Third Kin War

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The Third Kin War was a conflict which took place between Faneria and Fiannria in 1820-23. It was waged over control of the Fiannrian Vandarch Regions (?) and to force the concession of the isles of ______ and _____ along the Nordskan coast.

Third Kin War
Part of Fanerian-Fiannrian Kin Wars

Fhainnin and Fiannrian regulars clash in Srathlann, 1821
DateApril 1, 1820 - March 28, 1823
Northern Levantia

Fanerian victory

  • Parts of Sorhaithe ceded to Faneria
  • Fiannrian Vandarch(?) ceded to Faneria
 Faneria  Fiannria
Commanders and leaders
  • Kingdom of the Fhainn Name (5th Army)
  • Kingdom of the Fhainn Name (8th Army)
  • Kingdom of the Fhainn Name (10th Army)
  • Kingdom of the Fhainn Name (12th Army)
  • Kingdom of the Fhainn Name (14th Army)
  • Fiannria
  • Fiannria
  • Fiannria
  • Units involved
  • Royal Army
    • 5th Army
    • 8th Army
    • 10th Army
    • 12th Army
    • 14th Army
  • Army of Fiannria (?)
  • Background and Causes

    Northern Campaign

    Southern Campaign

    Ships of the Royal Navy bombard Fiannrian positions, 1820
    Siege of ______, 1820
    Battle of _____, 1820
    Fiannrian cavalry counter-charge, First Gwynneathsglen 1821
    First Battle of Gwynneathsglen, 1821
    Arrival of ships purchased by Fiannria from Burgundie in _____, 1821
    Fiannrian cavalry charge at Saelaer, 1821
    Battle of Saelaer, 1821
    Illustration of the Battle of ______, 1822
    The Last Charge of Gawaen's Curiassiers, 1822
    Second Battle of Gwynneathsglen, 1822
    Royal Guards engage the Southern Free Corps at Second Gwynneathsglen, 1822
    Royal Army engages Derian Volunteer Legion, 1823
    Battle of Marlin, 1823
    Battle of Suttersdun, 1823

    Treaty of Sethsport
