Kiravian Development Executive

The Kiravian Development Executive, currently operating as the Executive for Development & Regional Balance ( Vekturora Lékréstordh u Rymnivilrēdh ) is the Collegial executive responsible for economic development and human development policy in the Federation, South Kirav, and the Melian Isles. Its counterpart serving Sarolasta and the Overseas Regions is the Overseas Development Executive. The Development Executive's work focuses on supporting economic development and social protection in Second and Third Kirav with the goal of maintaining national economic cohesion and decentralisation. In Valtanen's typology of Collegiate executives, the Development Executive is a classical "grantmaking" or "management" executive (rather than a "service" or "regulatory" executive), and its primary function is to administer the Structural Adjustment Fund.

Development & Regional Balance Executive
Vekturora Léréstorsk ù Rymnivilrēsk

Concrete Angel Falls, Kartika
Agency overview
HeadquartersD District, Kartika
Annual budget£62.3 billion?
Minister responsible
Child agencies
  • Structural Adjustment Bureau
  • Sanitation Improvement Agency
  • Department of Ethnic Development
  • Department of Panelák Painting
  • Human Development Planning Commission
  • Office of Buzzword Management


The Development Executive was established in 1992 AD by the Reconstruction & Development Act as part of the larger diffusion of the Territorial Executive. Most of the programmes and agencies assigned to the new Development Executive had been absorbed from the Kiravian Union after reunification, and most of these would be abolished, privatised, or devolved to provincial control over the course of the decade as the federal government downsized and its rôle in inland development became more indirect with the establishment of the Structural Adjustment Fund.

Programmes and Agencies

Structural Adjustment Fund

Sanitation Improvement Agency

The Sanitation Improvement Agency assists inland Kiravians in transitioning from bucket toilets or swine-based waste-management systems to improved sanitation methods.

Inclusive Development Office

The Inclusive Development Office, previously the Internal Development and Living Standards Directorate and the Interior Development Office attends to the ethnic, caste, and communal dimension of development, with the aim of promoting inclusive development and social includion by addressing the special needs of marginalised populations. Its main activity is producing the quinquennial Communal Development Rating Index, which assesses the socio-economic situation of identifiable population groups according to various metrics, evaluates the extent of discrimination and other social barriers to improvement, and assigns groups numerical ratings and class designations based on these findings. The ratings and designations in the report are used by other federal and provincial agencies to allocate state aid and other benefits Coscivian subgroups and Kiravite Minorities, off-reservation Urom populations, and National Minority populations living in the Federation and South Kirav fall within the scope of the CDRI.[1]

The IDO is most acutely concerned with the welfare of Coscivian harsitem (outcastes) and yakavem ("village menial castes"), landless Urom tribes such as the Hotmail, urbanised Urom,

  1. Large "regional ethnic majorities" such as the Kir people, South Coscivians, and Melote people in the Melian Isles are not rated in their entirety. Specific subgroups of these groups are rated, as well as their minority populations in states outside their home region (i.e. South Coscivians in Hanoram, ethnic Kir in Argévia, Melotes in Kaviska)