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Kingdom of the Isle of Farmandie

Le Royaume de l'Ile de Fiærmandie (Burgoignesc)
Xūrokuv Ion Fyærmandiv (Coscivian)
Flag of Kindom of the Isle of Farmandie
Coat of arms of Kindom of the Isle of Farmandie
Coat of arms
Motto: Maudits soient les négligés et les oubliés!
("Damned be the neglected and forgotten!")
Anthem: L'Appel des montagnes
      Location of the Isle of Farmandie in Australis.
      Location of the Isle of Farmandie in Australis.
and largest city
Official languagesBurgoignesc
Kiravic Coscivian
Ethnic groups
72,7% Farman
13,3% Bergendii
11,6% Coscivian
2,4% Other
Demonym(s)Ænglish: Farman (noun), Farman (adjective), Farmen (plural)

Burgoignesc: Fiærmand (noun), Fiærmandesc (adjective), Fiærmand? (plural)

Coscivian: Fyærman (noun), Fyærmax (adjective), Fyærmanyav (plural)
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
Iohan IV
Mitæ Hyelv Nut
Kaerl Mannerman
LegislatureFarmandie Parliament
• Charted
• Kiravian colony
• Burgoignesc colony
• Establisment of Kæn
• Recolonization
• Declaration of Indepencence
• War of Independence
1813 - 1824
• Total
219,190.6 km2 (84,630.0 sq mi)
• 2026 estimate
GDP (PPP)2026 estimate
• Total
940 billion
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyFarman Kingdom Mark (FKMk)
Time zoneUTC-11
Date formatdd-mm-yy
Driving sidecenter
Calling code+545
Internet TLD.rif

Farmandie, officially the Kingdom of the Isle of Farmandie (Burgoignesc: Le Royaume de l'Ile de Fiærmandie, Coscivian: Xūrokuv Ion Fyærmandiv) is an independent post-colonial island country in the southeastern Ocean of Cathay. It consists of the main landmass - the Isle of Farmandie - and smaller islands. Farmandie's capital and largest city is Kæn and it was established in 1748 on the mouth of River Vænd on the northern coast of the Isle of Farmandie. The Isle of Farmandie is located ????km (?,???mi) north of Australis polar continent, ????km (?,???mi) northwest of island_name, ????km (?,???mi) south of Jinju, 2084,1km (1,295mi) southwest of Stenzan_island_name and ????km (?,???mi) west of island_name and Freda Island across the Bay of Diamav.


The origin of the islands name is not completely clear but it is known to be of very old origin and is believed to come from old seaman saying "Further than a man has sailed to die." referring to the remoteness of the island and its disconnection from the rest of the world.


Pre-history (before the 17th century)

Despite that historically the Isle of Farmandie was extremely hard to find, since all of the early charting was off for a farely large margin, the northern coast of the Isle of Farmandie was known as an interim trading post, resting point and shipyard by Corummese, Kiravian and Bergendii sailors long before the islands first charting in 1616. Fleets trying to navigate to the island often would sail past the island without being able to locate it while some fleets would encounter the island without knowledge of any existing land mass on their course, sometimes causing entire fleets to run ashore and get shipwrecked on the islands jagged and rocky coast. Several times the island was believed to have drowned or shifted. It was also speculated that the island had just been a massive floating ice mass changing its location with the currents and melting away.

Early colonisation (1700-1742)

Burgoigniacs landing in Farmandie.

In 1705 Kiravian Nevisar Austral & Antarctic Company (NAAC) received an order to establish a permanent colony on the on the northern coast of the Isle of Farmandie. The assigned fleet arrived to the island in late 1707 and got ashore by the mouth of River Vænd. Soon after the Burgoignesc government learned about the freshly established Kiravian colony on the island and urgently placed an order to establish a competing colony on the island. A fleet from the Bourgondii Royal Trading Company (BRTC) stationed on the island of Submoll got assigned for the task and arrived to the northeastern coast of Isle of Farmandie in summer of 1712. They got ashore on Point St. Matheus, claiming the territory as a satellite colony of Sud Moll Colony. After few days of scouting the area surrounding the Kiravian_settlement_name and the mouth of River Vænd the commander of the BRTC fleet ordered the settlement to be built on the opposing bank of the river. At first the Kiravian settlers were very suspicious about the sudden appearance of the Burgoignesc on the island and what their intentions might be. The commander of the BRTC fleet Hercule Bahanor demanded to have a meeting with the commander of the Kiravian_settlement_name. He succeeded in persuading the the peaceful nature of Burgoignesc intentions and concluded an agreement of ? with the Kiravian_settlement_name's commander commander_name. For months the relations between the two colonies stayed peaceful and included mostly trading of goods. Language barrier induced disagreements and distrust between the two ethnic groups caused the relations to turn hostile and after certain_escalation_event freguent and deadly skirmishes and ruthless competition of the islands scarce resources between the two colonies were common. Referred as the Trade War of Farmandie.

Role of Farmandie in the Kiro-Burgoignesc Wars

The Trade War of Farmandie spanned from 1713-1748 and was the precurser to its neglect (from 1745) and self goverment period (from 1748 to 1788). The seas around the island were rich in Whaling, and Seal but the cost and expense to extract, process them, and transport them safely was not worth the price. This was especially true of Kiravia whose nearest colony was Sarolasta through the Polynesian Sea leaving them vulnerable to Burgoignesc commerce raiding before they came into the protection of their own fleets protective range. Alternatively, the Burgoigniacs could hug the coast until they reached Sud Moll Colony and then Equitorial Ostiecia and their respective colonial fleets. Nevisar Austral & Antarctic Company didn't fully abandon their colony on Farmandie until both nations were forced to focus elsewhere in the 1740s but the NAAC put less focus on the island than did the BRTC. Both colonies forming naval militias but the BRTC garrisoned 100 troops and a small but permanant naval presence on the island in 1719, a cost the Nevisar Austral & Antarctic Company did not feel was justified.

Neglect and self goverment (1743-1788)

The extremely long sea voyages in often unpredictably harsh and cold weather conditions resulted in that both colonies got deemed a waste of time and resources by their colonial overlords and the colonies got sent fewer and fewer resupply shipments until they were completely forgotten and neglected. This led the two colonies to get almost completely isolated from the rest of the world by 1745. The colonies realised their neglegted state on winter of 1748 after not receiving any shipments for 3 years straight. The two colonies agreed to settle their differences and merge together as one larger settlement in favour of working together to survive on the island. This is often referred as the establisment of the capital Kæn, the first town on the Isle of Farmandie. In the beginning the former hostilities still fresh in memory complemented with language barrier, food shortage and the punishing conditions led to settlers developing heavy drinking habits and grudges between the two ethnic groups. Disagreement especially between individuals of different ethnicities often led to violent escalations on a major scale after a heavy night of drinking. These drunken group fights were often referred as the small civil wars.


The town of Kæn was established on the mouth of River Vænd in late winter of 1748 after the signing of the treaty of River Vænd that ended the 35 year long Trade War of Farmandie between Burgoignesc South Levantine Trading Company and Nevisar Austral & Antarctic Company. Both sides agreed to sign a peace treaty after learning that either side had not received any resupply for 3 years and would be better off by working together and combining and rationing their extremely low stocks. The first buildings of the town of Kæn were built out of repurposed lumber from the fortifications that protected the former settlements from hostile actions.

Recolonisation attemp (1789-1812)

In summer of 1789 a small Bourgondii Royal Trading Company fleet arrived on the eastern coast of the Isle of Farmandie and was the first Burgoignesc trade fleet in 43 years after the previous fleet had sailed from the island never to return. Because of the extremely bad weather conditions around the northern and northeastern coast at the time the fleet was forced to achor on the eastern coast and get ashore at place_name instead of their intended destination on the northern coast of the island.

After few days of travel by foot to the northern coast and the former settlements they arrived to the outskirts of the town of Kæn. The Burgoignesc were supprised to find an unknown settlement in place of the two settlements they were looking for. As soon as they arrived to the town the commander demanded to see the head of the settlement. He was guided to the town hall and placed in front of the town counsil made of the most elder men and women on the island. After brief introduction the commander declared being the legitimate governor of the colony appointed by the Bourgondii Royal Trading Company and demanded the Farmen to hand over all of the valuable resources they had in their possession and make them ready for loading on to his fleet arriving in few days. The counsil declined his demand and reminded him that the Burgoignesc and Kiravian had abandoned the island over 40 years ago and do not have any legitimate claims over the island anymore. This angered the BRTC commander and he demanded the Farmen to comply his orders claiming the Burgoignesc colony on the island being still legitimately under BRTCs rule. He gave the people of Kæn five days to comply after which he would take hostile action and take what he wanted by force.

Five days later the BRTC fleet arrived to the mouth of River Vænd with all of its ships. The BRTC commander demanded again the recources to be handed over but the Farmen declined his demands once more so the fleet fired a warning shot at the Farmen. This sprung up anger towards the BRTC and the Farmen rose to major opposition and defiance against the BRTC driving the BRTC off the island. The incident resulted in 14 year long small scale conflict between the BRTC and inhabitats of the Isle of Farmandie.

Declaration of independence

On the grounds that the Isle of Farmandie would have a better standing on the global market and political scenes, alongside the chance of receiving foreign military aid as an independent country, instead of being a neglected and extorted rebel colony, the town counsil of Kæn declared Farmandies independence on the 14th of March 1813 and appointed a regent to rule over the newly founded kingdom in the absense of a king. The legitimacy of the declaration was immediately disputed by Burgundy and resulted in furious military response by the BRTC. The aggressive military action taken against the Farmen people by the BRTC tipped the previously fairly insignificant small_scale_conflict_name into a full blown war of independence between the newly founded Kingdom of the Isle of Farmandie and BRTC.

War of Independence (1813-1824)

The Farmandie War of Independence is a series of battles fought on and around the Isle of Farmandie during 11 year period starting from April of 1813 and ending in June of 1824. Most of the battles were fought by the forces of the Kingdom of the Isle of Farmandie against the Bourgondii Royal Trading Company forces. There was no real fixed frontline during the war.


Was your country subject to imperialism later in its life, or was it an imperial power?


How did the 20th century affect your country?


What is the general explanation of how your country exists within the world?


Mountainous island. Most northern point is 57°12'0"S 73°6'0"W. Most southern point is 62°34'19"S 71°42'0"W.

Climate and environment

The climate on the coast of Isle of Farmandie is subpolar oceanic climate. Sub-Australic? Inland is submontane to montane climate.

Fauna and flora

Native species recorded in the wild on the Isle of Farmandie include Farmandie reindeer, Farmandie lynx, Arctic hare, Arctic fox, Arctic vole, Farman sea eagle, Snowy owl, Polar bear, Grey seal and Harbor seal.

The Farmandie reindeer is a smaller distinct deer subspecies native to the Isle of Farmandie.

The Farmandie lynx is a medium-sized wild cat native to the Isle of Farmandie.

Farmandie sea eagle

Farmandie sea eagle

The Farmandie sea eagle is the iconic symbol of the Isle of Farmandie and Kingdom of the Isle of Farmandie. It is a large sea eagle native to the Isle of Farmandie and surrounding islands. Plumage of an adult eagle is light golden brown while juveniles being dark brown with lighter gold accents. Peak and eyes are light golden yellow. Adult Farmandie sea eagle measures from 64 to 102cm in total lenght with a typical wingspan from 1,72 to 2,70m the weight varying from 4kg to 8kg. Females being larger than males. It is an apex predator in its range with no natural predators. The eagles diet is highly varied and seasonal, warm months being heavily favoured on fish, birds and small mammals while in colder months it usually turns to preying on larger mammals and even behaves as opportunistic scavenger. Altho the diet mostly consists of smaller animals there has been reported cases where eagles have preyed even on the Farmandie lynx. In Farman folk lore, to scare the children to not go wandering off alone, it’s been told that this huge bird of prey can lift a child off of their feet and will catch them as its prey if such opportunity ever raises.

Flora on the Isle of Farmandie ranges from submontane birtch and pine forests to montane tundra and polar tundra.

Government and Politics

Prime Minister Mitæ Hyelv Nut


Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King? Monarch King Iohan IV. The current prime minister of Farmandie is Mitæ Hyelv Nut.


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature? Farmandie Parliament. Minister of Justice. Minister of Defence. Chief of Justice is the commander of the police force and responsible for the matters of policing and internal security. Chief of Defence is the commander of the armed forces and responsible for the matters of defence and external security.

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?


What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?


What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?


What kind of people live in your country?


Self-reported ethnic origin in the Farmandie (2026)

  Farmen (72.7%)
  Burgoignac (13.3%)
  Kiravian (11.6%)
  Other (2.4%)

What ethnic groups make up your country?


Majority of Farmen are bilingual and speak Burgoignesc and Cosvician, both with distinct Farman dialect. The languages are often used interchangeably.


Religious affiliations in the Farmandie (2026)

  Catholic (82.3%)
  Non-religious (12.5%)
  Other (5.2%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


How many people in your country are educated?

Culture and Society

Romantic-Coscivian culture.


What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?

Attitudes and worldview

How do your country's people view life?

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


What do your people eat?


What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


The Golden Griffon is a powerful legendary creature that was believed to be native for the Isle of Farmandie by the early Farmen settlers. Sightings of a Farmandie sea eagle carrying lynxes corpse in its talons might have been the reason for the tales about Griffons. The tales about the Griffon acted as the inspiration for the Farmandie coat of arms. Griffon is the nickname for the armed forces HUM-99 Griffon utility helicopter.

Economy and Infrastructure

How does your country's economy work?
High taxes.

Industries and Sectors

Farmandie has an old and large sealing and whaling industry established way back during the colonial era. The Isle of Farmandie also has abundant natural resources like handwavium, lithium, manganese (including alabandite) which have become an important source of income for the coutry through exports. Farmandie is active in the technology and medical field and has its own thriving phamaceutical and medical industry.


The currency of Farmandie is Farman Kingdom Mark (FKMk).


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?
Public healthcare system.


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?
Innovative on medicine and energy field.


Farmandie's military spending is high. The Armed Forces of the Isle of Farmandie consists of separate well equipped and intensively trained reserve forces and highly professional enlisted forces. The reserve forces are formed of reserve and conscript personnel and their enlisted officers. Both men and women are required to serve for minimum of 18 months military conscript service after which they are allowed to join the reserve forces or apply to the standing armed forces. The standing armed forces is formed of highly professional enlisted personnel and is currently taking active part in the Deluge with 2 fully operational hospital ships, their attached force protection and boarding groups and other supporting elements.