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Netansett, officially the Dominion of Netansett (Quonish: Netansettee Gil'ahana), and formerly known by most of the Occident as Huconia until 1910, is a country located in south-central Cusinaut, a subcontinent located in northwest Crona. It is neighbored by the Algosh Republic, a protectorate of Urcea, to the north, Canespa to the west, New Harren, a benefactor confederacy under the presidency of the Apostolic King of Urcea, to the east, and the Kiravian overseas region of Porfíria to the south. It is a semi-federal state where the main subdivisions of the nation have their own legislative assemblies and subnational ministries all the while the central government retains very strong oversight over these subnational entities.

Dominion of Netansett

Netansettee Gil'ahana (Quonish)
Flag of Netansett
Motto: Nestan'o elthash
("Bound Together")
Anthem: Northern and Free
Location of Netansett (green) in Cusinaut (gray).
Location of Netansett (green) in Cusinaut (gray).
and largest city
Official languagesQuonish
  • 39.8% M'acunism
  • 0.3% Other
Demonym(s)Netan (noun)
Netanic (adjective)
Netansetts (plural)
GovernmentSemi-federal assembly-independent republic under an authoritarian semi-democracy
• Autocrat
Maitsoi Taphanso
T'iis Naalnish
LegislatureUrban Council
• Autocracy established
29 April 1840
• Independence secured
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyVempi (NEV)
Driving sideright
Calling code+932

The Netanic people trace their ancestry to some of the earliest prehistoric settlers in Cusinaut from Alshar, with some of the oldest archaeological sites on the subcontinent appearing within Netansett territory. A cohesive Netanic culture began to emerge with the advent and spread of writing during the early medieval period, with a unified Netanic monarchy emerging by the 1400s. Netanic writing and language differentiates sharply from that of the rest of Cusinaut, whose writing and language is inspired by cross-Nysdra cultural exchange with Varshan and other places. As an isolationist society, the Netanic people fought to keep their borders closed to both their neighbors and the Occident, resulting in a series of brutal wars with the Algosh people and later Northern Confederation.

In the early modern period, Kiravia militarily subjugated the Netanic state but did not establish economic overlordship or settler colonies beyond the immediate coastal littral, which became Porfiria; accordingly, the arrival of the colonial era changed very little beyond becoming part of Porfírian colonial claims. In the place of the old monarchy, the eight social tribes established the Hukon League, which eventually became the official representative of indigenous people in the territory claimed by Kiravia; it concluded with the Treaty of Vittēmur in 1773, which created a line beyond which Occidental people could not settle. The Vittēmur line eventually became a jurisdictional boundary between the colonial Porfírian government and the Hukon League, and today forms Netansett's southern border. During the 19th century, the Hukon League would begin social and political integration of its various constituent elements while also gradually gaining further autonomy from the Porfírian colonial government.

In the 18th century, the Netanic people began to grow tobacco, indigo, and other cash crops originally present in the Occident, remaining mostly isolated but funding the state and small economy with highly controlled cash crop exports. This era of Netansett is known primarily as the "export society", wherein the Netanic people managed to maintain independence by becoming a reliable provider of goods to the global market; in turn, the society and state gradually transformed to support this economic model. In the 19th century, the pre-modern Netanic confederated state was reformed into a centralized state. The Netanic people voluntarily opted to put an end to their long-time isolationism and joined the League of Nations in the 1950s.

After the fall of the Northern Confederation in 2009, the Netanic people resumed their centuries-long skirmishing with Algoquona, the new Algosh state. Within this context, the Netanic found new allies in the Occident. Throughout the 2010s, the Netanic state began a rapid period of military and infrastructure modernization while importing Occidental government advisors and cultural materials. It participated in the Final War of the Deluge, fighting against Algoquona and receiving territory at the conclusion of the war. Foreign investment has led Netansett to possess one of the world's fastest growing economies. The economic growth has largely outpaced social and political reform, leading to significant domestic political unrest since 2010, with limited efforts towards democratic reform made to improve Occidental ties. Observers have noted the growing middle class has been becoming increasingly disillusioned with the traditional ruling cliques and planter aristocracy that once held complete dominance and control over Netanic society.


Netansett is the traditional indigenous name for the geographic region the country occupies, its rough translation being "wooded hills". For many years, and even up until Netansett's admission into the League of Nations in the 1950s for some countries, the country was given the Coscivian-originated exonym of "Huconia", itself being derived from the Hukon League, which was a tribal league under the sovereignty of Porfiria. This term was formally disavowed in 1910 as the nation's government began to request other nations to refer to it by its indigenous endonym of "Netansett", though some nations have continued to insist on using "Huconia" in diplomatic relations for the next forty years. The name of the Hukon League is in turn derived from the Treaty of Hukon, which was named after a then-major village in modern Netansett. The term was never officially adopted by the people of Netansett themselves and was only ever used by Occidental countries.


Netansett is a lacklocked country sitting in south-central Cusinaut. It sits entirely below the Arctic Circle.


Prehistory to medieval period

Human history in Netansett can be traced back to the earliest archaeological evidence of human arrival in Cusinaut from Alshar, with rudimentary fishing implements found from about 20,000 BC.

Modern Netansett developed a semi-urban society by around the year 750 BC, with inland agriculture and extensive fishing allowing the growth of an urban corridor along the modern west coast of the country. These population centers did not develop into a fully urban society until well into the 3rd century AD, and for the time the people there largely erected large temporary settlements and migrated within small territories based on whether or not the fish supply in the area was exhausted. Regardless, most of these groups developed into major tribal polities, vying for control of better fishing territories as well as access to important rivers that gave easy access to the rudimentary inland agriculture. The highlands of modern inland Netansett were largely dominated by migratory hunter-gatherer tribes rather than agricultural settlers, though these groups appear to have been deeply integrated within the proto-Netanic trade economy and appear to share largely the same material culture. By the year 100 BC, most of these various groups had consolidated into 10-12 semi-urban coastal groups with various associated inland farming villages and a rotating number of internal hunter-gatherer tribes, ranging from about 20 in 200 BC to 45 in 100 AD.

Netanic culture emerges

A collection of ancient Netanic glyphs. The development of writing among the proto-Netanic laid the foundation for the Netanic culture.

The distinguishing event in the history of the Netansett occurred over the course of the years 450 and 950 AD, when a writing system began to emerge from the peoples living around modern Tsaile. Most historians believe that the Netanic alphabet began as a rudimentary tally system on small wooden blocks used for trade. Accordingly, most scholars believe the Netanic Alphabet emerged as a commercial shorthand that was used between traders in the coastal cities that later found use in political and artistic settings. The first archaeological evidence of literature among the proto-Netanic dates to around 950 AD; it details the life and times of a man called Menla, the ancestor of the author. Scholarly consensus indicates that the Menla Saga was a long-standing oral tradition among his tribe that had been recorded using what was previously commercial language, and most scholars believe the very earliest form of Netanic literature was simple codification and recording of long-extant oral traditions. By around 1050 AD, significant political and social interaction occurred via written record. The advent of writing and literature allowed the tribal peoples of modern Netansett to relate with eachother in ways not previously possible, building a sense of closeness and commonality between them. The availability of written family sagas allowed their proliferation and widespread adoption. By 1150 AD, most of the peoples living in modern Netansett shared the same written language, a shared literary history, and a growing sense of similarity between themselves not shared by other neighboring peoples. Consequently, an identifiable "Netanic culture" emerged by around 1200 AD out of the various proto-Netanic peoples.

While the Netanic were not unique among the peoples of Cusinaut in developing writing, most linguists and historians agree they are the only people in Cusinaut to have independently developed writing, given that most other Cusinaut language alphabets borrow significantly from the common tradition of Varshan and the North Songun civilization that filtered north through the Nysdra. This unique literary style contributed later to the sense of alienness that Netanic people felt from their Cusinautic neighbors, an alienation that would eventually result in the establishment of an isolationist society.

Netanic state established

Although the Netanic people had always shared a similar culture, the growth of neighboring rivals precipitated the establishment of a confederated government. The rise of the power of the Algosh people among others in Cusinaut presented military danger to the Netanic people. According to Netanic histories, the ruler of the modern city of Tsaile, a man called King Sání, called together the other Netanic cities and tribes to a major meeting at Tsaile. According to the traditional version, Sání made an impassioned plea for the Netanic to band together against their enemies, lest they all be destroyed. In a dramatic show, Sání locked the doors and brought in his forty daughters, marrying all of them to the various notables and tribal leaders on the spot, creating the dynastic connections necessary for the establishment of the Netanic League. Most historians believe this tale is a legend, but Sání was a real historical figure and is believed to have been the first leader of the Netanic League, formed in around 1420 AD. For the next four centuries, the Netanic League - sometimes referred to as the Netanic Kingdom - would bind together the Netanic people into a loose confederation which entailed common defense and, increasingly, an open internal trade market. Throughout the rule of the Netanic League, its members eventually coalesced into twelve major socio-political groups similar to kinship groups which retained the historiographical designation of "tribe", though they functioned in a similar fashion to estates in Urcea and Caphiria.

Algosh wars

Beginning in the late 1400s, the Netanic people engaged the Algosh people in a series of wars that would last until the 17th century and the foundation of the Northern Confederation.

It is believed that a very large number of those captured on both sides in the various Netanic-Algosh wars were sold into slavery in Varshan, usually through slave markets on the Seneca Islands. A 2031 genetic test reported that at least 5% of all former slaves in Varshan's west coast region had at least one ethnically Netanic or Algosh ancestor. A legend reports that a group of captive Algosh and Netanic slaves on the islands broke loose of their captors and continued fighting one another, but its unclear if the so-called "Battle of Sakanoma" is based on history or was a later invention.

Global trade and colonization

By the late 1600s and early 1700s, the leaders of the Netanic League grew increasingly concerned about the presence of the militarily powerful foreigners increasingly seen in and around Cusinaut on a yearly basis. Due to their animosity with the neighboring Algosh people, local alliances or membership in the hated Northern Confederation were not an option, so the Netanic League developed a different approach. The decision was made to open one city, Lichai, to Occidental trade, intending to provide large numbers of goods to the Occidentals for relatively low cost in exchange for gold and weapons. Through negotiation, it was determined that Netansett's best contributions would be tobacco and indigo, and prominent Netanic leaders began to build private plantations to grow and harvest these crops for export. The nation's output was relatively small at first, but by 1700 political and social leaders began to fully transition the country into an exporter, creating both social and political institutions to help facilitate the growth and sale of these goods. This process created what was known as the "Export Society", a new set of institutions in Netansett that eliminated many of the remnant migratory tribal lands and massively enriched a small class of planters, who would soon become the leading economic clique in the country by 1720.

The new, wealthy exporters that emerged as a result of the new economic institutions and their new planter elites came to the attention of Kiravia, who sought a colonial interest in Cusinaut and especially sought control of the city of Lichai. Kiravian traders and agents began to work on sowing discord among the members of the Netanic League. This was accomplished by first establishing an island colony in 1709; this new island colony, Porfiria, was largely focused on exploring trade in the area immediately near Lichai and to create a sense of distrust amongst the member tribes of the Netanic League. The hope was that the Netanic League would grow more and more unstable to the point of collapse, thus allowing for the Kiravian colony to establish a new tribal confederation that would be under their sovereignty and influence, giving them a sizeable cut of the profits from the lucrative exports. The efforts of the Kiravian traders, merchants, and agents soon paid off by the mid-18th Century when the member tribes of the Netanic League began to turn against one another, fearing that their former allies would try to eliminate them.

Hukon League

The destruction and disintegration of the Netanic League in the mid-18th Century splintered the twelve former member tribes, who all sought divergent interests under their new Kiravian overlords while at the same time vying for the favor of said overlords in hopes of attaining some sort of influence over the other tribes. Eventually, four of the twelve tribes would find themselves becoming direct subjects of the Kiravian colony of Porfiria through land seizures in the coastal littoral; these four tribes would be disintegrated as a result, thus leaving eight extant tribes. After about a decade or two of economic and military power struggles in the hinterlands of Porfiria, the eight remaining tribes, under the mediation of Porfirian colonists, signed the Treaty of Hukon, named after the village in which it was signed, thus forming the Hukon League in 1764. The Hukon League was established to serve as a means to represent the extant indigenous tribes in Porfiria and as a way for the colony to effectively influence the tribes without shedding further blood. This allowed for the nascent indigenous planter aristocracy to retain immense power and privileges in exchange for paying a flat tax to the Porfirian colonial government to contribute to the overall prosperity of Kiravia. A further treaty, the Treaty of Vittēmur, was signed in 1773 and established the Vittēmur line which forbade non-indigenous people from settling in indigenous territory, thus recognizing the Hukon League as a separate entity within Porfiria.


Throughout the rest of the 18th Century and up until 1840, the Hukon League provided a stabilizing presence for the remaining eight Netanic tribes, allowing them to rekindle inter-tribal friendships and unite so as to potentially avoid the fates that the lost four tribes have met. Indeed, it was during the years of the Hukon League that a distinct and unified Netanic identity would emerge, combining various cultural aspects of the eight tribe as well as the spoken tongues and written languages of said tribes. The resulting standardized Netanic language, Quonish, was created in 1812 to be the unified language of the Netanic peoples in both spoken and written language, and it became one of the major catalysts behind Netanic nationalism. It was also around this time when the Hukon League began to request autonomy from the colonial government of Porfiria as well as consolidating the eight member tribes of the League into a more centralized form of government in great contrast to the confederated governments of both the early years of the League and the previous Netanic League from before. In the late 1830s, the Hukon League soon began to negotiate with the colonial government about the possibility of securing independence. Through compromises and various deals between colonial and indigenous elites, the Hukon League was soon transformed into the independent Dominion of Huconia by April of 1840.

Subservience period

Although its independence was formally established, Netansett was subject to several political and economic treaties as part of the negotiations and deals the Netanic elite had made with the Kiravian colonial elite in Porfiria in order to secure independence. These treaties made it so that an Autocrat could not be sworn in without the approval of Kiravia; if Kiravia rejected the proposed Autocrat then a new election would need to be held to suggest an alternative Autocrat. This kind of political oversight was done so as to ensure that Netansett's Autocrat would remain friendly with Kiravia, thus no Autocrat had dared to take actions that would be deemed contrary to Kiravian interests for fear of being forcibly removed. Extensive economic concessions were also made as a result of these treaties, ensuring that Kiravia would have a monopoly on all Netanic exports from which Kiravia would sell to the rest of the world at a markup. This also meant that Kiravian businesses would often inspect Netanic plantations to ensure that the quality of goods exported from Netansett were of top-notch quality, often with grave consequences should a plantation owner fail to meet these expectations. Nonetheless, both the Kiravians and the Netanic elite were able to maintain a symbiotic relationship for the most part.

With the advent of the Kiravian Civil War and the subsequent period known as the Kiravian Sunderance, with the establishment of Porfíria as a major constituent part of the remnants of the pre-socialist Federacy, Netansett found itself in a newfound position of relative strength and soon began diplomatic and military posturing against the Kiravian remnants in Porfiria. As the remnant could not afford any disruptions in Porfíria while it was more focused on far more pressing matters, the remnants agreed to renegotiate most of its treaties with Netansett. In the resulting 1940 Settlement, Netansett's position relative to Kiravia was reestablished on mostly equal terms, with much of the Kiravian political and economic oversight over Netansett being removed. The Kiravian Union retroactively recognized the 1940 Settlement in 1941 in an effort to normalize its diplomatic relations in Crona and in hopes of swaying Netansett towards socialism someday. The end of the period of economic and political exploitation coincided with the end of the Second Great War, allowing Netansett to join the newly established League of Nations as an independent state.

Modern state established

Throughout much of the Sunderance period, Netansett took great advantage of the overtures made by both the Union and the remnants all the while abstaining from officially recognizing one Kiravian regime over the other. This meant that Netansett was able to maintain good relations with both, which allowed exports to be sold at rates determined by the Netanic government rather than by a foreign power like it had been for the past century. Even with the eventual end of the Sunderance period in 1984 when the Kiravian Union and the remnants united to restore the previous Federacy, Netansett's independence as well as economic and political sovereignty was among the first things to have been assured by the Kiravian government as it instead opted to pursue the possibilities for free trade agreements between themselves and the Netansetts; the latter seeing these agreements as imperative on account of Netansett being a landlocked country. The free trade agreements with Kiravia would also coincide with the formation of a Netanic middle class who, unlike the lower classes and the elites, were noted for being highly Occidentalized and were major proponents of a potential and hopefully eventual liberalization of Netanic politics which would shift the country away from the autocratic republic that has ruled Netansett for many years at this point.

Deluge and Occidentalization

With the beginning of a sixteen-year-long period of geopolitical and military incidents known as the Deluge, Netansett was largely neutral at first as it had no interest nor love for its longtime enemy and rival the Northern Confederation, but when the War of the Northern Confederation resulted in its overthrow by a military coup which reorganized it into Algoquona the Netanic state wound up finding itself resuming a centuries-long skirmish it had with the Algosh people. As the Algosh were fighting against the Occidental powers, that also gave Netansett a wide range of potential allies and new influences over its society. Throughout much of the 2010s, Netansett had embarked on an ambitious program of military and infrastructural modernization to put both in line with Occidental standards. This meant that Occidental advisors and cultural influences were brought in as the Deluge continued. Occidental influences also led to an increase in foreign investment and an unprecedented economic boom that has grown beyond initial socio-political reform targets. The middle class, which was a small demographic in the 1980s, more than quadrupled throughout the 2010s, with the entirety of them calling for further socio-political reforms ranging from further democratization to even a return to federalism.

Land seizures

As part of the overall plan to Occidentalize the nation's economy, Autocrat Maitsoi Taphanso implemented an ambitious policy in 2018 to seize vast plots of land for the construction of major infrastructure, such as highways in exchange for half of its fair market value. This program would inevitably put the government and ruling classes in opposition to the nation's powerful and largely aristocratic planter classes, as their cash crop farms occupied the vast majority of the land area that was to be seized in the interior part of Netansett. Several attempts were made by leading planters to end the policy, but by 2024 it was clear these efforts had failed. In response, about a third of the Council of Ministers and the Chief Minister, aligned with the planters and owning large plots of lands themselves, resigned in protest. This had the effect of both alienating the planter class from the political ruling elite Tsailists but also practically eliminating the influence of the planter class in government. Accordingly, between 2025 and 2030, the rate of land seizures had accelerated, except many of these lands were auctioned off to private Netanic economic interests or even to foreign investors, deeply angering the planter elite. This divide set the administration of Autocrat Taphanso and the planter elite on a political collision course throughout the first half of the 2030s, especially as the continually-growing middle class continues to demand further reforms.

The 2030s in Netansett are marked by an immense increase in dissatisfaction and disillusionment with both the traditional ruling elites and the planter aristocracy as the country's Occidentalization continues.


Netansett is a semi-federal assembly-independent republic under an authoritarian semi-democracy. The current form of government that runs Netansett is often described by many countries as an autocratic republic, which has been in power since 1840, it having succeeded the confederal Kiravic dependency of the Hukon League. The international community, specifically the League of Nations considers Netansett to have a "mostly fair" electoral system through various observations over the years, with voter suppression being surprisingly low despite the consistently low voter turnout. Netansett is notable for being a highly-centralized federation, often being given the term "semi-federation" due to the high central government oversight. Netansett has also been criticized as being an ethnostate, in which non-Netanic individuals are traditionally viewed by both the citizenry and the government as bring transients, and thus have limited civil, political, and economic rights compared to their Netanic neighbors.


Most governing authority is consolidated and established in the person of the nation's chief executive; this position is usually referred to as the Autocrat. According to the constitution, the Autocrat nominally shares the responsibility of governance with the Council of Ministers, the official advisory body to the Autocrat comprising of various ministerial heads that are appointed by the Autocrat himself, and the Urban Council, the nation's unicameral legislature. In practice, the Autocrat wields significant authority in many aspects of Netansett's government, and generally rules for life; very few Autocrats have chosen to retire. Despite the largely powerful role held by the Autocrat, most Netanic Autocrats since the 1930s have ruled as benevolent leaders, opting to allow for elected representatives who have limited power as well as granting the citizenry token civil liberties. Whenever an Autocrat passes away or retires, an election is held wherein candidates are selected from amongst the membership of the Council of Ministers and the Urban Council and are voted directly by the populace. There are currently no known legal methods of forcibly removing an Autocrat from power, mostly due to the Autocrat almost always having the loyalty of the military as well as there having been no precedent for such a hypothetical eventuality.

The Council of Ministers is nominally the official advisory body and the governing cabinet. Its membership comprises entirely of appointees selected by the Autocrat, and the constitution states that the Council shares executive power with the Autocrat, with the latter serving as the chair of all Council meetings. In actuality, the Council serves as a collegiate mouthpiece for the Autocrat, with all members being personal friends and associates of the Autocrat. Ministers generally remain in the Council for approximately a decade before voluntarily retiring; this custom allows for the Council to remain dynamic over long periods of time, though their successors are often their proteges who have been trained with the expectation that they would be guaranteed a seat once their predecessor retires. The head of the Council of Ministers is the Chief Minister of Netansett, who typically serves as the Autocrat's second-in-command in a capacity similar to that of a vice president in most presidential republics.


The Urban Council is the unicameral legislature of Netansett. It is comprised of forty members, each representing the largest municipalities and townships, and is elected by the general public under a system of proportional representation. The constitution gives the Urban Council significant budgetary oversight, but in practice membership is seen as honorary which usually marks each member out for future responsibilities that could win them an appointment into the Council of Ministers. Many international observers have noted that the membership of the Urban Council always consists of both members of the planter aristocracy and friends and associates of either the incumbent Autocrat or a previous Autocrat. There is no set amount of years for a term in the Urban Council, with the average being seven to nine years before the Autocrat dissolves the current session of the Urban Council to make way for a legislative election. Very few people outside of the planter aristocracy or an Autocrat's inner circle has been able to be elected into the Urban Council, and those that have are often those who have won the Autocrat's favor.

Local governance

As a semi-federal republic, Netansett has forty subnational divisions, each corresponding to the forty largest municipalities and townships throughout the country. Each of these areas has their own legislative assemblies, all unicameral, and their own subnational ministries. The head of each of these subdivisions also serve as their representatives in the Urban Council, thus meaning that in practice the leadership of each of the forty subdivisions are largely honorary and highly dependent upon the whims of the Autocrat. This also means that there is a very strong oversight from the central government when it comes to subnational matters. Indeed, no laws or policies cannot be enacted on either the national and subnational unless the Autocrat personally approves of them, despite the constitution saying otherwise.


Netanic culture is ancient and well documented due to the Netanic people's relatively early adoption of writing by Crona standards. Netanics are mostly described as extremely xenophobic as a result of their historical position of isolationism.

Since the beginning of the major growth of the economy in the 21st century, Netanic society has been largely divided into four distinct groups. The two elite groups are the political and military elite (the so-called "Tsailists") and the planter class. The Tsailists are a small group of interrelated families who have exercised the majority of political and military control of the country since the establishment of the Autocracy in 1840. They descend from prominent tribal leaders and generals that existed at that time. The planters, meanwhile, are the small group of economic elites who made hereditary fortunes from the growth of cash crops, though their economic clout has gradually waned with the Occidentalization of the economy. Their influence has waned in favor of the middle class, the urban-dwelling beneficiaries of the economic growth and transition to an urban, Occidental-style economy. The last social group are a group collectively referred to as "peasants", though they really possess both rural smallholding subsitence farmers as well as the working poor of Netansett's growing cities. The political and economic tension between these four groups has led to increasing social instability since the dawn of the 21st century.



The Netanic culture has a long historical relationship with literature, ranging back from the first written accounts of oral traditions recorded in the 10th century.



Due to the long term isolation of the Netanic people, Netanic M'acunism has developed into an almost sub-sect of M'acunism. Netanic M'acunism tends to be more in line with the Man School of M'acunist belief, but also possesses some characteristics from the other schools as well. In a development taking place during the colonial period of Netansett Catholic beliefs seeped there way into the general practices and beliefs of M'acunism due to M'acunism being more open ended. Due to this the belief of Makuahine as an Earth goddess is fading and the belief in the great oneness is fading to.


Linguistic Demographics

Religious Demographics


Religious affiliations in Netansett (2030)

  M'acunism (39.8%)
  Insular (16.2%)
  Catholic (Latin) (5.1%)
  Collegiate (0.4%)
  Other (0.3%)

Because Netansett and its predecessor the Hukon League have been under the long-term colonial influence of Kiravia through its colony of Porfiria, various denominations of Christianity make up the majority of religious adherents in Netansett. Catholicism is the largest religious denomination in the country when counting both the particular Latin and Coscivian churches, the total amount of Catholics comprises just over 43% of the population in Netansett. The Insular Apostolic Church, a Celtic-based denomination of Christianity primarily developed and concentrated in Kiravia, makes up approximately 16% of the population. The remaining portion of Christians in Netansett are Protestants, all of whom belonging to the Collegiate tradition and comprise just less than 0.5% of the population of Netansett.

A significant and sizeable minority of the population of Netansett remain as adherents of the indigenous M'acunist belief system, and can be considered the overall plurality religion of the country if one were to consider the Coscivian and Latin rites of the Catholic Church to be separate faiths despite the two denominations recognizing the supremacy of the papacy in Urceopolis; those who interpret the two particular churches to be separate denominations tend to be Netansetts who are highly nationalistic, many Netansetts, however, interpret the two particular churches to be simply two sub-denominations of the same church. It has been noted and observed that a second wave of Christianization is currently occurring in Netansett in the wake of the the Deluge as well as the recent policies in Occidentalization and modernization, with missionaries of the Latin Church making major inroads in the country since at least 2010.

The remaining 0.3% of the population are adherents of denominations that are simply not large enough to warrant being given their own designation. This minority mostly consists of adherents of indigenous Cronan faiths other than M'acunism such as Orthodox Arzalism, which has often been confused for being a sect of M'acunism due to the relatedness of the two faiths, but the two have diverged quite a bit since the 1970s once human sacrifice fell out of fashion in M'acunism.


The economy of Netansett was traditionally based on subsistence agriculture, with a few actors in the economy growing cash crops on very large estates for export; these cash crops represented the majority of Netansett's trade revenue. Since the dawn of the 21st century, however, the construction sector has been the largest part of the Netanic economy as major infrastructure continues to be built across the nation. These large projects, connecting villages and cities with modern highways and railways, were first funded with foreign aid but since 2025 have increasingly had private and domestic government capital funding construction. With construction has come new retail and real estate sectors, as cities have grown steadily since 2002 requiring homes and consumer goods. As the economy has shifted from rural agriculture to urban life, the GDP has doubled in approximately 20 years, with its 2030 GDP PC of $17,296 dwarfing many of its neighbors. The economic transformation has largely disrupted the traditional "big planter" class as the government has repossessed parts of the massive estates once common throughout the country, decreasing overall cash crop exports as the agricultural sector has declined. The discovery of major uranium reserves in the Cusinaut interior has also led to the creation of a major mining sector.

The Netanic economy is mostly deregulated in order to encourage continued economic prosperity.

Due to the lack of an oceanic port, Netansett is largely dependent on its relationship with Porfíria to maintain its exports.
