Kench language

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The Kench language (Kench: Qanse) is a constructed language, created in the mid 21st century by Calderan President Charles LeMieux who invented the language in order to promote pro-Burgoignesc Calderan nationalism and introduce a Calderan native language that can unite 3 of Caldera's 4 ethnic groups (the language targets descendants of Burgoignesc, Gothic, and Ænglish settlers while neglecting the native Volin population).

Created byCharles LeMieux
Date15 January 2037
Usersc. 4,000 (2037)
For use as a Calderan national language by any Levantine immigrants
  • Sarpo-Levantine
    • Romance
      • Kench
Official status
Official language in
Language codes
ISO 639-3None (mis)
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Despite being relatively new, Kench has already seen popularity in the Southeastern province of Caldera where it is estimated that 4,000 students already have a basic understanding of the language. This statistic is being widely purported by the Calderan government as evidence that Kench is an incredibly easy language to learn, and is superior to any prior languages.

The Kench language is particularly closely related to the Burgoignesc language (of which LeMieux spoke frequently) and the Cartadanian language, the latter being used for pronunciation while many words are borrowed from the former. It is commonly debated whether Burgoignesc and Kench are mutually intelligible, since the majority of sentences cannot be fully understood by speakers of either language, but they would be able to understand core concepts of each other. By definition, they are usually not considered mutually intelligible.


The alphabet of Kench is mostly based on the Latin alphabet with some modifications, including omitting the single letters "h", "c", "z", "y", "w", "x" and "k", although h will appear alongside multiple letters to produce different sounds, and c can appear in "ch", which are considered entirely new letters. Unlike other languages where letters can make different sounds depending on the context, all letters make the same sounds in any word in Kench.

Letter A B Ch D E Eh F G Gh I J L Ll M N O P Q R S Sh T U V
IPA /a/ /b/ /t̠ʃ/ /d̼/ /e̞/ /ɜ/ /f/ /ʒ/ /g/ /i/ /h/ /l̪/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /o̞/ /p̪/ /k/ /ɾ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /t̪/ /u/ /v/


Sample Text

Article 1 of the North Star Charter in Kench:

Il qi suehti te beber de la futane de vi put fere en liberte, qon il es la dute de qe ghuvernmente te protege qe qon oter druats dote sur los oms par nutre qreatur.

Article 1 of the North Star Charter in Ænglish:

He who wishes to drink from the fountain of life shall do so freely, and it is the duty of this government to protect this and other rights endowed upon man by our creator.

Szabolcs list word Kench form Notes
I llo
you (sing.) tu Vu is also used for formal occasions
he il
we nu
you (pl.) vus Plural form of formal singular
they iles Used if the group is all male or if genders are unknown/mixed, eles is used for a group of females
this qe
that qa
here isi
there i
who qi
what qua
where u
when qane
how qomo
not pa
all tut
many boqu
some ju
few pu
other oter
one uno
two du
three tres
four quatro
five sinqo
big ghrande
long longha
thick diqa
heavy lud
small peqit
short qurt
narrow anqosto
thin minche
woman fam
man (adult male) om
man (human being) tripular
child enfante
wife esposa
husband mari
mother mere
father pere
animal animal
fish pish
bird uaso
dog chiene
louse pio
snake serpiente
worm vermo
tree arber
forest fore
stick baton
fruit fri
seed semo
leaf folle
root rasin
bark (of a tree) eghoche
flower flur
grass erbe
rope qord
skin po
meat viande
blood sangh
bone os
fat (noun) ghordo
egg uf
horn qorn
tail qu
feather plum
hair shehvu
head teht
ear orelle
eye olle
nose ne
mouth buche
tooth dente
tongue langh
fingernail onghel
foot pied
leg gamb
knee genu
hand men
wing flughil
belly vientre
guts tripes
neck qu
back do
breast sen
heart qur
liver liber
to drink beber
to eat mange
to bite morder
to suck suqer
to spit qrache
to vomit vomir
to blow sufle
to breathe respire
to laugh rire
to see vor
to hear odio
to know save
to think panse
to smell odur
to fear pur
to sleep dormir
to live vivir
to die murir
to kill tue
to fight qombate
to hunt chase
to hit frape
to cut qupe
to split divise
to stab stabe
to scratch ghrate
to dig qruse
to swim nage
to fly vole
to walk marche
to come viander
to lie mentir
to sit sidi
to stand reste
to turn turne
to fall tombe
to give done
to hold prise
to squeeze prese
to rub frote
to wash lave
to wipe limpier
to pull tire
to push puse
to throw lanse
to tie atache
to sew qude
to count qonte
to say dire
to sing shante
to play gue
to float flote
to flow qule
to freeze gele
to swell ghonfle
sun sol
moon lun
star etol
water o
rain plui
river riviere
lake laqe
sea mur
salt sehl
stone piere Sometimes "peter" similar to English "pebble"
sand sable
dust polvo
earth tiera
cloud nuag
fog nebulo
sky siel
wind vo
snow nehg
ice ghlase
smoke fume
fire fu
ash sinder
to burn brule
road rut
mountain monto
red rojo
green verte
yellow Llon
white blan
black negro
night nui
day gur
year an
warm sho
cold frua
full complete
new nuvo
old vie
good biene
bad mal
rotten puri
dirty sale
straight derecho
round rond
sharp puantu
dull terne
smooth lise
wet mulle
dry sehc
correct coreqt
near pre
far lejo
right reqt 'Duat', essentially meaning the same as 'reqt' is used to refer to something being morally right[1]
left ghoche
at a
in en 'Dan' for "inside"
with avehq
and qon
if si
because porqe
name nom The word 'apel' is also used, derived from the verb 'apeler' which means "to call oneself"

See also

  1. As seen in Charles LeMieux's book "Levantine Heraldry and its history" where the Ænglish motto "God is my right" (popular in Urcean and Avonian heraldry) is translated to "Dio es mi duat," although it should be noted that the word "right" in this context means "law"