Southern slave trade

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Southern slave trade
17th century depiction of Qian slavers with captured Polynesians. The face deformities shown are typical of Qian era artwork depicting humans.
Date16th to 19th century
DurationRoughly 300 years
LocationAudonia, Sarpedon, Crona, Australis
Organised byQian dynasty
est. 3 million dead from disease and mistreatment
Displaced18 million slaves deported to Sarpedon

The Southern slave trade also called the Cathay slave routes refers to the capture and enslavement of people mainly from the regions of Crona, Peratra and Audonia and their transportation across the vastness of the Ocean of Cathay to Sarpedon. The trade was regulated by the Qian dynasty and the main participants and executors of it were the South Seas Trading Company and other large Daxian slave cartels. The institution of slavery had existed in Daxia and its adjacent territories for centuries; the United Cities had been a state entirely based around the slave trade. But it was not until the territorial campaigns of overseas expansion of the Qian dynasty that slavery got official sanction. Concurrently with this territorial expansion were the first contacts with 'Western' explorers from Sarpedon and the establishment of the Southern route as a viable sea trade corridor to Sarpedon. The Imperium of Caphiria had a prodigious need for slaves that far outstripped the reserves of people susceptible to being enslaved in its imperial periphery. The growing economic relation between both powers based on the aforementioned sea route would feed the slave trade for centuries. The profits from the slave trade would grow to such an enormity that the Qian would start wars of aggression in northern Crona merely to round up more slaves. The operation was not without cost for Daxia, a number of great slave revolts erupted in various parts of the empire, draining the resources of the Qian in costly internal suppression and in lost economic activity. The Great slave revolt in xxx of xxxx lasted for four years before finally being put down by force, and even then thousands of slaves managed to free themselves.

Not even the outbreak of the Daxian Polynesian Wars would interrupt the flow of slaves to Sarpedon, powerful economic interests on both sides lobbied for immunity for ships carrying slaves from being boarded or hindered. The flow of slaves began to slow down in the late 18th century as sentiment in the Imperium began to sour on slaves of foreign origin; various new policies were enacted that made it easier and cheaper to possess Caphirian-born and educated slaves, even the middle classes had access to Volonian slaves and Slavic servants from the south. As the flow became a trickle, it eventually made less economic sense to export slaves over great distances; internal trading of slaves on the Audonian mainland continued to happen but the margins of profit were far smaller. Growing international distaste for the institution of slavery coupled with the financial collapse of the South Seas Trading Company had the Qian bureaucracy considering moving away from the practice but did this not happen; slave labor was still in use during the Second Great War and continued to exist until the end of the dynasty; the new republican government under Dai Hanjian finally banned the practice in 1949. The troubled legacy of the southern slave trade and Daxia's role in it continues to cast a dark pall in relations between Daxia and many countries in Crona and elsewhere. Daxian governments have repeatedly refused to issue any apologies or any type of compensation; in their view the matter is only a subject for historians to discuss.



Slavery has been practiced in mainland Daxia for thousands of years, early use of slavery is understood to have been reserved for criminals, the average citizen could not be subject to the practice . There are copious archeological records and fragments that point to the widespread keeping of slaves by the elites of the Wa Hegemony and older polities. The fifteen tablets of Wa contain among them a royal edict from king Panshu condemning fourty convicted rapists to lifelong servitude to their victims as castrated slaves. The Xie dynasty first codified the use of slavery in the year 2350 BC during the reign of emperor Heise. This first code contained provisions that allowed local governments to sell prisoners of grave crimes such as murder, sodomy, treason and rape in the slave markets. The Code of Heise also allowed all citizens of the country to freely enslave any barbarians, if they could lay their hands on them and paid a fixed tax for every slave they had, every year. The code also allowed for the enslavement of people who were linguistically very similar to the Daxian people to the point they could be considered branches of one another, namely the Qifu and Tuang peoples were ancient peoples who lived closed to the Xie dynasty heartlands. When the Xie expanded at the expense of these ethnic cousins and their states, there erupted at court great debates about what should be done with the populations. One side argued that as non-Daxians they could be turned into slaves and put to work. The other side countered that being so similar to themselves it would be a great crime to make slaves of them, a crime akin to making a Daxian in good standing a slave himself. On this occasion the latter opinion won out and the Qifu and the Tuang were in the end not enslaved, they do fade from historical record eventually, subsumed into the greater whole of the Daxian nation long before the end of the Xie dynasty.

During the era of strife that began with the fall of the Xie dynasty and its implosion into dozens of statelets fighting for survival, the temporary shattering of Daxian identity into regional ones led to a widening of the use of slavery. To a citizen of the state Hua someone from the state of Zhao was no more Daxian than was a barbarian from beyond the White Waste, even if they looked the same and spoke the same tongue. The attitude varied by states and also over time, for example the state of Cao that would eventually triumph over all others did not enslave other Daxians but instead chose to cajole them into service; this policy decision was of pivotal importance to its eventual triumph as it was able to attract talented people from other states into its ranks without fear of enslavement or humilliation.

By the end of the era of strife and the inauguration of the Shang dynasty, the emperor Cao Kun decreed the restoration of the Code of Heise with several amendments prohibiting the type of excesses seen during the era of strife. The overall number of slaves decreased during the Shang period as internal sources were limited by law and the power of the Degei Confederation waxed; the Shang had no wish to antagonize it needlessly simply to acquire slaves. The one sure entity providing slaves to the Shang was its tributary state of Nasrad, which either bought them or captured them from raids into the Arunid Empire. The Shang dynasty and its scholars held these brown skinned people to be potentially superlative warriors(that they had been captured in the first place was due to Nasrid trickery), the Shang would train them to serve as slave-soldiers. An institution known as the Puren Zhijia, which very roughly translates to the House of the Servants, drilled the slaves in formation fighting as spearmen. The dynasty was interested in lowering its reliance on peasant infantrymen who had to be taken away from their duties as farmers during the harvest season, poor harvests quickly led to instability. If the slaves could take their place on the battlefield, this situation could be easily prevented. In any case the supply of slaves available to the Shang dynasty never reached the levels needed for it to truly replace all of its infantry with trained slaves.

It was the Qian dynasty that began in the 1500's CE that really made the use of slavery a cornerstone of its economic policies. Qian seafaring exploration took them first to the north of Crona and the gates of the Nysdra Sea. The island of Cao had been captured by the predecessors of the Qian, the Zhong, who had left most of the native population in place. The Qian decided to uproot the vast majority, almost eighty percent of the non-Daxian islanders were taken as slaves to be sold in the mainland.

Zenith of the trade

Decline of demand

End of the slave trade


Qian dynasty

South Seas Trading Company

insert slaver cartels



Human toll



See also