
Revision as of 18:54, 15 May 2024 by Tierrador (talk | contribs) (CEYLONIA!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ceylonia, officially the Ceylon Republic (Cartadanian: República Ceilonia), is a sovereign country in southeastern Crona on the western Songun Peninsula. It is the southernmost country in Crona, located on a mostly flat plain of land at the tip of the peninsula. With a land area of 892,458 square kilometers (344,580 sq mi) and a population of approximately 35 million, Ceylonia is the second-least populous country in the Songun basin region, being only slightly more populous than Istrenya. It shares a land border to the northwest with Tierrador, along with a maritime border to the north with the Cape across the Songun Strait. Ceylonia's capital and largest city is Santa Maria, located at the northern end of the Baía dos Cocos, approaching the nation's center. Ceylonia is a member of the League of Nations and the Cronan Commonwealth Development Organization (CCDO), and maintains one of the strongest economies in southern Crona, with a nominal GDP of $1.509 trillion.

Ceylon Republic

2 official names
Flag of Ceylonia
of Ceylonia
Coat of arms
Motto: "Fé e esperança" (Cartadanian)
"Faith and hope"
Anthem: Grande ceilonia
and largest city
Santa Maria
Official languagesCartadanian
Ethnic groups
  • By background:
  • 63.1% Luso-Ceylonian
  • 19.4% Coscivian
  • 9.6% Broadly Cronan
  • 7.9% Other
Luso-Orisian (antiquated)
GovernmentUnitary semi-presidential constitutional republic
• President
Miguel Sousa
Amancio Batista
LegislatureNational Assembly
Chamber of Emissaries
• Qabóri Conquest
• Yapokee Wars
• Yapokee Woqalate
• Formation as a satellite colony
• Territory created
• Ceylon Peace Accord
• Independence
• Total
892,458 km2 (344,580 sq mi)
• 2027 census
• Density
39.1/km2 (101.3/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)2027 estimate
• Total
$1.509 trillion
• Per capita
$43,291 (2027)
GDP (nominal)2027 estimate
• Total
$1.509 trillion
• Per capita
$43,291 (2027)
Gini (2027)Positive decrease 42.9
HDI (2027)Steady 0.842
very high
CurrencyReal (RLS)
Mains electricity230 V, 50 Hz
Driving sideright
Calling code+36
Internet TLD.ce

Throughout its history, Ceylonia's governance was mostly at the helm of other, much more powerful nations. During the 6th to 13th centuries, Ceylonia was a colony of the Qabóri Woqalate, being conquered in 677 AD. This time was relatively unstable for the colony, as the majority of the Ceylon people rejected the Qabóri government's policies. In 1411, members from the Yapokee tribe revolted against Qabór, beginning the Yapokee Wars, which lasted for nearly sixty years. In 1468, the colony was granted its independence from Qabór, under the condition that it become a vassal state, thus creating the Woqalate of Yapokee. The newly-founded vassal state was much more stable and technologically-advanced than the colony, taking a lot of political and economic influence from its former colonial power. The Woqalate lasted for 200 years, until the arrival of Sarpedonian settlers in the late 1600s. In 1693, Cartadanian settlers established the port city of Riachal at the southernmost tip of the southern peninsula, establishing the second permanent Cartadanian settlement in Crona. By 1697, Riachal was expanded to encompass a greater area, stretching roughly to the top of the Baía dos Cocos. While Cartadanians had largely assimilated with the local Ceylon population in the south, those in the northern city of Praiamar, a much more industrialized zone, were treated much more inhumanely. This led to a conflict between the beliefs of those in the south and those of the north. In 1698, when mainland Cartadania underwent the Ano Vermelho and deported many of its elite to Praiamar in an aggressive change in power, the federal government sought to restructure its outlying territories alongside its grasp of power over domestic and metropolitan regions as well. In 1701, just nine years before legal and judicial changes shifted operations of the federal government to newly-established Alahuela, Ceylonia officially became a colony of the republic. Praiamar at the time had largely been subjected to raids by both Cartadanians and Ceylonians alike, attempting to displace the other in power. In 1704, the 44th Cartadanian National Congress was able to exert influence over the northern regions of Ceylonia enough to consolidate power and unite the colonies far-flung cities into a single entity, known as the Território do Ceilão (Ceylon Territory).

Ceylonia's modern history was heavily molded by Cartadanian colonization from the 18th to 20th century. It began with, and was for centuries limited to, coastal settlements and trading posts established starting in the late 17th century along the Sea of Orixtal, though it was considered to be the most important of Cartadania's Cronan continental territories due to its location. Unlike with Porlos in the 18th century, Cartadanian settlers had already established themselves in the interior of Ceylonia during the 18th century as geographic barriers like rivers had already defined neighboring territories, limiting the extent to which the country could grow. Thus, the borders of Ceylonia have remained largely the same since its establishment as a territory in 1704.

Ceylonia has vast mineral and petroleum reserves, and its economy is among the fastest-growing in the world, in part due to foreign investment and economic bolstering from Cartadania, due to their linked economies, as well as Alstin and Tierrador. Ceylonia is considered a stand-out economy within the region due to its quick advancement throughout the 20th century, in spite of the standard of living remaining low for a large part of the populations of neighboring countries. Ceylonians enjoy an average standard of living, heavily influenced by its past and present ties with Cartadania, which actively supports and strengthens its economy, as well as by local powers such as Tierrador and Alstin. In tandem, the life expectancy in Ceylonia is among the highest in the region at 78.2 years, following a trend more typical of demographies in Sarpedon and southern Levantia. Though its economy is still based rather heavily on agriculture, at approximately 26% of the economy, industry is rapidly growing, mainly food and beverages, chemical manufacturing, and aluminum and petroleum production, as well as the tourism sector. The country, though not a part of UNESARP, benefits from the economic output of the union and utilizes its currency, the Real. It is also part of the Community of Lusophone Nations, an international organization representing countries and regions where Cartadanian is an official language, lingua franca, or customary language, where a significant proportion of the population are lusophones (Cartadanian speakers), or where there is a notable affiliation with Cartadanian culture.


Early history

The first inhabitants of Ceylonia originated from several places, with the most notable being from Northern Crona and the areas surrounding Varshan. Many indigenous Cronan tribes began establishing hunter-gatherer settlements across the land, which became the first modern settlements throughout the area. These tribes created the framework for modern civilization in Ceylonia. Between 5,000 and 2,000 BCE, the tribes would transition into agrarian societies, taking heavy influence from an unknown higher power, believed to be associated with the ancient Aonaali Woqalate, with the traditionally nomadic settlements becoming permanent. Groups of indigenous Cronans, including parts of the Youkafee, Yapokee, Ausakio, Antakee, and Tanakeó began to develop complex feudal systems, the earliest of which. Under the Aonaali banner, the Yapokee Woqalate was formed, using the namesake from the most prominent indigenous tribe, the Yapokee tribe. The Yapokee inhabited most areas around the Baia dos Cocos, which consisted of the most fertile soil throughout modern soil. The Yapokee cultivated many crops, such as rice, maize, wheat and cotton, and traded goods with several other vassals of the Aonaali Woqalate, mostly including minerals extracted from pockets across the bay.

Qabóri Conquest

Following the disappearance of the Aonaali Woqalate, the Yapokee Woqalate was severely weakened, as the sole partner of the early nation had been taken out of the picture, there was not a way for the area to thrive as it used to. The subsequent feud between the Qabóri and Abio Woqalates brought a sense of uncertainty throughout the member tribes of Yapokee. After the fall of the Abio Woqalate in 677 AD, the Qabóri Woqalate became increasingly imperialistic, subjugating surrounding lands under their banner. The Yapokee, having been stunted by the Aonaali's fall, proved no match for the much more advanced Qabóri military, as they were coerced into flying the Qabóri banner as a group of qoyalets, or provinces. Despite the initial suppression of Ceylonian indigenous culture, the Qabóri government became more lenient towards the tribes within the area, allowing many unique tribal traditions to occur, under the condition that these tribes pledge allegiance to the Qabóri banner whenever necessary.

The former Yapokee Woqalate was divided into five qoyalets, based solely on the traditional borders of the largest tribes throughout the country. These qoyalets were represented fairly in the qangreč, and received favorable compensation as opposed to different colonies in South Crona. This was due to the area's close proximity with the Woqalate's capital city of Qabór, and that many legislations enforced in the colonies had major influence from the eastern colonies.

Woqalate of Yapokee

Cartadanian colonization

Port cities

Consolidated colony


Ceylon Peace Accord and Independence

Present day


Beach near Monteara on the southern Peninsula.

Ceylonia lies at the southernmost point of the western Songun Peninsula, itself bifurcated into a northern and southern peninsula around the Baía dos Cocos, covering a total area of 372,362.6 square kilometers (143,770.0 sq mi). It lies between the latitudes 7°00′31″ N and 14°04′48″ N and longitudes 135°32′24″ W and 127°00′36″ W. Aside from the southern peninsula, the country is very flat with minimal elevation, which made it incredibly suitable for agriculture throughout its history. On the southern peninsula there is a small range of mountains, known as the Cordilheira dos Cocos, which measures in at only 563.9 kilometers (350.4 mi) and contains Yukatanéo, the highest point in the country and one of the lowest high points in Crona at 1,017 meters (3,337 ft).


Biodiversity and environment



Ceylonia is a unitary semi-presidential republic with a multi-party system, similar to Cartadania's own party-system. The country has maintained a liberal democratic system under its 1964 Constitution, which replaced a territorial charter that established Ceylonia as a full administrative division of Cartadania. As a unitary republic, the central government holds the most power and can create administrative divisions, a legacy of the territorial years, mirroring the style of government Cartadania's territories possess even today, as opposed to the federal system employed by Cartadania's national government. In spite of this, the Ceylonian system of government does consist of several elements derived from the political systems of Cartadania, including a written constitution, a bicameral congress, and an autonomous Supreme court. The Ceylonian government is separated into three branches: the bicameral National Assembly, which is separated into the Senate and the Chamber of Emissaries, and serves as the legislative branch of the nation; the executive branch, which consists of the Head of State (President) and the Council of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister; and the judicial branch, which consists of the Ceylon Supreme Court.

Administrative divisions

Ceylonia is separated into thirteen provinces and two independent cities, the capital city of Santa Maria, located at the northern end of the Baía dos Cocos, and East Sachia, the second largest city situated alongside the western border with Tierrador. Under the Ceylon Constitution, the provinces have an elected provincial government composed of the Provincial Governor and the Provincial Assembly. The governor constitutes the executive body, proposes budgets, and creates decrees, resolutions, and provincial programs. The Provincial Assembly, the provinces' legislative body, debates and votes on budgets, supervises provincial elected officials, and is able to hold votes on removing the governor, deputy governor, or any member of the assembly from office if they see fit. The provincial governor and the Provincial Assembly serve a term of four years, without immediate reelection. These governments plan regional development, execute public investment projects, promote economic activities, and manage public property. The cities of Santa Maria and East Sačia is administered by a municipal council, headed by a mayor. The purpose of devolving power to regional and municipal governments was to improve popular participation and give Ceylonians a greater since of community. NGOs played an important role in the decentralization process and still influence local politics, though remain in check under the national government's regulation. Some areas of Ceylonia are defined as metropolitan areas which may overlap political boundaries and extend into several provinces. The largest of them, the Santa Maria metropolitan area, is the seventh-largest metropolis in the Cronan continent.

Foreign policy

Ceylonia's foreign policies have mostly been heavily influenced by its two progenitor nations: Cartadania and Tierrador. Ceylonia joined the League of Nations following its independence in 1964 and the CCDO in 2030, alongside Cartadania and Tierrador. Historically, the Ceylonia has mostly followed the foreign policy of Cartadania due to its ties to Alahuela and Cartadania's continued presence in the nation and Crona, broadly. However, during the 1950s and 60s, it began to align its foreign policy and relations with Tierrador, all while still keeping close ties with the Sarpedonian power. Approaching the 70s, Cartadania again began to increase influence in Crona and strengthened its diplomatic involvement with Ceylonia, shifting the policies and relations back toward that of Alahuela. Today, Ceylonia’s foreign influence is mostly split half and half between Tierrador and Cartadania.

Ceylonia has remained neutral during the events leading up to the Occidental Cold War as well as the war itself and most other conflicts, though, there are a few exceptions. Ceylonia gave its support to Tierrador and provided passive support during the Tawakee War in 1965. It also was indirectly involved in the Mosquito War, where it once again provided passive support to Tierrador in its campaign against Istrenya. In the 21st century, Ceylonia participated in assisting its Cronan neighbors and Occidental peers in the lengthy conflict against Varshan in Central and Northern Crona through various indirect means.

Military and Law enforcement

The Ceylon Defense Forces are an arm of the Ministry of Homeland Affairs, a branch of the government akin to a Department of Homeland Security in some other countries. It features an active personnel count of 76,000, with an additional 100,000 in reserves, functioning to protect the borders of the country from foreign and domestic threats. However, Ceylonia's lack of a true military means that its international power projection has mostly been controlled by the Cartadanian Armed Forces for Ceylonia's more than three-hundred year history. The domestic Ministry of Homeland Affairs has been responsible for guarding its borders since its inception in 1961, which have largely been protected by geographic barriers, and through agreements with Alstin, as well as de facto understandings with Tierrador, Ceylonia is one of the most guarded nations on the planet. Ceylonia is further protected under Cartadania's mutual defense agreements with Pelaxia (throughUNESARP) and Alstin, with both parties having basing agreements within the country as negotiated and agreed to by Santa Maria. While not under a formal agreement with Cartadania, Tierrador has been in de factor agreement with both Cartadania and Ceylonia under border protection. As a result, Cartadania's Armed Forces will assist Tierradorian forces during any Ceilo-Tierradorian boundary conflicts from outside parties.


Ceylon Financial Center in Santa Maria

Ceylonia, with its mixed economy, represents a dynamic economic landscape that incorporates elements of both market-driven principles and government intervention. It features a substantial gross domestic product of about $1.5 trillion, which is indicative of the nation's robust economic performance and its capacity to generate significant wealth. Ceylonia's economy is qualified high-income, with a GDP per capita of $43,291, ranking the nation amongst one of the highest in Crona. Foreign influence from Ceylonia's Cronan neighbors, most notably Tierrador and Alstin, along with former colonial power Cartadania, have assisted the nation's economy since its independence in 1964. As of 2033, the top industries in Ceylonia were agriculture, tourism, mineral extraction, and automobile manufacturing.

Historically, Ceylonia's economy had been dominated by extractive industries, focusing mostly on sealing, whaling, mineral extraction, native timber, and marijuana. The arrival of Qabóri settlers in 677 AD marked a significant early turning point in the economic landscape for the nation. As the area was slowly integrated into the Qabóri Woqalate, the infusion of the Qabóri settlers brought with them a wealth of knowledge, skills, and traditions that played a pivotal role in shaping the development of newer industries and fostering a more extensive network of overseas trade. This gave Ceylonia a massive economic boost throughout its first colonial period. After being granted semi-autonomy in 1434, as the Yapokee Woqalate, the country kept most of its Qabóri-influenced industries and knowledge of global trade at the time. For the duration of its existence, a little over 250 years, the Qopakee Woqalate mostly kept to South Crona, however, from time to time there would be trade deals with Levantine and Sarpedonian powers, though mostly through the much more powerful and influential Qabóri Woqalate.

Today, Ceylonia ranks highly in production of several goods and services. Its agricultural accomplishments include being in the top-10 of producers of coffee, maize, cotton, papayas, guava, soy, sugarcane, oranges, rice, and bananas. In terms of livestock, the country ranks highly in the production of beef, pork, and chicken meat throughout the world. Ceylonia's mineral extraction industry ranks highly in the production of natural resources such as iron ore, copper, amethyst, lithium, nickel, and manganese. The country is a major exporter of soy, iron ore, bananas, copper, footwear, automobiles, gold, and ethanol.


Tourism in Ceylonia is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country. The country had 4.20 million visitors in 2025, ranking in terms of the international tourist arrivals as the third largest tourist destination in South Crona after Tierrador and Alstin. Natural areas are Ceylonia's most popular tourism product, a combination of ecotourism with leisure and recreation, mainly sun and beach, and adventure travel, as well as cultural tourism. The lush rainforests of central Ceylonia are one of the most visited areas throughout the nation. Santa Maria, the country's capital, is the seventh-most visited city in Crona, averaging about 3.1 million visitors every year. East Sachia ranks eighth, averaging 2.8 million visitors yearly.

Skyline of East Sachia, the second-largest city and an important hub for cruise travel.

Large government sponsored marketing campaigns to attract tourists advertised Ceylonia as an inexpensive and exotic, yet safe, destination for international tourists. Most of the visitors to Ceylonia come from South Crona, however it has seen a rise in Cartadanian tourists due to foreign policy shifts. Most tourists visit between April and August. Ceylonia has a relatively high number of tourists due mostly in part to its location—bordering the much larger Tierrador and using that location to attract visitors to its beaches. The Ceylon Tourism Board regularly advertises in tourist trap areas throughout the Tierradorian regions of Aracadó, Auqali and Las Rozas, encouraging tourists in those areas take one- to three-day trips to the country. Tourism in Ceylonia is largely based on the country's culture, and most tourists tend to visit ancient Yapokee cities.


Science and technology



Ceylonia has a total road network of about 531,000 kilometres (330,000 mi). According to the Ceylon Department of Transportation (CeyDOT), the Ceylon road network is valued at about $110 billion. The road system in Ceylonia is mainly centralized, with several highways running east-to-west and connecting Santa Maria to other cities on the west coast such as East Sachia, Antakee, Novo Sierra, and Saqauwee, as well as several communities in the south and east. The road system in Santa Maria is the densest network in the country, with paved roads connecting the city to virtually every area of Ceylonia. Ceylon roads also handle substantial international traffic, connecting with cities in neighboring Tierrador and The Cape at the numerous border crossing checkpoints. Historically, most of the national highways were privately-owned. However, due to the inconsistency with maintenance leading to poor quality in rural areas, along with ridiculously-high toll costs, the highway system eventually received higher government subsidization, and the CeyDOT eventually took control of most of the paved road system within the nation.


Rail transport is an important element of the country's transport infrastructure. All major cities in Ceylonia are connected by a vast rail transit system. Ceylon Freight Rail mainly operates freight services while HSC operates high-speed passenger commuter services. CeyDOT oversees all rail transit, passenger and freight, and it is one of the most profitable sectors for the organization, generating 38% of the department's total revenue.















Visual arts

See also