry which sprung up in the Republic during the late 1990s.

Adriansville is the economic center of New Archduchy, and most of the nation's economy is either driven by that city or exists as housing and infrastructure in service of the city. The city is one of the major economic hubs in southeastern Crona, and its economic footprint significantly extends into northeastern Arcerion. The Arcer-Adriansville Economic Corridor, as it is officially designated, is an integrated cross-national economic region. Adriansville historically served as the major port for exports for farm products originating in the Arcer interior, and since the 20th century a degree of suburbanization has developed on the Arcer side of the border, expanding the retail and other service-sector economic footprint of Adriansville.

New Archduchy's tourism industry was present since the dawn of ocean-liners, but became significantly more prevalent during the Occidental Cold War. Citizens of Caphiria who sought to experience Urcean and Levantine culture often traveled to New Archduchy due to prohibitions on business with Urcea. Although the Cold War ended in the 1980s, Caphirians remain the largest source of tourism activity within the country.

New Archduchy initially had a guild system similar to Urcea, but it was gradually weakened under the 1892 Constitution before its abolition in 1920.


The Republic of New Archduchy has a three branch military force, called the New Archducal National Defense Force (NANDF); the Republican Army, the Republican Navy, and the Republican Air Force. The military is relatively small with an active personnel size of 35,582 as of 2026. The NANDF is equipped with largely modern equipment acquired from Arcerion as well as major military powers from Sarpedon and Levantia.

Every male between the ages of 18 and 35 in the Republic are required to do one year's reserve service, which entails operations and training regularly scheduled every other weekend (excluding holidays) as well as random readiness tests and formation training. Following their active reserve year, men are required to take one hundred hours of remedial training every other year until age 50. In the event of war, the NANDF has a registry of current and former reservists with men automatically assigned to what is referred to as "readiness brigades", brigade-level formations that largely only exist on paper during peacetime. Most readiness brigades are homeland reserve defense units comprised of men over the age of 30, but a small number of the brigades are intended for seamless integration within the regular armed forces. Assignment to a readiness brigade is largely dependent upon the age and tested aptitude skill of the reservist.