Urcea-Caphiria relations: Difference between revisions

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===Lust for Talionia and First Great War===
===Lust for Talionia and First Great War===
===Ten Year Plan and the Second Great War===
===Ten Year Plan and the Second Great War===
{{Main|Ten Year Plan (Caphiria)|Second Great War}}
===Occidental Cold War===
===Occidental Cold War===
{{Main|Occidental Cold War}}
{{Main|Occidental Cold War}}

Revision as of 15:18, 11 September 2023

Urcea and Caphiria maintain one of the most important, critical and strategic foreign relations in the world. Both nations have shared interests in nuclear safety and security, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, and space exploration. Both nations actively collaborate on various economic development actions.

Urcea and Caphiria share a considerable amount of cultural background due to their common descent from the ancient Adonerii people of Urlazio. The two countries also share a common religion, Catholicism, since the Eight Points Agreement signed in 2017. The relationship between the two countries was intermittent and generally positive between the establishment of Urcea in 1098 and Great Schism of 1615. Between that event and the 20th century, relations were deeply acrimonious, culminating with both countries being the main global combatants in the Second Great War in the 1930s and 40s. That war spawned a 40-year period of rivalry and proxy conflict known as the the Occidental Cold War. Following the end of the Cold War in the 1980s, relations have been gradually more warm and cooperative.

Both countries are members of the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association, although Caphiria is only a partial member. Both countries sit on the League of Nations Security Council.


Earliest interactions

Pre-schism alliance

Throughout the 16th century, Urcea and Caphiria maintained friendly relations within the context of the Protestant Reformation. Both countries were strongly opposed to the Reformation and made various efforts to prosecute the Counter Reformation. Both sides signed various treaties of friendship which committed both countries to countering Protestantism in the Islands and Urlazio area, and the treaties envisioned military cooperation by both parties to ensure that region remained Catholic. Caphiria did not involve itself in the Great Confessional War, but also refused to recognize the Protestant House of Ronan during their time as Apostolic Kings from 1546 through 1565, offering comfortable shelter to the members of House de Weluta.

Schismatic era and rise of "creep" ideology

Levantine support for Catholic rebels

Urcean conquest of Crotona

Urcea completed its conquest of Crotona in 1660, bringing to a close a process of increasing Urcean influence which began in the 13th century. The establishment of the Kingdom of Crotona, a crownland of Urcea, also included the direct incorporation of the Urcean possession Halfway into the Kingdom. It followed this move up with the conquest of Tromarine in 1670. The sudden adjacency of Urcean territory to Urlazio and mainland Sarpedon greatly alarmed Caphirian leaders, as within the span of two decades Urcea had established a ring of forward positions around the Sea of Canete to the exclusion of Caphiria. Although Caphirian leaders ultimately did not go to war over the establishment of Crotona, the ruling class suffered a humiliating loss of face as theories of Levantine Creep began to take hold in earnest throughout Caphirian society.

Early 18th century détente

Although relations worsened significantly between Urcea and Caphiria in the 17th century, the dawn of the 18th century introduced a level of calm and stability between the two powers. Urcea's increasing involvement in the Holy Levantine Empire, culminating in the War of the Caroline Succession, shifted focus away from Sarpedon and the Odoneru Ocean eastward towards Dericania and the Empire.

Veltorine independence

Lust for Talionia and First Great War

Ten Year Plan and the Second Great War

Occidental Cold War

The New 1980s

Warming relations

The Deluge and de facto alliance

Mutual perceptions by the countries' populations

Economic ties

Military ties

In addition to cooperation elsewhere, Urcea serves as the primary force defending Shenendehowa Bay, a Caphirian possession in northern Crona. Caphiria's participation in the Nysdra Sea Treaty Association (NSTA) and an agreement with Urcea governs the use of the Imperial Armed Forces in the Nysdra region. Accordingly, Shenendehowa Bay is covered by NSTA mutual defense provisions, which are de facto enforced by the Armed Forces of the Apostolic Kingdom of Urcea.

Relations with Zaclaria

Talionia issue

The status of Talionia remains a major issue in relations between Urcea and Caphiria. While many political leaders in Caphiria remain aggressive on the issue of Talionian reintegration with Caphiria, its inclusion in the Continental Diplomatic Arrangement Organization has gradually made the issue less important in the minds of most Caphirian leaders and the public.