Coscivian National Congress
Coscivian National Congress Koskix Ɣûdrax Thríormor | |
Secretary-General | Devar Hytriloden |
Caucus Chair | Kovetskur Aroĥin |
Whip | Míronin Valdra |
Founded | 21190 |
Headquarters | №18, 29-ram, Vernotren, Kartika |
Newspaper | Coscivian Political Review |
Membership (21204) | 400 million |
Ideology | National conservatism Coscivian nationalism Neomercantilism Developmentalism Neorealism Anti-Westernism Irredentism Factions: Restarkism Post-liberalism Ethnofederalism Petronationalism |
Federal Stanora | 52 / 545 |
The Coscivian National Congress is a caucus of political parties and independents in the Federal Stanora organised around a platform affirming the political importance of Coscivian cultural identity, national conservative principles, economic nationalism. The CNC is often described as right-wing by Western observers, though it is better described by its position relative to the other legislative cacuses: The Congress agenda is more étatist, centralist, and explicitly identitarian than the Shaftonist-Republican Alliance, and is far more supportive of a strong role for the state in the economy and less supportive of expanding international trade. Compared to the Caritist Social Union it has a more civilisational and nationalistic ethos than a religious one, and takes umbrage with the CSU's international humanitarianism, welcoming stance on immigration, and pro-Levantine sentiment. It has a more modernist and urban-industrial orientation than the Caucus of Justice and supports a much larger, stronger, and more centralised government and a more active foreign policy. Although it grew out of the anti-Kirosocialist National Renewal Movement, on most policy matters (particularly economics) the CNC finds itself closer to the Kirosocialist New Deal Alliance than to the other NRM caucuses, but rejects the Kirosocialist focus on class struggle in favour of national unity and opposes its goal of building a "socialist culture" and "socialist civilisation", preferring organic Coscivian culture as the basis of the nation.
Coscivian Nationalism
Coscivian Nationalists believe that the culture, history, and public institutions of the Kiravian Federacy are fundamentally Coscivian in character, that Kiravia is inseparable from the wider Coscivian world, and that a Coscivian cultural and civic identity is essential to Kiravia's survival and functioning as a nation. The CNC rejects cosmpolitanism and liberal multiculturalism, while at the same time celebrating the rich internal diversity of Coscivian civilisation and affirming the legal and social equality of the Federacy's "national minorities" (Kiravite Aboriginals, Celts, and Khars).
The current "third wave" of the Coscivian National movement began after the fall of Kirosocialism and the reversal of its isolationist and protectionist policies by the Shaftonist-Republican Alliance in order to encourage foreign trade and investment. This resulted in unprecedented exposure to Western media and material culture, as well as direct personal contact with Westerners, and engendered fears among many that Coscivian civilisation would soon succumb to Westernisation and become part of the homogenised, globalist "world culture". Views of Western civilisation among Coscivian Nationalist politicians vary from the simple assertion that Western ways are for Westerners while Coscivian ways are for Coscivians to the idea that Western civilisation is deeply flawed and morally inferior to Coscivian civilisation, or more extremely, the idea that Western civilisation is an active force for ill in the world. Anti-Westernism among CNC members and voters is also driven by opposition to the materialism, secularism, crass commercialism, and utilitarianism with which Westernity is associated in the Kiravian public consciousness.
Coscivian Nationalists reject the idea that Westernisation is necessary for modernisation and economic development, and strongly support government investment in manufacturing, infrastructure, science, technology, and space exploration. Antimodernist and agrarian voters, while opposed to Westernisation, tend to prefer candidates affiliated with the traditionalist wing of the Caucus of Justice. While the caucus is often characterised as "socially conservative", many political scientists reject this classification, preferring the term "culturally conservative", as most analyses suggest that the caucus line is not significantly more conservative than the average Kiravia voter on issues of public morality.
The CNC is often described by the foreign press as a racial nationalist party, a label that the caucus itself rejects. Former caucus chair Fíderalus Votomaxivan once famously told a reporter "Svatūroyarisēn? Dhikēdes. É síśank ōs kreśkantôdya" (Racial supremacy? Not here. That shit is for Caucasians.)
Coscivian Nationalists are fiercely opposed to liberalisation of the Federacy's ethnically preferential and highly bureaucratic immigration system, believing that allowing streamlined immigration and naturalisation procedures for Coscivian immigrants while actively limiting immigration by non-Coscivians is necessary to preserve Kiravia's Coscivian culture. This largely manifests itself in support for the status quo of Kiravian immigration policy, but some CNC members take harsher stances, seeking to roll back the comparatively liberal Mérovin- and Candrin-era reforms of long-term visa and permanent residency policies, impose greater restrictions on non-Coscivian groups (including entry bans on particular nationalities, even for tourism), or even ban non-Coscivian immigration altogether.
Coscivian Nationalists are opposed to the expansion of English language education in public schools, and suggest diverting funding for English education to courses on Latin and the Pauldustllahani language instead.
Law and Order
Alongside energy policy, law and order is considered the most prominent and electorally-effective plank of the CNC platform. [I had handwritten notes on this I should find and add].
On the state level, many CNC affiliates have raised their profiles and increased their presence in state legislatures and local governments by pledging to crack down on corruption. This strategy has proven particularly effective in states with long histories of dominance by SRA or CSU affiliates. Federally, the CNC seeks harsher penalties for corrupt officials, stricter laws on campaign finance, higher standards of ethics for Stanora delegates, and the creation of a single independent agency dedicated to rooting out corruption.
Economic issues have become increasingly important to the CNC platform. The caucus broadly supports a mixed economy structured in accordance with economic nationalist principles, in contrast to the more free-market programme of the SRA and LG. Coscivian Nationalists oppose neoliberalism and support the use of subsidies, protective tariffs, and state-owned enterprises to promote development, secure stable standards of living for Kiravians and protect the Federacy from the influence of foreign governments and business interests. Many Coscivian Nationalists have mercantilistic tendancies, and seek to maximise Kiravian relative power by encouraging interstate commerce over foreign commerce and creating a positive balance of trade.
The caucus' critics, particularly in the SRA and the reformist wing of the CR, assert that Coscivian Nationalist hardline positions against English education, public use of the Gregorian calendar, and temporary migration unnecessarily discourage trade and investment.
Energy Policy
Kiravia is heavily dependent on foreign energy imports, as the demand created by its large economy and population vastly outstrip domestic supply. A consistent and popular plank of the CNC platform has been using state policy to stabilise fuel prices, insulate the Kiravian economy from global commodity market shocks, and work toward energy independence. The CNC caucus platform identifies reliability of the Federacy's energy supply as a matter of national security.
The current CNC caucus line calls for the establishment of a state petroleum corporation and nationalisation of the domestic oil and gas industry. Such a corporation would be used to implement price controls, engage in oceanic and colonial oil exploration, and seek drilling rights in oil fields in developing countries to supplement the supply pipeline.
The CNC is the most centralist of the major caucuses, supporting a strong federal government with an active role in both setting legislative and administrative norms and standards for the states (either through legislation or sponsorship of interstate compacts) and directly implementing nationwide programmes. A key legislative agendum of the CNC is harmonising commercial and professional regulations among the states and creating a more seamless environment for interstate commerce. CNC legislators also typically support measures to set nationwide standards in education, especially with regard to language and cultural instruction.
Since 21206, the CNC caucus line has called for the reform of the Federacy's asymmetric federal system and rationalisation of the formula by which Stanoral seats are apportioned among federal subjects. It calls for all external territories and unincorporated overseas territories to be constitutionally integrated into the national patrimony.
Foreign Policy
The CNC supports a strongly realist foreign policy focused on ensuring Kiravian security by maximising its relative power and creating a balance of power favourable to Kiravian interests in Ixnay and beyond. It opposed the humanitarian interventions that Kiravia participated in under the Rénkédar and Mérovin administrations, while nonetheless supporting the military appropriations bills necessary to carry them out. Believing military force to be a key tool of foreign policy, the CNC supports high military spending, expanding Kiravia's power projection, and military interventions that advance Kiravian interests and protect pro-Kiravian régimes.
The CNC are ardent national sovereigntists and staunch opponents of liberal internationalism, which CNC leader Devar Hytriloden has called "the ideological vehicle for destruction of world cultures with a sterilised post-Western non-culture." Several different philosophical approaches to foreign policy coexist within the Coscivian nationalist movement and the CNC, including isolationism and insularism, "Coscivian internationalism" and Pan-Coscivianism, alter-mondialism, and "conservative internationalism". Over time, the CNC caucus line has drifted away from the more isolationist attitude inherited from Kirosocialism, and more toward a hawkish realist stance. The CNC is supportive of overseas intervention on behalf of Coscivian minorities and "pro-Kiravian" stateless peoples.
They have consistently opposed the Federacy's membership in the Ixnay League of Nations and traditionally introduce a bill demanding withdrawal from the League at the beginning of each legislative cycle. Though initially only lukewarm in their support of KATI due to fears that it would involve Kiravia in humanitarian interventions and democracy-promotion initiatives abroad, the CNC have become more supportive of the alliance over time, claiming that it strengthens the Federacy's military and intelligence presence worldwide and helps protect Kiravian colonies in Ixnay. The accession of Umcara, a close Kiravian ally of Coscivian heritage, to KATI is seen as a major turning point in the CNC's attitude toward the organisation, and Amerigan participation in pan-Cronan organisations such as CKOCA and the CUDA are credited with securing CNC approval of Kiravian membership.
Electoral Performance
Because many of the CNC's key policy positions concern issues of strictly federal competency (foreign policy, immigration, international trade), the member parties of the caucus tend to perform much better in federal elections than in state elections. For example, in the 21206 elections in the state of Hiterna, the Civic Order Party (a CNC affiliate) won two out of three Hiternan seats in the Stanora, but only 10 out of 50 seats in the state legislature.
Traditionally, the caucus' strongest voter base has been middle-class (especially lower middle-class) males of Coscivian ethnic background living in the outer settlements and exurbs of metropolitan areas of Great Kirav and Arenica and in smaller miropolitan areas of Upper Kirav. However, the caucus' pursuit of lower energy prices, better law enforcement, and improved social programs have won it more votes from the working class and women in recent years. The CNC enjoys strong support from members of the Kiravian armed forces, veterans, and policemen. In ethnic terms, Antaric Coscivian and Eastern Coscivian groups tend to turn out the most for the CNC, as do the Kikik Coscivians and Izovi Coscivians. Coscivian returnees from territories lost by Kiravia, such as the Wintergen Coscivians of Svéntren Refugee Camp are also strongly attracted to the CNC's irredentist positions.
As one might expect, declared CNC candidates in Great Kirav poll very poorly among non-Coscivian minorities, although in some elections local CNC affiliates have attracted a small number of urban Celtic- and Finno-Ugrian-Kiravian votes in Upper and Central Kirav. This is less true in overseas territories. For example, the Island Nation Party reliably attracts significant (albeit minority) support from the native Barikol, and also from the Lusophone and Burgittan communities.
Strong defence and foreign policy stances have made the CNC extremely popular in Kiravia's overseas possessions in Ixnay: The CNC-affiliated United State Party holds 19 out of 30 seats in the Crimea State Assembly, and 15 out of 40 seats in the Xelphian Congress. It is also well-supported in the oil-rich colonies of Arôgia and Vortisia.
Member Parties
Caucus members (with sitting Delegates)
State | Party | Delegates |
![]() |
One Direction Party | 1 / 3
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Order & Justice Party | 1 / 5
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Independent Development Party | 1 / 5
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Civic Order Party National Conservative Party |
2 / 4
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United Kannur Party | 1 / 3
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Alternative Party | 1 / 5
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Island Nation Party | 2 / 2
File:Seváronsa Flag.png Seváronsa | Kiritsuv Imaxaran (independent) | 1 / 2
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Suderav Republic Party | 1 / 3
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Coscivian People's Party | 1 / 4
Conference members
State | Party |
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National Party |
File:FarinaFlag.png Fariva | National Conservative Party |
File:Tryhstian Flag.png Tryhstian Littoral | Federal People's Party |
Consultative members and Foreign Partners
State | Party |
Trans-Oceanic Peoples' Association | |
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United Pribraltar Party |
File:Tryhstian Flag.png Tryhstian Littoral | Federal People's Party |