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Mandate for Venua'tino
LocationPalace of Nations, Alba Concordia
SignatoriesLeague of Nations Security Council
  • Organization of northern Nysdra region
  • Establishment of freestanding nation-states
  • Protection of area from regional instability

Venua'tino or Mandatory Venua'tino is a region in northern Crona adjacent to the Arctic. It is a League of Nations mandate under the supervision of Urcea, established in 1967.


Venua'tino is the shortened, Occidental version of "Venua'tino'pouri'tino'nui", a term which broadly translates into "land of the long night". "Venua", in particular, means both "night" as well the concept of "light", but not the characteristic necessarily of having light. Both branched meanings of the word are considered to be a form of wordplay by native speakers, ultimately referring to the long polar nights experienced in the territory followed by the prevalence of the midnight sun.


Prehistoric times

Venua Empire and collapse

The advent of agriculture came to the Venua'tino region in approximately 1000 BC definitively, though some scholars believe the city of Shenendehowa Bay was established with agricultural technology at an earlier point. Several major coastal settlements were established by 900 BC, and by 850 BC a political entity which loosely covered the entire coastal region of Venua'tino was established. This polity, which goes by the historiographical term "Venua Empire", had no official name but was colloquially referred to as the "Confederation of the World" by its inhabitants. The Venua Empire continued to establish new settlements and colonies along the coast and by 250 BC had made significant inroads into the Venua'tino interior. Without political rival, the Empire - whose rule had consolidated in Shenendehowa Bay by 100 AD - continued to spread until the 400s AD and had many interior tribal clients. The historical record is silent on why the Empire went into rapid decline, but climatological evidence suggests that a millennia and a half of warmer temperatures in the area came to a swift end. Historians believe former client tribes came south to the coast and sacked major cities while cities of the Empire fought over existing resources. Some historians even believe that major tribes of the area today are descendants of the residents of some cities who were displaced by the environmental changes and became migratory. The Empire ceased to exist by 500 AD. While it was never especially centralized, it was the last time the entire region would be under the dominance of a single polity until the establishment of the League of Nations mandate over the region nearly a millennia and a half later.

After the fall of the Empire, several surviving cities continued to fight amongst themselves in order to establish hegemony and supremacy. By the 600s, most major cities of the Venua Empire had collapsed and migratory tribal life became the staple throughout the entire Venua'tino region. Shenendehowa Bay became the emaining major population center of Venua'tino. By 800 AD, some sense of "normalcy" had returned to the area as both cities established relatively stable and expansive Kingdoms which were able to keep the tribes from raiding their lands. This "two Kingdoms period" continued through the medieval period and provide the first major source of written material and history of the region, and scholars of the two Kingdoms period had great interest in the ancient Venua Empire.

Quetzen hegemony

The two Kingdoms period began to come to an end towards the end of the 13th century and the dawn of the Little Ice Age. The severe climatological effects are thought to have lead to the major wave of crop failures affecting both Kingdoms, which lead to the weakening of both. In 1324, the first Quetzen sailors began to arrive on the north shore of the Nysdra. Though disunified, the major maritime city states of Quetzenkel were far more prosperous and powerful than the Venua'tino on account of Quetzenkel's fertile farmland and strategic trading location. Through economic means, the two major cities and other coastal settlements of Venua'tino soon became dependencies on the Quetzen maritime powers as crop imports gave the Quetzen significant power over Venua'tino. Beginning in the 1440s, the city states began campaigns of military subjugation, establishing the first trans-Nysdra colonial system. Shenendehowa Bay became subordinate to Quetzen city states dyrubg tgus period, a status that would continue for the next three centuries. The rise of Archchief Quetzen I lead to the destruction or subjugation of many of the Quetzen maritime powers. Local notables in the Venua'tino coastal settlements reestablished native rule over the course of the 1640s and began a series of violent internecine wars that devestated the region.

Polar Captaincy

The anarchy which followed the collapse of the Quetzen thalassocracy was ended with the arrival of conquerors from Varshan in 1652. Due to the weakened state of the region, the relative low population density, and the lack of organized resistance, the Varshani force was small - most historians believe it was small as 2,000. Due to its proximity to Varshan across the Nysdra Sea and decentralized nature, as well as the lack of a systematic campaign of conquest by the relatively small force, the Venua'tino area was not directly incorporated into the Varshani state but instead organized into an entity known today as the "Polar Captaincy". The Polar Captaincy was organized around a few key coastal cities - including Shenendehowa Bay - which were designed as centers of control and locations to export both goods and slaves to the Varshani mainland. The Captaincy was essentially an organized tributary entity, wherein the cities and tribes of the territory would bring tribute to the cities to be exported to Varshan. Most slaves would come from privateers capturing mariners from Nysdra Sea traffic rather than the native population, although during its centuries-long history some campaigns into Venua'tino's interior were waged with limited success. Warring tribes and cities would also occasionally submit their captured enemies into slavery with the Varshani authorities. During this time, Varshan invested relatively heavily into the region's coastal infrastructure, giving it well-built cities and roadways connecting the handful of coastal outposts. The Captaincy also generally regulated inter-tribal or inter-city disputes among the native population. As conquests and raids - and consequently sources of new slaves - slowed elsewhere, Varshan increased the frequency of raids into the Venua'tino interior beginning in the early 20th century. This not only led to discontent but significant economic disruption, greatly exacerbating conflict between the native tributaries.

Mandatory period

As Varshan fell into significant internal disarray with the end of the Yun-harle dynasty, the Polar Captaincy collapsed as Varshani forces withdrew in 1964. Most major world powers expressed concern regarding the lack of central authority and social organization in Venua'tino following the withdraw. In 1967, the entire region was made into a mandate by the League of Nations with the express purpose of ensuring political stability, organizing distinct and self-sufficient states, developing infrastructure, and providing for humanitarian concerns in the region. The League-established Commission for Venua'tino'pouri'tino'nui was set up in Shenendehowa Bay to administer the territory. Although never considered part of Venua'tino proper due to its distance from the Nysdra, the remaining "stateless northern territories" which were sometimes included with Venua'tino were split off into the East Arctic Mandate under Kiravian supervision. Control over the mandate initially rotated between several designees before this system was revised in 1974. Under the influence of Urcea, the Mandate was permanently assigned to Urcean supervision under the justification that its presence in nearby New Harren made it the closest permanent member of the League of Nations Security Council. Urcea would begin an intermittent forty decade process of economic development and attempted state creation.

Coastal Coalition

Following Urcea's assumption of control over the Mandate in 1974, a team of Urcean diplomats and world renowned experts on Cronan culture from 18 countries traveled to the Mandate's administrative headquarters in Shenendehowa Bay. Over the next year, the Government of Urcea used its team on the ground to forge an entity known as the Coastal Coalition. The Coalition was an ad hoc alliance and non-aggression treaty signed between all of the major coastal cities and polities that was agreed to and entered force in late 1975. The Coalition was intended by Urcean diplomats to be a first step towards the establishment of an independent state in the region. In early 1976, the Urceans convinced the Coalition to ratify a trade agreement between its members, establishing a common customs area that would enter force on 1 January 1980.

The Coalition began to show signs of strain almost immediately, due to tensions between its members and due to their disagreements with Urcea. The historic rivalries, both political and cultural, between the cities was not restrained for long, and a series of perceived diplomatic insults led to light skirmishing as early as June 1976. Although the skirmishes were resolved using forces from other Coalition cities to keep the peace, the good will of the project had been irrevocably tarnished. In addition, following the collapse of the Varshani administration, the coastal cities began to exert new political and economic dominance over the inland tribes and villages; the balance provided by the Polar Captaincy prevented these incursions before the establishment of the Mandate. In 1977, Urcea asked the Coalition to ratify an agreement to not exert their influence or send settlers beyond a specific northern line in order to respect the historic lands of the inland tribes; the Coalition unanimously voted to refuse this agreement in 18 October 1977. The "northern line incident" deeply wounded relations between Coalition leaders and Urcea, with the Coalition becoming gradually more uncooperative over the course of 1978. During that time, new skirmishes broke out that led to most of the major cities walking out of the Coalition's temporary governing council on 14 August 1978. The Coalition continued on in a mostly de jure basis but was dissolved on order of the Urcean government on 1 March 1979; by that point it had comprised just a tenth of its initial members.

Following the collapse of the Coalition project, which had been an embarrassment for Urcea in the contentious period of the Occidental Cold War, Urcea resumed a strategy of multilateral engagement with every local polity on an individual basis. The Urceo-Venua enmity that had been caused by the northern line incident had largely been soothed by 1985 through this strategy. Urcea would continue to administer the area on this multilateral, hands-off basis for the next three decades, although it continued to invest economic development funding in the area while trying to build stronger relations with all local parties.


The beginning of The Deluge led to a renewed focus within Urcean foreign policy on the affairs of Crona. This renewed attention led not only to increased budget investments in diplomats and economic development funding for the Venua'tino area, but also a new mandate from the public to bring the forty year old League Mandate project to a close with the creation of freestanding national states in Venua'tino or to otherwise divest itself of the territory. The Government of Urcea, reflecting on the failure of the Coastal Coalition project, decided that Venua'tino should be partitioned rather than attempted to be made into a full nation.

In 2018, the region was bisected by the creation of the International Nature Preserve in the sparsely populated central region of Venua'tino. The bisection divided the territory into Western Venua'tino and Eastern Venua'tino, which both remained under the purview of the League Commission but under now seperate departments. The creation of the Preserve also precipitated the compensated relocation of the few tribes and peoples living within its boundaries, leading to the growth of small settlements in the remaining Mandate territory into moderate sized cities in the Mandate interior. These cities, an unprecedented development in the history of Venua'tino, created an opportunity for cultural exchange as well as cultural tensions. These new cities also required major investment into infrastructure by Urcea, which began in earnest with the construction of highway networks throughout both Eastern and Western Venua'tino. In 2018, Quicksilver Industries arranged a international charter city treaty with Shenendehowa Bay, removing it from the territory.

In 2019, a major conflict broke out between the tribes and cities of Eastern Venua'tino, ostensibly over broken agreements between once-rival tribes. The Royal and Imperial Army began an occupation of the entire Eastern Venua'tino region that year, ending the conflict and beginning negotiations for the establishment of a new, confederated state. Negotiations broke down several times in both 2019 and 2020, leading to low level skirmishes, before negotiations resumed in earnest in the autumn of 2020. With the outbreak of the Final War of the Deluge, troop levels were drawn down and negotiations once again came to a halt as many local parties refused to consider a confederation agreement similar to New Harren until Urcea proved itself able to protect its Cronan allies. Negotiating breakthroughs occurred in 2023 and by 2024 the Treaty of Halfway was signed by the major local parties, establishing the Republic of Copake on January 1st, 2025. International experts and local parties collaboratively spent 2024 laying the groundwork for the basics of a state.

On January 1st, 2025, Eastern Venua'tino officially became the Republic of Copake, reducing Mandatory Venua'tino to its western portion.

Urcea's continued control over the region has led to numerous critics - both within Urcea and abroad - making a negative comparison between the Urcean-controlled Mandate and the Varshani-controlled Captaincy.


Mandatory Venua'tino is administered by the Commission for Venua'tino'pouri'tino'nui. The Commissioner, appointed by the Urcean Ministry of State, is responsible for the execution of international law within the Mandate as well as the organization of League efforts in the Mandate. The Commission originally had ten subordinate agencies, being the Agencies of Tribal Diplomacy, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Commercial Organization, Law and Justice, Education, Cultural Affairs and Preservation, Economic Development, and Environment. In 2018, with the reorganization of the Commission came just two subordinate units within the Commission, the Eastern Department and the Western Department. Each Department, lead by a Department Supervisor, had their own ten subordinate agencies modeled after the original Commission. The Eastern Department was abolished with its transformation into Copake in 2025.



Tribal and ethnic demographics

Due to its size and history, Venua'tino is a constellation of various cultural groups and ethnicities, many of whom developed organically within Venua'tino itself while some having likely originated in other places within the last two milennia.

Religious demographics

The Venua Faith is the predomiannt religion of the entire Venua'tino area and is its origin.