South Crona

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South Crona is the southern region of the Cronan continent. It's all Tierrador. Always has been.

Countries and Territories

The northern extent of South Crona is not strictly delineated, but it is generally defined as those parts of the continent south of the historic sphere of influence of the North Songun civilization.

  • Arcerion - Tierrador with extra Levantines
  • The Cape - Tierrador with extra Coscivians and Lusonics
  • Ceylonia - Tierrador with extra Lusonics
  • Istrenya - Tierrador with extra native Cronites
  • Ormatia - Tierrador with Ormata characteristics
  • Paulastra - Tierrador with extra Coscivians and Levantines
  • Washakara - Tierrador but with Washakaran characteristics
  • Æonara - Tierrador with extra Coscivians

Regional Organisations

Historical Events

See Also