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Falconry (Burg: Fauconnerie, Crecerellerie (in Yonderre)) is the hunting of wild animals in their natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey. It is practiced particularly widely in Burgundie, Yonderre, Zaclaria, and by the South Coscivians.


It was imported to Levantia during the Crusades in Audonia by knights from Yonderre, where it enjoys the largest following on that continent. Due to the close relationship between the countries, and it's shared cultural morays, Fauconnerie is also popular in Burgundie. The Gamehawking League of Levantia is the official body that regulates Fauconnerie as a sport in Levantia. Since hunting with firearms is heavily regulated in Burgundie, Fauconnerie is popular amongst game hunters.

Birds used in contemporary falconry

Saker falcon in Zaclaria.

Falconry culture by culture



Falconry in Burgundie became popular among the noble hunting parties of Maritime Dericania in the 17th century who were becoming rich after the establishment of the Burgoignesc colonial empire. This continued after the First Fratricide and the unification of Burgundie.

See also