
Revision as of 03:10, 15 October 2021 by Kistan (talk | contribs)

Faneria (Fhasen: Fhainnlannacharean) is a centrally-run parliamentary republic situated in northern Levantia. Largely dominated by a Fhainnin Gaelic population in its more heavily populated southern regions along the Vandarch Sea, the country includes Coscivian and Aenglish-origin minorities for a total population of over 292 million. Its fifteen provinces and three overseas territories span roughly 1.9 million square miles bordering Kiravian Scapa to the northwest by sea, Prevalia to the west, Caergwynn to the north and east, and Fiannria to the east, as well as sharing maritime borders with several nations across the Vandarch.

Staidt Feadaril an Fhainnlannachaeran (Fhainnaeran)

Slavs, Fhainn, and Aenglo-latins.
Motto: Monadh Dealach Rinn Níl
No Mountain may Divide Us
Anthem: Kurikilan Fires
Official languagesFhasen
Recognised national languagesFhasen
Recognised regional languagesAenglish, Coscivian
Ethnic groups
Fhainn, Aengles, Coscivians, Latins, others
Demonym(s)Fhain (s), Fhainn (p), Fhainnin (adj.)
GovernmentCentralized Representative Republic
• Director
Cian Walaerin
• Taosteach
Sair Luthair
• Principalities
est. 500 BC-xxxx
• Early Royal Era
• Late Royal Era
• Fhainnin Civil War
• Popular Republic
• Federal State
5,094,118.11 km2 (1,966,850.00 sq mi)
• 2024 census
216,846,102 citizens
• Density
57.4/km2 (148.7/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2020)41.3
HDI (2024)0.799
CurrencyBarra, Taler (฿, )
Time zoneUTC0 (Solisbury Mean Time)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd-mm-yy
Driving sideright side
Calling code+68
ISO 3166 code'FH


Main Article: Geography of Faneria

Vandarch Sea and the Ninerivers

Main Articles: Vandarch Sea, Dùntath (Ninerivers Basin)

Deamhainns and Interior

Main Articles: Deamhainn Mountains

Nordska Coast

Main Articles: Vrael, Lyukquar


Main Article: History of Faneria

Early Clans and Principalities

Kingdom of Fhainnlannachaeran

Princes' Wars

1519-1545: First Princes' War

1571-1583: Second Princes' War

Northern Expansion

1676-1712: Tundra Wars

1712-1715: Sutharine Succession Crisis/1st Kin War

other Kin Wars up to 1880s on and off

Late Monarchy and the Industrial Era

Civil War and Fhainnin Popular Republic

Civil War 1906-1909

Great War

Postwar Faneria

Lean Years

Vandarch Canal crisis: 1991-1992

Modern Faneria

Culture and Demographics

Main Article: Fhainnin Culture

Settlements and Population

The bulk of Faneria's population is settled in the Ninerivers Basin, along the coast of the Vandarch and in the lands leading up to the Deamhainn Mountains.

The country's largest city by population is Teindùn, a conglomeration of several cities north of the capital, Oirthidùn, both of which lie along the _____ branch of the Rhydwel River. Its second largest city is Sethsport, with Rihsport third, Oirthidùn itself fourth, and Dúnfhainn fifth. Sethsport, Rihsport, Carthaigh, Caileansdùn, Cionhaen, Comghallport, Mwynsdùn, Torrcirit, Mullcirit, _____, and _____ are the country's major commercial ports, with Rihsport, _____, _____, and Mullcirit being located outside the Vandarch.

Ethnicities and Language

Main Article: Gaelic people, Fhasen

Gaelic peoples make up the vast majority of Faneria's population, with local minorities of Aenglish immigrants and Coscivian colonists in the eastern Vandarch and western coast, respectively. Of the Galeic peoples in the country, the Fhainn are the most prominent branch, with the related Sheafhainn, Cascufhainn (Caenwynin), and Parvefhainn making up most of the others. Some (Caergwynn people) live in parts of the northern coast and mountain highlands as well as (Fiannria people) concentrated in parts of the north and mideastern portions of the country. These other gaelic groups speak somewhat intelligible languages with the Fhainnin language, Fhasen, although communication is not particularly reliable without some translation. The groups within the country, conversely, speak fluent Fhasen due to centuries of forced integration, although the Cascufhainnin dialect remains distinct from Ninerivers Fhasen.

Of Faneria's major cities, all except Sethsport are majority Fhainnin and Sethsport itself is still plurality Fhainnin. Rihsport has a large minority of Sheafhainn, though these are the closest related group to Ninerivers Fhainn.

Ethnic tensions are relatively lax in Faneria, excepting the clash between fringes of the Cascufhainn community and the state for and against greater autonomy or even independence, as the Cascufhainn have a history of rebelling against southern Fhainnin rule. The culture is accepting of immigration, although it pushes for naturalization strongly, as evidences by the large Aenglish communities around and in Sethsport and the aforementioned Coscivian and mixed-race groups in the west.


Main Article:Religion in Faneria

The pagan Fhainnin pantheon, like most indigenous galeic faiths, revolved around a large myriad of local gods, especially nature, water, sun, and storm spirits. By the 5th Century AD, religion in the Ninerivers had resolved into a pantheon of several dozen dieties with distinct roles, though many local alternative legends and names for the same deities existed. The general theme of Fhainnin faith held that the star god, Braess, had been killed by another diety, and his death created the Vandarch sea, with freshwater being his blood and his fall throwing arable land onto the world. The Fire, Storm, and Death gods repeatedly try to destroy the world (in the Death god's case, he is attempting to bury Braess to fulfil his duty, making the world end in the process, while the others are simply vengeful), while a few major deities ensure that the sun rises and sets every day and the Fire and Storm gods inadvertently foil each other's attempts. A host of minor patron gods also overlook aspects of human life and the natural world, although some are occasionally malicious, such as nature gods, who are fickle.

Old custom holds that redheads are 'blessed' by the gods, a tradition that carried over into Christian Faneria. As a result, red hair, particularly natural-looking red hair, is often associated with fertility and wealth in Faneria. Long, loose red hair is associated with naturalist movements, while styled red hair is a commonly-desired beauty standard.

When Christianity was first introduced to the Fhainn, Jesus Christ was adopted readily as the minor god Hesus, a patron god of forests and woodworking. The god Benelus, Braess' steward and the Sun God, was gradually combined with the concept of God the Father, and worship of Hesus eventually absorbed the roles of healing god and, after several sectarian wars within the local principalities, freshwater as well. The subversion of the freshwater concept of the polytheistic lore was the turning point for Christianization in Faneria, with churches being raised and locally-trained priests teaching the Roman Catholic tradition. Most polities in the Ninerivers permitted this for a while or converted, with Christianity being the dominant faith in the Vandarch Basin by the time of the foundation of the Kingdom of the Fhainn in xxxx.

Pagan faiths are still fairly common in Faneria, as Protestant rebellion after the Reformation was always a greater threat to the country, and even the more pious kings throughout the centuries had to keep pagan peasantry in most areas pleased. After the advent of irreligiosity in Faneria during the Republican era, Christianity is the majority religion by plurality only, with agnosts and pagans being the next largest groups. Fhainnin Christianity retains some elements of old pagan tradition, such as emphasizing the relation of Christ to water rather than light.

Health, Wealth, and Education

Holidays and Practices


Rye bread features heavily in the Fhainnin diet as opposed to wheat bread, as rye grows better in the hills and northern regions of Faneria as well as in the drier northeast interior. Potatoes, clams, fish, crab, tomatoes, and leafy greens are also staples, while more specialized local foodstuffs include hardier varieties of apples. Chicken and beef are the primary non-aquatic meat sources in Faneria, although pork, turkey, lamb, and others are available through import within the Vandarch and occasionally are raised locally.

A common feature of Fhainnin cuisine is it is often served hot; given the propensity for frigid winters in the north and along the mountains, this should come as little surprise. Moth families put a great deal of effort into stocking their kitchens well, as the dining room is the central feature in most traditional home plans and meals are an important customary aspect of the culture. Snack foods are available but are generally derided in traditional circles, though this 'metropolitan' trend is becoming more common, and ready-to-eat restaurants are very popular.

Media and Entertainment

Philosophy, Art, and Literature

Government and Politics

Faneria's government, the Republic of the Fhainn, is a unitary republic with its capital situated in Oirthidun. It is the legal successor state to the Fhainnin Popular Republic and the earlier Kingdom of the Fhainn, which were also referred to colloquially as Faneria. It has no state-approved or mandated religion, but is formally linked in its function and its Constitution to the Fhainnin ethnicity in particular, although naturalized foreigners are capable of attaining citizenship.

Faneria's political zeitgeist has wavered considerably over the last century and a half, with a traditionalist monarchy being overthrown by a radical revolutionary republic in the 1900s that later transformed into a semiauthoritarian hybrid state in the 1950s. Its policies are typically nationalistic and focused on economic growth and public wellbeing along with soft power projection. It formally claims some border regions currently possessed by Caergwynn, and although it has good relations with its neighbor Fiannria, the ethnic makeup of Fiannria's coastal region along the Vandarch and the territory's history as a battleground between HLE troops and Fhainnin armies makes Faneria's formal renunciation of claims seem shallow.

Government Structure

As a republic, Faneria's government is divided into two primary branches, the executive and the legislative. Each interacts to counterbalance the other, although Faneria has a strong executive position compared to contemporary republics abroad.

Seat of the Directorate

Main Article: Seat of the Directorate

The Director of the Republic is head of state, with the powers of the Head of Government resting nominally in the subordinate office of the Taoisteach. The Directorate is an elected position selected for by a two-stage vote (see Main Article). The term of office for the Seat is five years, with a hard limit of six terms - however, no Director has ever held the position for more than five terms, which is generally considered a soft limit out of respect for the Republic's first head of state, Callac Cananach.

Joint Seats of the Concord

Main Article: Joint Seats of the Concord

The Concord is the primary legislative body of the nation. It is structured as a tricameral legislature, with the Council of the Peoples being elected on a local level by popular vote, the Council of the Ways (seats apportioned to various parties by number of registered voters), and the National Board (seats automatically granted with appointment to the head of a major government department). Seated Members may hold seats within multiple Councils, and the Speaker of each lower house is a member selected from the majority or plurality party in that house. The National Board does not have a Speaker. Elections for the lower two Councils are held every three years, and National Board appointments are synonymous with another position in government and are gained or lost along with that position.

Offices of Government

The mundane functions of the government are organized into six major Offices, each of which oversees subordinate Bureaus that break down into Departments:

The Office of the High Courts manages the justice system and mediates intragovernmental disputes along with the Office of Political Security. It additionally liaises with the League of Nations International Court. It responds to the Concord, though it retains some sovereign power of its own.

The Office of Civil Services manages the bulk of day-to-day civilian services, from education to general infrastructure to utilities to business regulations and bookkeeping. It often reaches into areas normally under the auspices of other Offices and is easily the largest of the Offices in both form and function. Its function is technically overseen by the Concord, but it is common for a sitting Director to interfere in situations deemed to be of 'immediate national interest'.

The Office of Political Security handles the mundane aspects of international relations, public relations, and cybersecurity, as well as its most widely known function of acting as an investigatory body with regards to the rest of the civilian government.

The Office of Trade and Travel deals in immigration, emigration, customs, tariffs, foreign aid, and exploration.

The Office of the Treasury runs the Central Mint and oversees most aspects of state investments and funding of private entities, along with tax collecting. It reports to the Concord and Directorate alike.

The Office of the Federal Army manages the armed forces of the state, as well as the commissioning of materials and equipment for said forces. It answers directly to the Directorate.


Main Article: Constitution of the Republic of the Fhainn

Political Parties and Movements

Main Article: National Popular Party, Federal Party (Cananachist and Modernist factions), Social Party, Thunderstorm Party, Old Ways Party



Sectors, Major Products, and Imports

Major Businesses

Transport and Utilities

Science and Technology

State Companies


old currency was Corinn - crowns - but replaced by Barran - measures - in 1914

See Also