Index of Kiravian legislation

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Title Year Brief Description Signator
Currency Moderation Act 21106 Coscivian Title: Marka Ğlugiktorsk Krótá

Establishes the Reserve Bank of Kirav
Decency in Animation Act Bans animé. Érskin
Federal Forestry Act 21105 Symbolically transfers ownership of the Federal Forests from the Government of the Kiravian Federation to the Kiravian People™. Térunbuir
Dilution & Befoulment of Liquors Act 21167 Coscivian Title: Marka asos Ùvikor us Pluğikor Straśúsk

Regulates the use of flavouring agents in distilled spirits, product labelling, and the importation of certain liquors from abroad.
Statutory Reform Act I 21186 Coscivian Title: Thox Marka Fîlo-ōrtiorthirsk
  • Abolished numerous government agencies and programmes established under the Kiravian Union
  • Formally invalidated various Kirosocialist-era laws
  • Returned public universities to provincial control
Open Records Act 21185 Coscivian Title: Marka Ailoix Terioskya

General freedom of information statute applying to records and documents produced by the Government of the Kiravian Federacy and previous national governments in "constitutional continuity therewith". Documents from the Kirosocialist era are governed by the Open Secrets Act of 21186.
Open Secrets Act 21186 Coscivian Title: Marka Ailoix Ledsmaskya

Freedom of information statute pertaining to government records produced under the Kiravian Union, as well as to the archives of the Socialist Party now in the custody of the federal government.
Agricultural Exports Promotion Act 21188 Coscivian Title: Marka Abriśaprá Pelekrāstax Hepunthimalartisk

Established the Kiravian Dairy Board and other programmes and incentives to promote marketing of Kiravian agricultural products abroad.
Nationality Act (21189) 21189 Coscivian Title: Marka Rektārkabarkorsk 21189

Permitted Kiravian women to marry alien men and reside in their husband's country without automatically forfeiting their own nationality, and opened pathways to KNO status for children born illegitimate abroad to Kiravian parents.
Public Diplomacy Act 21190 Coscivian Title: Marka Vondix Vêgurkrāstá

Among other things, chartered and funded the Kiravia Telecast-Telegraph AKR propaganda organisation.
Azikorian Status Act 21191 Awards ethnic Azikorians the status of "honorary Coscivians" for the purposes of immigration and nationality law. Rénkédar
Liquid Fuels Act 21192 Coscivian Title: Marka Ussuliğondul

Banned import/export of and interprovincial commerce in leaded gasoline.
Individual Health Savings Act 21197 Coscivian Title: Marka Merirustolix Ilmartermax Krótasespá
Made tax-advantaged health savings accounts available to Kiravian consumers and set regulations for banks providing such accounts.
Weights & Measures Act 21201 Added some obscure units with scientific and technical applications to the Federalist system of units. Candrin
Cape Relations Act 21202 Coscivian Title: Marka Ostarsk Kestadas

Suspended recognition of latent nationality (and concomitant claims to other forms of civil status) for resident citizens of the Cape whose last patent-national ancestor was more than three generations back.
International Criminal Procedure Act of 21205 21205 Coscivian Title: Marka Tuvitérnax Bidriáldatúosk

Prohibits the extradition of Kiravian nationals in the absence of an overriding bilateral treaty.
Submerged Lands Act 21205 Coscivian Title: Marka Būfaralōmáya

Asserts the Federacy's continental shelf rights over the entirety of the submerged continent of Odoneru.
Overseas Nationality Act

(St. Kennera & Pribraltar)

21205 Extends Kiravian Overseas Nationality to Saint Kennera and Pribraltar. Candrin
Trans-Atrassic Security & Development Act I 2120X Coscivian Title: Marka Seriatrassix Reaská u Léréstorsk - Thox
Trans-Atrassic Security & Development Act II 2120X Coscivian Title: Marka Seriatrassix Reaská u Léréstorsk - Yox
  • Authorises establishment of the Human Development District.
  • Authorises a civil government for the Anaqua Joint Security Area.
  • Authorises the Executive College to promulgate employment regulations for Cronite workers on inland navigation and rail projects, and to establish labour tribunals.
National Service Act AD 1937 Coscivian Title: Marka Ğudrathríormorsk
  • Imposed comprehensive and routine conscription for military, paramilitary, and other critical services.
  • Established a bureaucratic organ under the Defence Executive to administer conscription.
  • Integrated conscription into the internal passport and public welfare systems.
  • Stipulated eligibility requirements, categorical exemptions, grounds for excusal, and criminal penalties for evasion.
Cronite Civil Status Act (Atrassica) AD 1949 Promoted taxpaying i̳ndigenous Cronites in Atrassica from Subjects of the Land to metics (vôvodin) eligible to apply for full citizenship (and subject to conscription), and extended Kiravian nationality to non-taxpaying aboriginals domiciled on the reserves. Kæśek
Field Rent Control Act AD 1949 Capped farm rents at 37.5% of yields Kæśek
Cultivator Tenancy Act AD 1950
  • Allowed for farm rent forgiveness by Prime Executive proclamation during natural disasters
  • Promoted farmers' associations
  • Strengthened tenant farmers' protections against eviction

The Cultivator Tenancy Act helped to accelerate acquiescence to land reform by making large landholdings more of a financial liability.

Navigation Act (1988) AD 1988 Coscivian Title: Marka Rígakréstá

Requires that all cargo shipped between ports of the Federation be carried on vessels that are Kiravian-crewed and -owned.

Passenger Rail Act AD 1991 Coscivian Title: Marka Garviderix Tarśuathnul

Merged the government-owned passenger rail services of Great Kirav and Æonara to form KirRail, a public autonymous company.

Railways Act (Koskenkorva) AD 1991 Coscivian Title: Marka Tarśuathnul Koskenkorvośne

Transferred ownership of and regulatory authority over railways in Koskenkorva, which ha been nationalise by the Kiravian Union, from the federal government to the state government.

Motor Spirit & Lubricants (Duty) Act


AD 2012 Lowered the tax rate on motor spirit and automotive lubricants in Eusa. Candrin
Polar Regions Act AD 2012 Established a statutory basis and funding model for the Polar Affairs Executive, previously created by decree. Candrin
Revenue Act
AD 2014 Imposed a capital gains tax on income from sales of virtual currency. Candrin
Common Market Act


AD 2024 Abolished most remaining interprovincial trade barriers within the Sarolastan theme. Ilkaśvar
Territorial Defence Act AD 2024 Reorganised the Provincial Forces Coördination System into the Territorial Defence of Kirav. Ilkaśvar
Sea Grant Expansion Act AD 2025 Widened access to federal funding for oceanological, oceanographic, nautical, fisheries, aquacultural, and otherwise marine education and research at Kiravian universities beyond the Original Sea Grant Universities. Ilkaśvar


Some important legislation is expected or required to be enacted every fiscal year or legislative cycle under the same title.

Title Purpose(s)
Triennial Agriculture Act Coscivian Title: Kíruségax Marka Pelekrāstá
Authorises subsidies and incentives in the form of direct cash payments, tax credits, and input price controls to agricultural enterprises in the Inner Federation and South Kirav.
Postage Act


Title Province Year Brief Description
Securities Exchange Act Kaviska
(in exile)
21185 Marka Needaword Needanother
Enacted by the still-exiled state legislature of Kaviska during the Kiravian unification process, the Act overhauls the state's Financial Services Code (mostly by replicating the equivalent statutes from Central Æonara) and makes other provisions to facilitate the anticipated reopening of the Valēka Stock Exchange.
Administrative Languages Act Elegia 21189 Declared that Elegian Coscivian would be the state's official language and that the written form of the dialect would be treated equally and interchangeably with Literary Kiravic for governmental purposes.
Historic One-Room Schoolhouses Act Kastera 21205 Marka Axiróx Þusêmraforśēmskya

Qualifications Act Issyria 21209 Suspended the stamp tax on university degrees for five years.
Vehicular Safety Act Fariva AD
The first seatbelt law in the Kiravian Federacy. Required motorists and passengers in wheeled motor vehicles other than buses and motorcycles to apply seatbelts while on public roadways. Agricultural vehicles are exempt if travelling below 23mph.
Bachelor Externalities Revenue Act Ilfenóra AD
Raises the state income tax rate by 1% for unmarried male residents between the ages of 25 and 55, with automatic exemptions for men bound by clerical or other religious vows of celibacy, active-duty servicemen, forest rangers, guest workers, and landlords. The Act requires other men seeking exemption to provide medical evidence of marital unfitness, or sworn affidavits from three women attesting to their "manifest and incurable unmarriageability".
Unorganised Workers' Social Insurance Act Vôtaska AD
Marka Askolagîkol Dhi-iskorvix Ventursk
Establishes a funding model and administrative procedures to improve access to social insurance and other benefits for workers in the gig economy and informal sector.
Farmstead Direct Sales Act Hanoram AD
Marka Suktiasdrisk Peletrenē
Legalises the sale of raw milk directly to consumers on the premises of the same agricultural estate where it is produced.