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Rectory of Herciana
Overseas territory of Urcea
Flag of Rectory of Herciana
Ceded from Caphiria1943
Cathedral CityMessisoria
 • RectorMaurice Alfinno
 • Total290,501

Herciana is an island east of Sarpedon in the Sea of Canete that is part of Urcea.


Herciana was one of the earliest hubs of Ancient Istroyan civilization in Sarpedon, with major colonies being established around 1650 BC and the island becoming a major hub and port for further colonization efforts heading west. The makeup of the pre-Istroyan population of the island is not clearly understood, as no written language exists prior to the spread of colonies to the island and material artifacts provide inconclusive evidence. A wide range of theories exist, but the most accepted theory suggests an Istroyan-adjacent peoples living on the island before the arrival of foreign colonies and quickly adapting to the new urban lifestyle. Unlike most other places in the Istroyan world, decentralization was a temporary phenomenon and evidence suggests that the colony of Messisoria quickly established itself as the preeminent political and economic city on the island beginning in ca. 1200 BC, building an informal hierarchy that was increasingly centralized in the centuries to come. Messisorian hegemony was challenged several times by other cities on the island; most prominently, one conflict in the 1140s BC lead to the other cities forging alliances with Istroyan colonies on the mainland. Messisoria won the war and directly annexed the mainland cities while continuing the subordination of its neighbors on the island.

The conquest of mainland territories transformed Messisoria from an insular hegemon to a regional power, becoming preeminent Istroyan power in the region. The island of Herciana underwent significant growth as a result, as the wealth conquest began to flow directly to the island. Most of the cities of Herciana appear to have been either directly incorporated by Messisoria by around 970 BC, although it appears extension of Messisorian citizenship was used as the primary method of centralization. As the island grew, appetite for additional foreign conquest appears to have taken place. The Messisorian Kingdom began to prosecute offensive wars in the 9th century BC. After decades of continued fighting - both against Istroyan city-states and Sarpic tribes in the interior as well as against newly encroaching settlers from Adonerum - the Kingdom of Messisoria encompassed not only Herciana but most of modern Thessia. The informal historiographical "Messisorian Empire" - a network of directly administered territories and clients - brought significant benefits to Herciana, becoming one of the best developed places in all of ancient Istroya. The Empire reached its peak in 850 BC with the conquest of Halfway. Coins and goods from Herciana from this period have been found as far afield as western Audonia and Vallos, indicating its signficiant economic presence within the ancient Occidental world

While the Messisorian Empire would continue to exist until its gradual conquest by Caphiria in the 200s BC, the Empire's priorities and focus would increasingly shift away from Herciana as the Messisorian Kings sought to increase their hold in the more populous, richer mainland portions of the Kingdom. Investments and riches began to flow increasingly to Royal magnates who ruled the mainland on the King's behalf, and many began to leave the crowded island for opportunities in the Sarpedonian interior, displacing local Sarpic people and establishing new Istroyan colonies. The major blow came in 500 BC as the court of the King of Messisoria moved from Messisoria to the mainland city of Constantinopolis Borealis (modern Constanz), moving the center of political and economic power away from Hericana; the island entered a period of significant decline. With Caphiria encroaching upon its mainland possessions gradually throughout the 200s BC, the court relocated back to Messisoria in around 225 BC, but the Messisorian Kingdom was in a period of terminal decline and the island itself was conquered by Caphiria in 198 BC. The island was sacked of its wealth with most of its major cultural and architectural achievements destroyed during the sack. Much of the island's population was deported by Caphiria into the modern province of Sennium in order to establish a "civilized" urban population in otherwise Sarpic tribal lands. The majority of those deported did not survive the journey, but colonization efforts were generally successful.

Herciana became a relative backwater under the First Imperium, with most of its population turning to subsistence fishing for survival. Many of the buildings of Messisoria and the island's other great cities and structures were pillaged for their building material. Most historians believe the island's population was reduced to around 15,000 from a high of over 200,000 during its peak. Christianity was introduced to the island in around 110 AD with most of the residents of the island being adherents by 280 AD. The island remained an insignificant fishing outpost when it was conquered by the Oduniyyad Caliphate in 676 AD. The island was used as a base from which Oduniyyad raiders would harass Halfway and Greater Canaery, eventually taking the former in 890 and establishing an independent Sultanate. Herciana was recaptured as part of the Crusades and was part of the shortlived Principality of Thessia before being conquered by the resurgent Second Imperium of Caphiria in the 15th century. From there, it began to grow following a millennia of decline, becoming an important port location on the way from Venceia to Audonia while also being the primary means by which southeast Dericania traded with eastern Sarpedon. As trade prospered, many mainlanders began to move to the island, and the island's population grew to about 75,000 in 1600. The Great Schism of 1615 disrupted public administration in the area as well as trade. The island, as part of the broader east Caphiric Istroyan culture, began to organize against the area's continued subjugation, and joined with others in launching the Veltorine War of Independence. The island became part of the new Veltorine state in 1782 and remained an important trade hub. During the Tyrian Revolution, the island was a holdout of Royal forces from 1863 to 1865 as the old regime was supported by mercantile interests on the island in opposition to the socialist regime; the island was eventually taken by socialist forces in 1865. Trade was disrupted again during the first socialist period as imports into the country dried up, but the island rebounded after 1892. The island was conquered by Caphiria during the First Great War, though mercantile activity once again entered decline as eastern Sarpedon and the Sea of Canete became a warzone.

The island rebuilt in time for the Second Great War, when it was invaded and occupied by the Urcean Royal Marine Corps in 1938. The island was subsequently ceded to Urcea as part of the Treaty of Kartika. Due to the symbolic significance of the Messisorian Kingdom and Veltorine majority on the island, the Veltorine government-in-exile relocated to the island in 1943. Negotiations between the Government of Urcea and government-in-exile began with the possibility of the government-in-exile assuming autonomous control of Herciana as some kind of free state, but the issue was a red line for Caphiria which threatened resuming war in 1948. An early victory for the Caphirians in the Occidental Cold War, negotiations were cut off and the government-in-exile was relocated to Talionia. After being governed by a provisional military rectory from 1938 to 1948, a civilian Rectory government was established in 1948. The island was significantly invested in by the Urcean government until about 1970 as part of propaganda efforts to induce Veltorine diaspora to relocate to the island, efforts which were only partly successful and the project was later abandoned. Herciana saw significant out-migration with the establishment of Cetsencalia (now New Veltorina) in Crona, with about twenty thousand Herci leaving the island for Crona since 2016.



Politics and government

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Ethnic groups






